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Everything posted by pjfootballer

  1. The Wolves are everyone's media darling this year to improve and make the playoffs. And they had one of the most popular players in the history of the game in Kevin Garnett.
  2. The Wizards winning more games will help with the perception of our players, especially Wall. That's just how the NBA works.
  3. Why does it always have to be a Democrat/Republican, Left/Right, Liberal/Conservative thing with everyone? That's why politics doesn't work in this country. No body really cares about the goal/task/problem at hand. They are so consumed with party affiliation bull****. The fact is, there has been a huge problem with healthcare coverage in one of the richest countries in the world. Citizens have been screaming for something for a long time, so when someone comes up with something, it's criticized. Yet, the same people criticizing an new ideas, don't seem to come up with anything themselves. I'm not a defender of Obamacare by any means. It has flaws. But I call people out on this all the time that constantly criticize it, I ask them, "so what is your plan?" I wish we could stop all the "tow the party line" bull**** and have congress, the president and all the big-wigs out there, just come together (bi-partisan) and figure something out for the "citizens". That is the most important thing. Do it for the good of the people and stop with all the crap.
  4. Actually it was the 1978-79 season. Back it up one year. I watched the 1977 team win 44 games and win the NBA title, then watched them win 54 games the following year and lose to Seattle in the rematch.
  5. Put them where? They were handed that game by dumb Rams mistakes. 4 turnovers, 14 points off turnovers and only 10 offensive points by the Giants, They escaped. Hardly ownage.
  6. Beat Indiana and we clinch a bowl at 6-2. The Minnesota loss STILL eats at me. I think that was a crucial loss. Would have been nice to be 7-1 with the OSU, Michigan, Nebraska gauntlet after that. Figure to have been 7-4 and then hopefully beat Rutgers and end 8-4. My thinking is 7-5, which would be decent for DJs first year.
  7. Nah, not sensitive. I just feel that sometimes you let your fingers type before thinking fully about how you want to say it. A more apt response would have been: "pj man, I have to disagree with you here on a couple of things. While I see where you are coming from, I watch a lot of Antonio Brown and they are not really alike because..." See. It's pretty easy to engage people and not come off condescending or belittling. I've had to change my own approach when dealing with certain people that I work with, namely my boss. She is the type that makes mountains out of molehills. So, I've learn to take a step back and think of a good approach when needed. (hint, hint). And anyway, the conversation was really about how Desean "could" be like Brown if he applied himself to do those things, but he doesn't and won't. It really wasn't saying he does the things that Brown does. He's just as athletic as Brown, but he doesn't want to do certain things. I was also refuting the "one trick pony" theory that some have around here as if all he does is go deep. I realize Brown is a more complete player. It's obvious as tomorrow. But it's all good. I think our fans (not you) have really been over-critical of the team this year. I'm not sure why. We're 4-2. This place would be in shambles if we were 2-4. I wish half the fans in here would take a step back on some issues and breathe.
  8. 1. How do you know how fast I was in my day? (20s). You don't know me at all. 2. (see bolded). You know, that is a very asinine way of engaging someone in conversation. It almost says "you are a dumbass and know nothing and I know anything and everything about football" It's pretty condescending and maybe you should rethink the way you talk to people. Like you said, it's an opinion and I have a right to it. 3. No two receivers are exactly the same, but can be compared to.
  9. Mike Vanderjagt was just our liquored up idiot kicker.
  10. 41 wins and no playoffs. 50 wins? Ha-ha. Good one. I get the punch line.
  11. Watched a little of the game last night. I was like, "where the hell is Robbie Gould?" That's how out of sorts I am this year as to who is where in the league. Then I see that the Giants just shipped him over to London to replace the sexual deviant.
  12. Who here said he was better than Marcin? No one said that. We are just saying that you underestimated what he did here. That you basically think he was garbage when that was not the case.
  13. I feel like Steve severely underestimated JaVale. I'm not saying he's great, but he was serviceable here. He got up to being a decent 10 ppg and 7 rbs per game. Not too bad. Good shot blocker also. Yes, he turned the ball over a lot and made some mental mistakes, but he wasn't that bad.
  14. I think that's treading into the "one trick pony" argument, which I'm not sure fits DeSean. I believe he can do all the things Antonio Brown does, but does he want to. I feel similar to what you do, that he only wants to catch bombs. But I'm not quick to pigeonhole him that he can only make certain plays. He had a nice catch across the middle near the sidelines last week, when Kirk was pressured. Remember playing sandlot football. There was always one kid that did nothing but, "go long." I loved guarding those guys.
  15. The number one excuse used by American's today- I was sexually abused as a child. Apparently we have 300+ million perverts in this country. (Yes hyperbole). My "personal" opinion is that out of every 100 that say they were sexually abused as a child, I believe about 20 of them.
  16. Yeah, no matter how much some of our fans hold their breath and fall in the floor, Williams is never playing here. It's really time to move on from the "what if" of that pick. And our D-line seems like it's gelling the last few weeks. Bringing up Matt I., getting rid of Reyes and having guys now play in their natural position with a good rotation, seemed to have shored the line up. I'm not saying it's great, but I think it's serviceable for this season until we address it in the next draft. I'm kind of tired of the Scherff vs. Williams complaints.
  17. **** the Cowpukes. No, really, **** them. **** off!
  18. I know it's just DJs first year and I'm by all means, not looking for his head or anything. Maybe I expected too much after the Edsall era. But if they want to be an elite team, you just don't drop a home game to Minnesota. I was hoping we'd get to 6-2 by beating the Gophers and getting a down MSU team at home before we face the gauntlet. But the season is shot now. They need to save face and pull off an upset or two, but I'm not expecting it.
  19. Down 14-0 at home to a mediocre Minnesota team. Whatever. At least the soccer team wins something.
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