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Everything posted by skinfan2k

  1. a 7 inning double header would reduce the pen work by 4 innings!
  2. during game week they will be under 175.
  3. Vegas flights are out on Southwest for those interested in going to the game in early Dec
  4. Just booked 4 vacations for this fall. 3 road games and 9 days in hawaii!
  5. 3.5 games out of first place. No strasburg and no offense. Someone like Bell or Kyle can get hot and carry this team. Just watch
  6. Umm its time to reopen things if people are getting shots. He is doing his job regardless of the crap he is involved in
  7. Funding for these public projects is done thru appropriations of govt dollars.
  8. Considering all the shots we are getting used up and the % of people every day is going up, i dont think they will consider it mandatory until there is an ample supply left and the number finally plateaus. Considering all the shots we are getting used up and the % of people every day is going up, i dont think they will consider it mandatory until there is an ample supply left and the number finally plateaus. Considering all the shots we are getting used up and the % of people every day is going up, i dont think they will consider it mandatory until there is an ample supply left and the number finally plateaus.
  9. I work at DOD and know of our rates of vaccine deployment and i listen to generals every day about the rate.
  10. Don't worry the vaccine will be required by the military and for deployments soon. It really depends. I still have back aches from the shot 1 week later. my sister was out with 101 2 years after. my parents were tired as hell.
  11. How would you monitor the taxes for the miles driven? When you get your car emissions checked?
  12. apparently it is best to exercise and lift after shot 2
  13. Looks like the Biden Admin is increasing the proportion they pay to insurance providers to give out the vaccine. This will help alot
  14. So happy my original idea on ES has been going on every year!! I started this back in 2004!
  15. i got moderna 2 yesterday and my arm hurts but nothing so far. CVS releases appts at 615am every day btw
  16. Somehow magicaly the border is open on those years when a democrat is in office.
  17. does anyone have PGAtour 2k21. im looking for something to play on xbox. i haven't turned on my machine in over 6 months!
  18. the reopen plays are back. thank god i shifted a bunch into hotels, airlines, Boeing and casinos.
  19. Spac mergers always **** the bed. They are pumped up by too many twitter fools, you just have to get in at the right time and get out before the merger. I was in Nikola 100 shares at 40 pre merger and then it skyrocketed to 92 on the first day or two and then crashed.
  20. I bought 100 shares at 17 and i sold an option that expired last night at 40. I made 2500 off CCIV. could have made a little more if i didn't sell the option but who knew it would run up to 65 from 17 in 3 weeks!! Also just got my Robinhood tax form back and i made over $650K in transactions in day trading. :x
  21. https://www.kiplinger.com/taxes/601197/what-trumps-payroll-tax-cut-will-mean-for-you If you made less than 4k per pay period gross and your company participated in the payroll tax deferral, you have until april 1 to pay. Thats why you have to pay @Springfield
  22. wasn't there a change in payroll taxes therefore you would get more in your paychecks?
  23. my arm was pretty dead for shot 1. i anticipate a dead weekend for shot 2.
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