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Everything posted by Xameil

  1. You must have hated the old batman TV series.... BAM, KAPOW, CRUNCH...the list goes on
  2. I have a feeling it's whole thing happened because someone's in-laws were coming to visit and they needed an excuse to not be there while they visited
  3. The native American tribes that are getting impatient with the federal government not taking action. Don't they realize that the federal government is too busy fighting a football organization that the federal government has decided for them is insulting to them?
  4. Nah...he's become a zombie and slave to the spider. The spider knows it needs someone to bring it fresh meat
  5. Now you're going to put the BLM people into a tizzy for minimalizing their struggle
  6. I think I just puked a bit in my mouth...some things can not be unread..
  7. Heat has the same effect. At least with cold people have to bundle up and can't move as well...kinda like the kid from Christmas Story
  8. QFT. He knows no matter what he has enough money for a very comfortable life. People remember how many Super Bowls you won...not how much you made.
  9. Well that would follow close to the original story line...
  10. Didn't see Dr. Marcus in there at all. She was on the ship when they left for their 5 year journey. I wonder if they'll explain why she's not there anymore.
  11. I have seen ambulances waitinv at rugby games alot. Especially at college games
  12. Lol I drank less after 21 then I did before
  13. ^that right there is some ****ty luck
  14. That right there is the wonderful air quality of china.
  15. China, you're just pissed he posted it instead of you. Stop trying to discredit his article
  16. Anybody who is legitimately on disability should punch her..plus everyone who will have to pay for her self induced disability should punch her
  17. Well...next time I goto Xiamen I'm having my wife check my ears when I get home.
  18. I'm guessing Klingon is one of them
  19. Remember, aliens take characteristics from their hosts. This was seen when an alien infected a dog. I believe this was also demonstrated in AVP 2.
  20. Yeah, but Winston by his own words "Saw **** that would turn you white"
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