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Everything posted by pjfootballer

  1. Sure, I understand different fans points of view. I get where you are coming from and even though I saw us win it all once, I was 10 years old and didn't really appreciate it. Hope you can see my point of view being that I did see us win I think makes older fans more salty. Not saying that younger guys don't feel the same pain, but I think it's different. I'll never root for another NBA team if that was what you thought I was saying. I'd more or less become apathetic with the league. I hope I'm alive long enough to see us win another one, but with every fleeting year, I get less confident in that. Maybe one day man; one day. Like you said, as fans, all we can do is hope.
  2. We've been saying that for years. 1978. Well, they have to give us something to be positive about. This has been a clown show the last couple of weeks and Ted's actions have been embarrassing. I'm not quite in "Warheads" territory, but the team is slowly losing me.
  3. 50 wins? Come on man. You guys need to let go of that dream, even if Horford signs.
  4. Oh well. Maybe when we slide home with 15 wins next year, maybe Ernie will finally get the ax. Especially when it's apparent nobody wants to play in DC, let alone visit for a meeting.
  5. Please see bolded words. Two problems there. One, I think the city and the fans have had enough hope to last 38 years. I can make a long list of rookies that we've drafted since 1980 and NONE of them have become top 5 start players in the league, despite being in the lottery practically every year since 1985. Two, what's this develop word you just threw out? When the hell have we every taken a rookie and developed them into a star player? I know your next line will be Brooks develops players. We can only hope.
  6. Durant was the guy to put us in discussions with the big boys to compete for a championship. This is a star run league. The rest of the names all of you mention will not have us competing for a title. Sure, we'll get better, but no matter the combination of any of those guys, we won't compete for titles.
  7. The other years we made the playoffs, no. But that year with Paul Pierce, the crowd was good. OKC fans have had nothing but success since moving from Seattle. Let's see how rabid they are when they suck. WTH were all these "Golden State" fans 5 years ago when they weren't winning? Toronto? Hockey still rules and they have nothing better to do when the Leafs are on the road. I'd like to see any NBA team go through essentially 40 years of losing and then let's see how friggin rabid and loyal they really are.
  8. You are so absolutely right. Unfortunately the Bullets best years were in the 70s, when no one cared about the NBA and it was still not a very popular league. I too, remember hearing on the radio, seeing on TV and reading in the paper the advertisements for fans to come out to the game. It was always, "This Friday Night, January 7th, come see Magic Johnson and the Los Angeles Lakers, take on your Washington Bullets." Really? That always bothered me back then. It's been 38 years since we won a title and 37 years since we've competed for one. The players can kiss my ass. Give the fans 4-5 years of sustained winning and at least start playing good enough to look like you can compete for a title. We saw how hungry the fans are for a winner when we were in the playoffs 2 years ago. Fans were in a frenzy against Toronto and Atlanta. First time I've seen a home court advantage in DC in nearly 40 years. There are fans out there. You have to GIVE THEM A REASON to cheer. Warhead used the right word- "Apathetic". You got to give the fans a reason to care. EDIT- And WTF is it with fans of other teams on this forum in here and in the NBA thread that are so obsessed with the Wizards and Wizards fans being obsessed with getting Durant? I mean: 1) This is a WASHINGTON based website, so naturally you will get more Wizards fans in here then other teams. Duh. 2) Why does it matter to them that they are so concerned that fans of a team that has been irrelevant for 40 years, wanting to hold out a faint pipe dream that we want a hometown hero to play for us? They sound just as ridiculous obsessing over our obsession with wanting Durant. My apologies for singling out Taze, but damn, if you thought there was an inkling of hope that Steph Curry might come home to Charlotte to play for the Hornets, you'd be the same way.
  9. Dear Players, It's been almost 40 years since you've won a title. Please get past the second ****ing round for once and maybe we'll be nicer. Signed, Your Fans.
  10. It won't bother me if Durant re-signs with OKC. If he signs with the Spurs or Warriors, I'm pretty much done with the NBA at that point.
  11. He wore 8 in college. That's his number. Rex had 8 his rookie year, so he went with 12.
  12. The groundhog (Ernie) saw his ugly shadow again. This means 40 more years of suck.
  13. I've cut the number of shows I watch by about a third, and I still have a hard time finding the time to watch them.
  14. I have no beef with the 80s unis' in my profile pic. I was more or less saying, if we modernize our look, the piping and such needs to match. It seemed like the 80s uniforms were a little darker then now.
  15. I've said many times before in this thread. My personal preference is to: 1. Go with white jerseys and burgundy pants on the road. 2. Go with burgundy jerseys and gold pants at home. 3. Have an alternate 3rd throwback. (70th anny look or similar or 50s look as I think they may be doing that this year) With that said, I would like to see the burgundy color stop being so "shiny" or "red" looking. I'd prefer a darker shade. Along with the gold pants, I would like to get away from it looking "yellowish" and more like a brown mustard type look. Then the last thing: FIX the piping. Make sure the stripes on the jersey sleeves match the pants and socks. Actually, my preference is to put the numbers on the shoulders, ditch the stripes on the sleeves and replace with the arrow. Similar to the 70th throwbacks. I was always keen to them and have a Darrell Green 70th that I love. I don't like a matte look for helmets. Some look good, others, not. But I don't want ours to look "metal flake" either. Just plain burgundy paint.
  16. I think the whole situation stinks...maybe reeks.
  17. Problem with a modern re-design is, you get the abominations like those fugly things down in Tampa. It appeals to the younger generation, but not to the middle aged and older. There has to be a balance of taking an old look and updating it.
  18. I feel like every four years, when the World Cup rolls around, people in the US think that soccer in this country "will take off" and this is when we become a "major power" in the world. I feel like we've been saying this for over 30 years. Let's face it. We as a nation, just do not put in enough resources when kids are young. We don't train them from a young age, like we do other sports. We have too many other sports played in this country, that kids have too many choices. We have a ton of academies for all different sports. Whereas most of the other countries in the world are all about soccer and have set up a system for that. I have a 13 year old great nephew. He was into tee ball/baseball since he was 5. He's VERY good at baseball. Not saying he'll be a pro, but he's usually one of the best 3 players on his teams. He then played tackle football for a couple of years in the pee wee leagues. Then, when the last World Cup came around, he started getting enthralled with Messi and played soccer for a few years. He was VERY good at soccer too. OK at football. Well, this year, with no major soccer going on, he went back to baseball and picked right back up where he left off and still plays GREAT. I for one, think it's OK that we aren't dominant in soccer like we are other sports. It doesn't bother me as much as if we lost in other sports. I just want us to be able to compete in soccer and maybe pull off some upsets. We don't have to be the best in every sport in the world. We're a pretty dominant "sports" country as you see in both Olympics. Actually, if there was an area I'd love to see us improve on as far as being a world power, is education. But that's for another thread. Meh, we got to the Semi-finals, when all was pretty much lost after the Columbia opener. I think we show pretty good most of the time for our skill level. We're not terrible, but we're not great. We're average. I don't think I'll ever see the US win a World Cup in my lifetime.
  19. Tired of Charlotte being the women's champ. Let's move on to another one. My biggest complaint with the WWE is, they keep the champions TOO long.
  20. Monster of a man on the court. Unstoppable. Loved watching him play. A man amongst boys.
  21. What are the odds Lawler shows up on a sex offender list in the near future?
  22. Not surprising from Lawler. I lived in Memphis for 8 years. Oh the stories about him.
  23. You can tell that both Rollins and Cena aren't quite 100%. But it's good to have them back. Still need Orton and the Wyatts.
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