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Everything posted by ZoEd

  1. I don't understand the P4P arguement with BJ. Are you saying because he's smaller he's at a disadvantage? Didn't BJ fight at 185 a couple times and win? I mean he's a lot more cut at 155 but He's fought bigger dudes and won. Now, I will say GSP at 170 is probably stronger than a lot of 185 pounders. I dunno, it's going to be a hell of a fight. Them Hawaiians are some crazy mo fo's that's for sure.
  2. Been around, just busy witht he new job is all Personally I think he's already top 3 but it's subjective. I don't like to put fighters on a pedestal so I use the P4P phrase sparingly. It annoys me the way the UFC has annointed Spider the Obama of MMA. Silva is a bad man but he hasn't defeated anyone besides Hendo and Franklin IMO. His move up to 205 was one of Dana and the other guy who supposedly picks the matchups attempts at drawing ratings. So, I will concede that he's a great fighter but to crown him the best in the world is a bit premature is all I'm saying. Fedor, come on how can you not put him at the top of the heap? Although Faber just lost his belt he's still one of the best fighters in the world at his weight class. GSP, IMO he has tremendous upside. Go back and check my posts in this thread about him. I didn't sip the GSP koolaid for a long time but he's won me over with the way his skills have evolved with every single fight. He's big and strong as hell where he's at right now so I could see him moving up and challenging Silva for the belt if he beats BJ. Talk about a fight. Anyway, I just want to see Silva go into deep water in a fight against a great fighter and I just don't think the UFC has that guy right now to take him there. Silva needs that career defining fight or he's going to end up like Roy Jones. :2cents:
  3. I don't see it that way at all. Penn can be a beast when he takes fighting seriously. As for P4P, I don't think there's any question that GSP is higher on the list than Penn. Penn is all over the place from fight to fight. GSP has done nothing but get better; remember he out wrestled one of the best wrestlers in the sport in Matt Hughes. Who expected that? His game has continuosly evolved and virtually everytime he steps into the ring you can see the improvement. I'm anxious to see how much if any better he's gotten for this fight. One things for sure, if he hands Penn his ass fairly easy you have to put him in the top 3 P4P in the world. That's my opinon anyway. Fedor, Silva and GSP if he dominates BJ:2cents:
  4. Damn it you beat me to it. ^^^^^^^^^^^^
  5. Any more? Dana has always been a douche bag but people keep giving him props because of the way he manages his "property", I mean fighters. He's great for business but I think he's making the sport a joke. He's the Vince McMahon of MMA. Dude is such a douche. I'd love to see some one snap and choke his ass out.
  6. WTF Was the judge who scored the Hendo/Franklin fight thinking when he scored it 30-27 Franklin?
  7. The seats were great, especially since they were free. We were right behind Joe R about a quarter of the way up. I couldn't have asked for better seats. I did security for the Silva/Franklin fight last year and was on the floor right by the octagon and it actually kind of sucked due to the camera and media folks being in the way. I liked being up off the floor, good crowd, great fights and a hell of a vibe in the house. CB is a punk, still can't stand his ass and I like him even less with Bader in his corner. Both of them are the sterotypical douchebag jocks that most of us hated in school. Rampage fight, why do people boo this guy? He fought an excellent fight! Kind of felt bad for Wandy, ref should have stopped it two punches sooner. Rampage went straight street fight on his ass once Wandy hit the mat. Held him by the throat and unleashed some brutal punches. Mir, wow! Excellent gameplan, well executed and completely humble in victory. Class act and the type of dude the UFC needs. He did his part and talked smack pre fight but looked like a little kid after the fight, completely overwhelmed and humble. Loved it. Love the way he threw the right elbow and follwed it with the left. You see guys hit the bag like that but you never see it in a fight, text book stand up by Mir. If you watched TUF you heard him keep yelling to his guys 3 punches; Mir constantly threw three punch combos and followed a lot of them with kicks. He was loose and didn't deviate from his gameplan. Wish Forrest would have done the same. Forrest was hurting Rashad bad with those leg kicks, he should have worked the clinch more and utilized his height advantage agains Rashad. First two rounds was all Forrest then he just fell apart. You have to give props to Rashad for forcing Forrest into going away from what was working but damn I hate the dude. He's a powerful man for his size and has beat two very sound fighters in Forrest and Chuck. Here's what I want to see next, step in the ring with the Spider and kiss your dick like you did last night and see where your head ends up. Here's the thing with Rashad, Chuck doesn't move well, Forrest doesn't move well. Hell, none of the top 205 guys move well. Rashad steps in the ring with someone who's going to force him to the ground and work him and you'll see holes in his game. He's a good wrestler but no one has been testing him on the ground. Look for the UFC to match him up with guys that allow him to fight in his comfort zone before throwing someone at him that's going to take him out of his game. Machida anyone?
