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Everything posted by Gallen5862

  1. Another vote the Democrats lost a procedural vote! https://www.foxnews.com/politics/house-climate-change-hearing-adjourns-after-not-enough-democrats-show-up House climate-change hearing adjourns after not enough Democrats show up House Republicans on Tuesday claimed a small victory over the Democrats' climate change agenda by holding a rare successful vote as the minority to end an oversight hearing, saying that the subject of global warming was outside the committee's jurisdiction. The Republicans in the Natural Resources Committee's oversight panel won in a 4-2 vote to end the hearing, simply because there weren't more than two Democrats present. Rep. Louie Gohmert of Texas, the top Republican on the Oversight and Investigations subcommittee, called for the vote after laying out the case that climate change was not within the jurisdiction of the committee, based on its charter and bylaws. Gohmert called for a vote to adjourn following his opening remarks, and a roll call vote was held. Witnesses at the hearing were not introduced before the Republicans left the hearing room.
  2. The Bus that was to take Congressional members on the trip kept being shown on the news. Some Democratic members were on the Bus and had not known the trip was cancelled were trying to figure out what was happening. Speaker Pelosi was the one who had received the letter was to travel separately with her security detail. Earlier in the day Majority Leader Hoyer said the government needed to be reopened. Minority Whip Scalise was then given the floor he asked for a recorded vote to end the shutdown. Majority Leader Hoyer said they could not vote because they did not have a quorum because most of the members had already been sent home. This was probably because of this trip. The White House said the reason the trip was postponed because Speaker Pelosi needed to be in the country to negotiate. That if by Tuesday a deal is not reached some more workers would not get their pay.
  3. The New Bill also included money for Disaster relief for North Carolina and Florida and other areas hit by Hurricanes. It also has Money for California because of the fire. Will Democrat Senators want to vote against the Disaster relief in the bill? It could be hard to tell their voters that they didn't want the disaster relief money.
  4. Will other teams now decide to start doing helmet to helmet hits against the Cowboys in retaliation? How long will the NFL continue to allow the Cowboys to get away with their helmet to helmet hits?
  5. Their were reports that a No Borders group was upset about the possible deal that President Trump was making with the incoming Mexican President. The group said that the new deal could not take effect until at least December First. The ones that stormed the border were being emcourgaed to crash the border gate with the US like they had broke through the Mexican border weeks earlier. One of the Chief Border patrol agents said that the tear gassing rules were left over from President Obama from when at the same crossing in 2014 they gassed 100 people throwing rocks trying to storm the crossing then.
  6. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/why-murkowski-still-opposed-will-be-marked-present-on-kavanaugh/ar-BBO0j1U?ocid=spartandhp Why Murkowski, still opposed, will be marked 'present' on Kavanaugh More than a 1,000 miles from Washington, wedding bells in Montana on Saturday will cause one Republican senator to change how her vote on Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh is tallied. Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, said Friday she ultimately will be marked as "present" rather than a "no" when the Senate is expected to confirm Kavanaugh to the nation's highest court. She will be using the "pair between senators" procedure so that Republican Sen. Steve Daines can walk his daughter down the aisle on her wedding day. Murkowski said on the Senate floor that she is still a 'no" on Kavanaugh "While I voted no on cloture today, and I will be a no tomorrow, I will, in the final tally, be asked to be recorded as 'present,'" she said.The procedure is called a “pair between senators,” according to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s office. The senator who is on Capitol Hill would announce how the absent senator would have voted, and the present senator would announce they voted in the opposite way, but that vote is withdrawn and they are recorded as present, according to McConnell’s office.
  7. I will be staying as well .My dad lives about 5 Mins from me and has a generator so might go to his house.
  8. I live in Wilmington, NC. I have lived here over 50 years. This is the biggest Hurricane that I can remember being in the path. I am praying it does not hit here and will go out to sea.
  9. Pleaseblitz thanks for the full quote. That makes a difference on how the event is interpreted.
  10. http://www.foxnews.com/sports/2017/09/25/steelers-coach-mike-tomlin-raps-alejandro-villanueva-for-standing-for-national-anthem.html NFL national anthem flap sees Steelers coach Mike Tomlin rap Alejandro Villanueva, while his jersey sales soar Steelers head coach Mike Tomlin appeared to take a swipe at the Bronze Star recipient's decision in a post-game press conference. Tomlin told the media that, prior to kickoff Sunday, the Steelers held a team meeting and decided, though not unanimously, to not come out of the locker room for the national anthem. “Like I said, I was looking for 100 percent participation, we were gonna be respectful of our football team,” Tomlin said when asked about Villanueva ignoring the order and coming out for the anthem. Tomlin added the intent was to have his team focus on the game and not President Trump’s comments blasting players who chose to protest during the "The Star-Spangled Banner." Alejandro Villanueva, you are the epitome of an American Veteran with a heart full of personal courage. We salute you brother! ?? — Ryder Keedwell (@Radarrr11) September 24, 2017
  11. Remember last year when the Steelers got mad that one of their players who was a former Army Ranger came out of the lockeroom to stand during the national anthem. the coach basically said that villa should have disrespected the flag and Country for team unity. The idea to force service members or vets to not honor the country will not work. I am a Vet. I believe the players should find some other way to protest.
  12. Kane won the Republican nomination for mayor of Knox County, Tenn. He said being a WWE superstar helped get his foot in the door. He won his primary by 17 votes.
