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Everything posted by s0crates

  1. Holy ****. Crazy story Bliz. I don't quite know what to say . . . I'm sure there is a quip about the family that plays together to be had here.
  2. It seems to me the angry types are attracted to law enforcement careers.
  3. I met him once too. There were throngs of fans trying to see him. He took time to take pictures, sign autographs, etc. He seemed really nice to me too.
  4. He's a pastor?I guess they aren't taking the whole gluttony thing as seriously as they used to take it.
  5. My guess was going to be "never been poor." Interestingly, the expression "al dente" translates "to the teeth."
  6. This is gold. Happy Halloween. http://foodspin.deadspin.com/candy-corn-is-garbage-1653312351
  7. Nothing in science is ever settled, that's a basic principle of scientific theories (that they be falsifiable), not a criticism of them.
  8. http://vipbox.biz/football/watch-1d6rb-jacksonville-jaguars-washington-redskins#
  9. EDIT: Wrong thread again. I should stop doing that.
  10. Picking up where we left off last year I see.
  11. I'm hoping to prevent disasters in large population centers like New York and L.A. as much as it is within our power to do so. Of course there are some dangers we can't prevent, but that is no excuse for ignoring the ones we can. I'm all for making that investment, among others.
  12. I'm a little worried about coastal cities being under water myself. Climate change or not, you'd think we should all be a little more concerned about things like biodiversity, soil erosion, air pollution, and loss of fresh water.
  13. I always vote. In a close race I vote for the least terrifying prospect. In a landslide I vote for Mickey Mouse. In primaries my guy never has a chance (e.g . Kucinich, Ron Paul). I suspect this has more to do with the media than the people.
  14. Pretty sure those guys are pumping money into both sides. International corporations run things. It's a no win situation.
  15. This line of reasoning would be more persuasive if many (most?) of us didn't feel like we were always choosing the lesser evil. I've never had the opportunity to vote for somebody who really represents me. The two party system is broken. I always felt like most people here were pretty conservative.
  16. Not much of a Star Trek guy, but I could see it being good. I would be surprised if a network took a chance on it though. Consider the large audiences for reality TV with its low production costs. Why take a chance on a big budget show (what with real scripts, good actors, special effects, directors , etc.) that may or may not have as large an audience? Reality TV all but killed that kind of television. There are a few exceptions, I know a lot of people like Breaking Bad and Lost for example. I just think networks seem more and more inclined to the reality crap.
  17. ESPN just compared Morris to Davis, so apparently I'm not the only one after all.
  18. Alfred Morris reminds me a lot of Stephen Davis. Am I the only one seeing this?
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