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Everything posted by Xameil

  1. http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/misunderstood-spider Poor misunderstood spider
  2. Don't pass out...it's what they want. You pass out and they can then crawl into your nose...eat your brains and steal your soul...
  3. I call complete BS.... Starbucks Coffee is NEVER hot
  4. I know it will ruin your whole opinion that whites play the victim and think blacks get everything handed to them...or that I even give a **** about race, but my comment was directed at what most media does...you honestly can't deny it...white cop shoots black and it's mass media and no one cares about what events led upto it...black cop shoots white (see Salt Lake City) and crickets...no media coverage at all. That's all I'm saying...it's the media that stirs this **** up...personally I don't give a ****...to each their own...white...black...red...yellow..purple makes no matter to me. It's the person and their actions that determine how I feel towards them..everything else is just window dressing... ...now if it's cyborgs...forget it...them ****ers guilty every time
  5. And this is where I go back to just reading...because I completely disagree and i find it pointless to argue since no matter what you say and no matter what I say it won't change eithers opinion..I will just respectfully disagree, because I believe in cause and effect and that actions have reactions. If you don't know the actions, how can you know if the reactions are in line or not. So, yes...you need to know what events led to the final outcome if you are going to convict someone in court or in the public eye. I don't care if he's a cop or not. Now should the cop be held to a higher standard? ABSOLUTELY!!! But that doesn't change the fact that the events beforehand are extremely important in determining the guilt or not, and severity of the guilt (intent) Yeah...seems a bit extreme for theft of a horse
  6. I think that time and time again most people have shown they don't care about the events beforehand...only the police abuse of power after those events
  7. Lol I have a feeling it was white cops and white criminal...no mention because it won't cause an uproar...all you'll get is..well...shouldn't have stolen the horse.
  8. I don't know which is funnier...the Jon Stewart or the headline below...lol
  9. Eh...Picard has no place in this Star Trek timeline
  10. That's not just Tokyo or Japan. I was just in china and Vietnam, and a lot of people there wore them as well.
  11. ugh...dear lord...the younger generation can get nothing right... First off, Beer Pong is played on a ping pong table or equivalent with paddles (hence the second part of the name...PONG...pong is played with paddles). Usually the rule it to hit the ball higher in the air. Beruit, or TEP (total experience of pain) is played with 10 cups on either side of the table in a triangle formation...how you throw the ball (bounce, throw, or batting a ball away) is upto the house rules. How you arrange the cups after they are taken away is also upto the house. As for how much beer per side...this new generation of players have gone lightweight as well....the acceptable amount of beer per side is minimum of 6.... Sheesh
  12. That "arm wrestling" has been going on for decades...I would say the name we used to refer to it as...but that would be un-PCish...lol.
  13. as of right now...2,999,400 views...not there yet
  14. actually...look almost like dermal piercings
  15. lol...have you read an owners manual of a new car lately? they list a good portion of them
  16. Does someone who orders hot coffee need a lid that says...caution hot? Do people need to be told not to dry their hair in the tub? should I go on?
  17. look at the heights of the people... It also looks like the pavement is at a steep incline.i thought that too...Same here. It looks more like a visual illusion to me. Not an illusion...look at the pool in the back. The ground is sloped.
  18. look at the heights of the people...
  19. MUST.....PLAY....AT.....TAILGATE!!!
  20. That was AWESOME...great find...ransomthepasserby (had to chnage the name to actually found it...lol)
  21. Been that way in PA as well...and I know NY gets like that sometimes
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