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Everything posted by Xameil

  1. I thought I was a redneck if the pool was being held up by tires or made from a rusted out chevy...or something like that
  2. Hell if aquaman could pitch it would raise his status in the justice League from useless to eh he's ok
  3. I own an above ground pool..so does that only make me part racist?
  4. I stuttered when talking to a dick cop once, and had 3 others show up and border patrol to sniff my car.... He even thought a dip spit container was something nefarious. When I pointed out it was dip spit, he threw the closed bottle back in my car. When they finally let me leave, the cop looked all pissed and warned me that I was driving a popular drug road between Canada and Albany NY. The other cops that showed up..nothing but nice. One of them went through the academy with a friend of mine. Sorry...if I was running drugs, I think I would find the most populated road there is to avoid suspicion instead of being the lone car on a country road that the speed limit goes from 55 to 30 back to 55 4 different times... My only point is...dick cops gonna be dick cops no matter what given the chance.
  5. I thought it was decided months ago that events leading up to police brutality claims mean nothing and should not be taken into consideration when angry mobs are trying to form up... ...and yes...his actions were over the top. He needs to find a different line of work...
  6. Are you trying to suggest that someone from Texas has common sense?
  7. got to use an aliens quote in the Vince Vaughn thread
  8. I'm not a huge fan of Sci Fi movies making obvious political statements. I want to be entertained not have an agenda shoved down my throat..And if they try and reboot Aliens....**** them. STOP TRYING TO REBOOT A GREAT MOVIE!!! red dawn reboot....SUCKS Nightmare on Elm street reboot...SUCKS It worked with Star Trek...and that wasn't really a reboot. That was a "pre" movie that started an alternate time line. so just to make my point clear... NO MORE ****ING REBOOTS OF CLASSIC MOVIES
  9. Lol"This instantagram pic is gonna blow **** up"
  10. Guess those weren't the droids he was looking for...
  11. "Guess she didn't like the cornbread either " Ok...that's another quote I an going to use in threads when a female poster gets upset at something in the thread.
  12. Lol I know the feeling chew. Can't wait to get back down there for a game and see everyone again
  13. Lol I was going to go with that one, but the one I quoted just fit how I feel today..lol
  14. After I wrote that I decided I am going to just say that in some threads when people are being douches...lol see how many get it
  15. He must need some strange... Could probably do a tie in with species from Voyager. A fresh new cast would be interesting...I would rather it be a new enterprise tho.
  16. Eh...I think he toed the line when it came to morals in line with starfleet. As for Worf...I agree his character was a bit bland most of the time, but I think you can make a case for him to be in the next series as a main character. They could start incorporating him getting back into the graces of the Klingon empire. I believe that he is supposed to eventually become an ambassador to Klingon. I also seem to remember that he did regain some status in the Empire so it could be him restoring his name even further mixing his time in the Defiant and Klingon warships
  17. Are you implying that Kirk was a moral high ground type? Lol
  18. That might work...I did love the Defiant
  19. Well...you do realize that you saw one....means there are more roaming around your house...and that may be the baby you killed..Momma is gonna be pissed
  20. Star Trek less trecky is star wars...
  21. Lol you caught it before I could fix the auto correct...****...lol Although telephoto is just as scary...
  22. Swim...jump..fly...hell I am beginning to think they can teleport too
  23. That's because your scenario never really happened. I call BS. If it did happen, I would bet you'd be on the floor still crying
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