  8. Definitely a douche, that's why I'll never like his punk ass. Everyone in the place boo'd his ass after that dick move. Funny thing is all the people cheering for Rashad were just like him, loud, obnoxious, douchebags. Should have seen the idiots talking **** after the fight running there mouthes about Forrest. This is the crowd the UFC wants though. It is what it is. Rashad and his dick move and Brock with his rodeo act. Good on you UFC, keep bringing in the $. :applause:
  9. You know we're still flying those things? Pretty scary I know. I'll take some pics. Don't know how good they'll be since we're on the second level but I'll get some none the less. I'm so stoked for this freaking card! One of my wifes friends from school is married to Allen Belcher and I guess he's fighting tomorrow night. Hope he has a good showing on the main card, he hasn't fared well in the past when fighting on PPV.
  10. Being stationed here in Vegas sometimes they throw some tickets to the base. Since I'm my squadrons 1st Sgt I recieve the tickets for the squadron. Got a call yesterday to come pick up 19 tickets. They're not ring side or anything but they're still $400 a pop. 1st Sgt has been really busy with all the knuckle heads screwing up so he deserves to go see the best card of the year. :applause::applause: If you were in town I could probably justify hooking a brother up with a ticket, you know as a recruiting tool. Wanna join the Air Force?
  11. Unfortunately I won't be able to watch the PPV. I got some free tickets instead! Yea Baby! I'm so freaking pumped!
  12. Good fights the other night for something like a UFC fight night or something like that. Fund raiser? Touting "we gave you a free fight" now give something for the troops. First of all, no one would have paid for that card in the first place. No titles, no great matchups; outside Kos there wasn't even a contender on the card. Some great up and comers but nothing special. What did the UFC give anyone? You want to raise some money donate all the proceeds from your next PPV to the fund.
  13. You're crush on Brock isn't too obvious. For the millionth time, I'm not taking anything away from brocks physicality. Dude is one hell of an athlete and he has improved, anyone who has no job except training should. However, I don't think he's improved enough to be catapulted to the top of the division. I'm really suprised that you feel so strongly about him being given a shot so early in the game. Someone with your knowledge and appreciation for the sport woud typically feel like someone needs to pay their dues before being allowed a title shot. If it wasn't for his WWE fame do you think it would have unfolded this way? Do you think he would have gotten this shot if he was simply a big dude who wrestled almost 10 years ago? By the way, are you on the Randy speed dial list? Did he call you with his wishes for when and who to fight? Just wondering. Thought maybe you had some insider info. Either that or you're just making assumptions like the rest of us.
  14. I was home in WV for the fight and it sickened me to hear all the rednecks cheer when Lesner won. I can't help but believe that anyplace with true MMA fans that night had a much different reaction. All them WWE fans were jumping for joy for their boy and it honestly sickened me. I dunno, maybe I'm just being a biatch about it but I can't stand how they've pimped him to the top and ahead of the crowd. Brock is a freak of nature though and if that Ox ever learns how to really fight and tighten up his game he may stay at the top for a really long time. I still think he's getting by on brute strength with about this much __ skill. Did you see those gay little hammer fists he was throwing when Randy went to the mat? He won't phase Nog with that ****. If he don't come with more than that he'll get twisted up like a pretzel.
  15. Again, I'm not questioning his skills or ability. He's a big mo fo who's freakishly athletic. However, like I already said there's a pecking order and IMO it's a slap in the face to the guys who have worked so hard to get a shot to simply allow someone to cut the line because he's making Dana and the boys some money. It goes back to my earlier posts a few months back about how they're ruining the legitimacy of the sport IMO. As for Paquiao, him Mayweather anyone from boxing crossing over should have to pay their dues. No one IMO is heir to the throne without going to war and fighting their way to the top. It's just not right, no matter how you look at it.
  16. That would ahve been the right thing to do but god forbid you wait a little while, let the winner of Mir and Nog fight Randy then give Brock his shot. However, the money grubbing UFC had to water things down as usual. I'm not saying Brock isn't deserving but there's a pecking order and allowing someone to jump to the head of the line is a foul IMO. When Hendo was allowed to go to the front of the line in two divisions he came with a resume and pedigree as long as your arm. What did brock bring? Two fights where he beat a nobody and a one trick pony and a L via leg bar by Mir. That deserves a shot? Foul!
  17. Dana White is a douche! I'm telling you guys he's trying to turn UFC into WWE. All this guy cares about is $$$$$$$ and having his ugly mug plastered all over the TV. The MMA you love is going to the way of Brock Lesner getting a title shot after 3 fights while the guy who beat him doesn't. ?????? Dana is a DOUCHE!