  13. Paige is the new Smackdown General Manager..Daniel Bryan resigned to be a full time Wrestler. Carmella cashed in her money in the Bank briefcase after holding it longer than anyone. . two NXT wrestlers attacked Charlotte as she was talking about her WrestleMania match. they left Charlotte laid out in the middle of the ring then Carmella ran into the ring and cashed out. it seems like a mistake by creative. You have the streak broken by Charlotte and she gets a big boost. Then have a cashin 2 days later.
  14. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/us-top-court-blocks-redraw-of-north-carolina-congressional-maps/ar-AAuROY4?ocid=spartanntp U.S. top court blocks redraw of North Carolina congressional maps Jan 18 (Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court on Thursday blocked a lower court's order for North Carolina to rework its congressional map because Republicans violated the Constitution by drawing electoral districts intended to maximize their party's chances of winning. The conservative-majority court granted a bid by Republican legislators in North Carolina to suspend the Jan. 9 order by a federal court panel in Greensboro that gave the Republican-controlled General Assembly until Jan. 24 to come up with a new map for U.S. House of Representatives districts. Two liberal justices, Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Sonia Sotomayor, objected to the high court's action. The Supreme Court's decision to stay the order reduces the chance that the current district lines will be altered ahead of the November mid-term congressional elections. The court offered no reason for its decision.
  15. http://network.wwe.com/video/v1727012583?contextType=wwe-show&contextId=table_for_3&contentId=248425992&watchlistAltButtonContext=series Table for 3 show with Ric Flair, Ricky Steamboat and Sting. They talk about some of their crazy adventures, Steamboat tells about his first Angle with Flair in 1977. Steamboat wins the mid Atlantic Tv title from Flair. Steamboat gets his face rubbed into the cement floor and Flair says sorry Steamboat about making it real. Steamboat gets his face disfigured for a year. Flair and Steamboat talk about how strong kayfab was back in the 70 'and 80'. Steambat says in the same time frame of 1977 or 78 he goes into the convience store that the fans know all the wrestlers go after the tv taping. Steamboat said he turned Ric flair around and threatened him and his family. The fans go wild. at about 2 am flair calls steamboat and asks if they are good steamboat said he was keeping the angle going in front of the fans Sting tells about his time when he gets injured at clash of champions trying to climb the cage to get to Flair and the Horsemen, Flair said it was when Sting was given the 2 hours to decide if he was joining the Four Horsemen. Sting says he tears his ligaments in his knee and can't climb the cage. flair doesn't knoew so he charges out of the cage and attacks sting. He is stopped by pillman when he learns Sting is hurt. There are a lot of other great stories. I like how they said the wrestlers today break kayfab more then the 70's and 80's.Sting says Bray Wyatt is the closest to the old school character.
  16. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2017/12/15/kansas-democrat-andrea-ramsey-drops-out-house-race-over-2005-harassment-suit.html Kansas Democrat Andrea Ramsey drops out of House race over 2005 harassment suit A rising liberal star running for Congress in Kansas has dropped out of the race over a 2005 federal lawsuit in which she was accused of sexually harassing a male employee whom she supervised. Andrea Ramsey, 56, of Leawood, was looking to challenge incumbent Republican Kevin Yoder in 2018 in the Kansas City-area 3rd District but announced in a Facebook post that she would be ending her campaign Friday. Ramsey called the allegations made by her former employee at LabOne, Gary Funkhouser, “a lie.” “Twelve years ago, I eliminated an employee’s position,” Ramsey wrote. “That man decided to bring a lawsuit against the company (not against me). He named me in the allegations, claiming I fired him because he refused to have sex with me. That is a lie.”
  17. ]http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2017/12/15/kansas-democrat-andrea-ramsey-drops-out-house-race-over-2005-harassment-suit.html Kansas Democrat Andrea Ramsey drops out of House race over 2005 harassment suit A rising liberal star running for Congress in Kansas has dropped out of the race over a 2005 federal lawsuit in which she was accused of sexually harassing a male employee whom she supervised. Andrea Ramsey, 56, of Leawood, was looking to challenge incumbent Republican Kevin Yoder in 2018 in the Kansas City-area 3rd District but announced in a Facebook post that she would be ending her campaign Friday. Ramsey called the allegations made by her former employee at LabOne, Gary Funkhouser, “a lie.” “Twelve years ago, I eliminated an employee’s position,” Ramsey wrote. “That man decided to bring a lawsuit against the company (not against me). He named me in the allegations, claiming I fired him because he refused to have sex with me. That is a lie.”
  18. I was glad to see that the Ric Flair plane crash in Wilmington, NC made the 30 for 30 show. Wilmington is my home town and it was big news in our town. I was so fortunate to see all the big stars in Wilmington at legion Stadium! It was a golden age of Wrestling. I got to speak with Mr. Crockett one time. He wanted to know how I was enjoying the show and the matches. I told him everything looked great but told him the Ring looked a lot smaller in person then on TV, We would see the original Four Horsemen of Ric Flair, Tully Blanchard, Ole and Arn Anderson and JJ. Dillion, Ricky Steamboat, Dusty Rhodes, Chief Wahoo Mcdaniels, The Rock and Roll Express, Sgt Slaughter. We also saw the Steiners and The Varsity Club with Kevin Sullivan and also Rowdy Roddy Piper and all the other big stars of the NWA. Their really wasn't a bad match because even the warm up matches were for the TV Title or for the Mid Atlantic Championship,
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