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Everything posted by Zguy28

  1. Was FDR a Nazi for interring Japanese-Americans? Nope. But if the conservative media starts repeating it enough, yes he was. Same on the left, if you call people racists enough, pretty soon doesn't matter if its true or not, they are (because we humans like to blame the "they"), and anybody who aligns one iota politically speaking with them is one and their the enemy too, not to be tolerated. That's my point. Some of the posters on this board are masters of inflaming other posters they align with or trolling. I know a guy in real life, cares deeply for the unborn, nice as can be, loves people of color and advocates foster care, but all his emails use words like "extremely" over and over. Makes everything he doesn't agree with seem like its the worst work of the Devil himself. Drives me nuts. There is no denying that Trump's admin plays right out of the Goerbbles playbook though.
  2. Controlling the narrative and flow of information has always been key to controlling populations. Now we are in an age more saturated with information than ever before and that makes it almost infinitely more difficult for the average person to critically parse it. On top of that is social media, where rhetoric and buzz words/phrases shape other's opinions. Words and phrases like racist, extreme, leftist, commie, Nazi, ripped away, etc. get sometimes into the social consciousness. Sometimes it is a right application, other times its not because it is used to inflame only.
  3. Maybe I'm misunderstanding you (I don't have a full college degree HA! ) but are you saying that not enough people are getting higher ed? What about the stuff I hear about too many college grads, burdened with overwhelming debt, not being able to find a job relevant to it? Or the fact that you have a GOP governor in MD setting aside $15 million a year for tuition help to incentivize lower income (<$120K single parent/$150K two parent combined) families to stay in state and use community college? Or are you talking about K-12?
  4. I would never say always, but in many cases yes. However, as a conservative myself, I can say many of my fellow conservatives since Trump are the biggest bunch of snowflakes...more so than Bernie's Millennial minions. They take their marching orders from a narcissist who is literally unable to take any form of criticism at all and may be the second coming of Tiberius Caesar.
  5. Yeah it actually does. You can't give fundies (on either side) an inch or they run a mile with it.
  6. I don't normally read the Daily Mail out of the UK, it looks like a tabloid. But if this is true, it means two things: 1) it underscores the importance of being careful with what you use, image wise, to further your point or cause.. 2) not being careful makes you look like a liar and gives ammo to the opposition to claim you made stuff up or manufactured a crisis to further your own political agenda or vendetta. The little girl crying was never separated from her Mom, who claimed asylum, only in order to get a better job, and left her husband and other children behind. Ugh. And now she is the poster child for family separation. Way to go. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5869829/amp/Father-two-year-old-face-child-separation-crisis-speaks-out.html more at link.
  7. We'll see. This was yesterday: https://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2018/06/19/trump-immigration-legislation-separation-monstrosity-mexico-help-sot.cnn/video/playlists/donald-trump-immigration/
  8. For our generation. Not if you ask Japanese-Americans. We will see at the next election. As much as I despise the Democrat's stance on abortion (murder of children...note the hypocrisy I feel they are guilty of, but that doesn't negate them speaking on the current issue we're dealing with), I hope they win in a blood bath and it forces some sort of moderate conservative reform movement or party to either take hold of the GOP or form a new one.
  9. Good to see Congress trying to do something and to see at least 12 GOP Senators standing against the President. People need to be held accountable, but more energy needs to be focused on doing something to fix it instead of a blame game. Solve the issue, then cast blame, Nuremberg style (I mean after the resolution, not the death penalty aspect).
  10. By the way, prosecuting asylum seekers is likely a law AND treaty violation. Can we prosecute Miller and Sessions yet? https://www.humanrightsfirst.org/blog/asylum-seekers-wrongfully-prosecuted-border As of now, Feinstein's legislation has ZERO GOP support.
  11. They won't have to... at least initially. First the Dem's may cave on it. Then Trump will target Mexico with something like "help pay for it or we will dump 5 million illegals over the border. Have fun." God, this is disgusting.
  12. If the Dem's cave to the heartstring-based pressure and fund the Wall, you will have a second Trump term. He is forcing them into a corner where soon they will either give him anything to make it stop or sacrifice these children and their parents in the stand against him. It really may be a no win situation for the Democrats. What seems like the lesser of two evils now (the Wall), may be bigger evil in the long run, since it will further a 2020 repeat. The art of the deal again I suppose. We have no choice at this point, remove zero tolerance, and kick the can. Unfortunate downside is it likely removes any motivation to truly fix things.
  13. It becomes a necessary consequence wwhen the parents are prosecuted and therefore sent to a Federal jail. The kids can't go with them, so they go to their own little prison.
  14. I feel like those who want the Wall are just taking a calculated risk. They said "there's a chance we can leverage the cries of the children" Either way, they keep the "dirty foreigners" out or at least appear to their voters to be trying. Disgraceful.
  15. Even Franklin Graham, who is (sadly because I love Samaritan's Purse) one of Trump's big supporters is against this. The FAQs: What You Should Know About Family Separation at the Border https://www.thegospelcoalition.org/article/the-faqs-what-you-should-know-about-family-separation-at-the-border/ Rest at link
  16. Its according to their book of discipline. They have their own church court.
  17. Somebody needs to hack Fox News and display real images of these camps so Trump can see them instead of photos of smiling kids playing video games which is what his staff shows him.
  18. Here you go. https://www.humanrightsfirst.org/blog/trump-administration-putting-no-vacancy-sign
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