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Everything posted by Xameil

  1. Damn...does that mean i need to get x or twitter or whatever its called now....damnit
  2. Should we have a meeting point in case it happens again...like when you have a fire escape plan at school or work? The alarm goes off, everyone goes over to the spot across the parking lot. I nominate TK to do the head count.
  3. Im assuming the Dr who came up with this conclusion is a married woman...
  4. As I mentioned earlier in here. Maine is insanely easy to purchase a gun. It was obvious these were legally purchased guns. The failure is that it was known he had a mental illness, and from what I read the police were warned about him. The police failed. Also what Ive read about Maine is that if you are involuntarily admitted to a psyche ward, you lose tour guns. So, my question is, was he ever involuntarily admitted? I believe I read somewhere that atvine point he was in an instition for his mental problems. Edit: I just found this quote. The system kinda worked...but once he was rejected for the silencer, they probably ahould have followed up on him... He came in and filled out the form, he checked off a box that incriminated himself saying that he was in an institution,” Rick LaChapelle, owner of Coastal Defense Firearms, said. “Our staff was fantastic, let him finish filling out the form, and said, ‘I'm sorry, Mr. Card, we cannot give you this… at this point in time, we cannot release this silencer to you because of the answers that you've given us.”
  5. Oh heres more for ya on Maine gun laws... https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna122293 Oh..and I just read in that link...he was a gun instructor...so rhe guns were probably his @tshile So..lets get back to those facts you wanted to discuss...
  6. I didnt tell ypu how he got the guns, because yes, it wasnt stated. What I said is its Maine, he was ex-military...connect the dots. Or are you that obtuse? If you are questioning the mental health of the suspect... Here ya go... https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cbsnews.com/amp/boston/news/robert-card-maine-mass-shooting-person-of-interest/ Dont be an ignorant obtuse ass....better?
  7. Dude...dont be an ignorant ass...its Maine. The easiest state to get a gun in. Why dont you do alittle research. Im a gun owner as well, and even I know when someone should have their guns taken from them. Literally, ALL the red flags were there.
  8. If im being honest...who gives a flying **** about classifying based on how many died. Fact of the matter is, a mentally ill person who if I read correctly, spent time in an institution, did not have his guns removed. Which, on a quick search, Maine claims to remove guns from people involentarily admitted to a psyche ward. This is the problem.....once this guy had a diagnosed mental illness, he should have had his guns removed.
  9. This reminds me of a line from Broken Arrow... Giles Prentice : I don't know what's scarier, losing nuclear weapons, or that it happens so often there's actually a term for it. Lol fair enough...carry on
  10. Are you guys actually arguing about the semantics of the term mass shooting?!?
  11. Im just here to make sure you dont take your hippie, all inclusive ways and extend the awesomeness of a sandwich to a wrap. A wrap has its own awesomeness as being the cold version of a burrito
  12. What we need is a Varsity Blues ending with the players telling the coaches to walk
  13. So thats why NY actually ran smoothly yesterday...
  14. This is the norm. Its been this way for a LONG time. Everyone wants to be the first to break the story....truth be damned. Howard Stern used to take advantage of this all the time by having people call into news shows and pretending to know something about the current breaking news story.
  15. I have a bluetooth device I plug into the earphone jack on the plane that wirelessly connects to my earphones.
  16. It was called intelligence, or at least being able to sound intelligent while reading from a script. Remember War of the Worlds was read on the radio and was taken for an actual news report...scared the bejeezus out of people.
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