  18. A prime example is Machida and he's simply a great fighter because he wins and doesn't make mistakes. Is he boring as hell? Yea, but that's no reason to pentalize him. I think the more the MMA game goes in the direction in which you're speaking is the closer it gets to human, I refuse to say ****, dog fighting. If it wasn't exciting people wouldn't watch but encouraging a guy to fight outside his gameplan or strengths for the sake of putting on a show is a serious foul. The cliche is people watch NASCAR for the wrecks. What if NASCAR called down to the pits and said "hey Kyle Petty, wreck again for the millionth time so we can have a good race". No matter how you look at it, it just ain't right. Not like Kyle Petty needs to be prompted to wreck I'm just saying for saying sake. I dunno, like I said matching people up stylistically is one thing. Encouraging guys to fight a certain way for entertainment purposes, bad for the business.
  19. Which is why Leben and Short Fuse Ed Herman are still around. When was the last time either of them won a fight against someone who was a good fighter? The UFC needs to do everything in it's power to put the best fighters in the world in a cage and let them fight it out. I'm a firm believer in styles make fights and I'm all for matching fighters up that stylistically will put on a good show but encouraging fighters to stand and drop bombs at one another isn't what MMA is all about unless that's all you have as a fighter, then stylistically you matchup. They need to also quit this "ownership" of fighters and step outside the UFC to bring in the best of the best even if it's for just one fight. The guys signed to contracts who are fighting on the undercards still get exposure and it's still good for the MMA world and the UFC. This "only show in town" mentality is bull****.
  20. You see, I alluded to this a couple weeks ago when I said you have to wonder why some of these guys seem to abandon game plans that are working just to put on a show. I said that I wouldn't put it past the promoters to encourage guys to put on a show and stand an bang instead of fighting to win. If you think Elite XC is the only to do this I think you're understimating Dana White's greed. I'm not saying fights are fixed but when you encourage fighters to stand and brawl by offering extra money you're encouraging guys to not fight to win but to entertain. Look how pissed off Herring gets everytime someone doesn't get in the ring and stand with him. In his own words "I came here to put on a show for the fans". Okay Heath, let me just stand here and let you punch my head off so that we can put on a show.
  21. I don't see how. Except for the couple hard shots Page just didn't do enough damage. Not to mention the fact those shots didn't come in every round. He got off in two rounds and Forrest kept destroying that leg and he got some shots in as well. I honestly watched the fight hoping that it was a draw or that Page may have gotten jobbed for the TUF winner but I didn't see it.
  22. Kimbo got KTFO! Didn't even look like he had much on that punch but it obviously rung his freaking bell. Wow, what a story for the young man who beat him. Did anyone see how scared he looked even after knocking Slice out? What about the reaction of the guys ring side? They did not want to see their gravy train knocked out. That was freaking awesome. Just to open up some old wounds, I finally got to see the Forrest/Rampage fight last night for free. That was nice. Anyway, anyone who thought Rampage won that fight is out of their ever loving minds. I remember after this fight people were talking about how agressive Rampage was and how he wasn't even knotted up after the fight and Forrest was beat up. Okay. First Rampage wasn't that agressive if anything he waited for the counter most of the time and Forrest was just as busy as he was. I guess what people wanted to see was Forrest just stand there and let Rampage use his head for a speed bag. So Rampage's head wasn't knotted up, buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut the guy could barely walk. Those leg kicks were freaking brutal. MMA, mixed being the key word here. You don't have to bust up someones grill to do some serious damage and Forrest did a hell of a lot more damage to Rampage's leg than Rampage did to Forrest's head. IMO the Judges had it scored right. I was a little suprised about 49/47 score but when you take into consideration how Forrest controlled Rampage on the ground the first round then I might be able to see it. I had Forrest winning three and Rampage two. Even with the knockdown Forrest bounced right back. After seeing this fight first hand I honestly don't understand what all the ****ing was about. Forrest won easily, no question.
  23. I can't tell you how many times I thought there was flags being thrown on the play just to realize it was their shoes. If there wasn't a fine for this game for them I'm sure once the tape is rewatched by the league they'll see the same thing we did and they'll be fined the next time.
  24. Ya'll think Cro Cops falling off has anything to do with the juice? No, not OJ but roids? I know a lot of fighters in Pride were juicing and with the stricter rules here in the states with testing it makes you wonder. Cro Cop never struck me as a juicer but you never know.
  25. That was going to be my next example. The other end of the spectrum is why Chris Leben keeps getting big fights when he keeps getting beat. The dude is a brick with fists, exciting fights though. :applause: As for Machida, dude is pretty damn good. I hate watching him fight but damn the dude is allusive as Joe Rogan so eloquently pointed out about 5,000 times during his last fight. However, when you hear talk about the 205 guys and heir apparents you never hear him mentioned. IMO he's got as good of a shot as anyone else. He's not going to stand around and allow someone like Rampage use his head for a punching bag. Where's Machida's shot? When will he get it? I guess when he learns how to put on a good show. Dude is boring though. Good, but damn his fights are pretty boring.
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