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Everything posted by ZoEd

  1. Huge difference in their than japs don't you think. Anyway, I do a pretty damn good job on the their, there, they're and damn good on the to and too's also. You're (that's another one) right though, if you're going to clown on someone you should have your crap together. :doh: You see I'm one of those people who visualize everything and I can see someone swinging a little japanese dude around the ring knocking people on their asses. Sick mind I know, or should I say, I no.
  2. Are you sure hitting people with Jap's is legal in the UFC? I think their might be a bit of an uproar if that was allowed to happen. :laugh:
  3. If he can stay off the juice. I believe that's why he doesn't fight in the UFC.
  4. First off Fedor is hands down the baddest MFer in MMA today and possibly ever. The dude is a beast. The first Pride fight I went to a couple months ago was pretty damn lame but last night was off the chain. Best display of MMA I've ever seen. That being said I don't believe Pride is head and shoulders above UFC. A lot of fighters who are busts in UFC go to Pride and excel. Diaz is a good example. Gomi was touted as the best pound for pound fighter in the world and Nick not only took his best shot but whooped his ass. Pride is what UFC used to be with the brutalness but without the stomps, kicks to the head when on the ground and all the other stuff not allowed by the UFC fighters have to be more sound in their perspective martial arts. Also I don't think Pride tests their competitors for roids the way the UFC does. That's why guys like Baroni left the UFC and went to Pride where he is a decent fighter. That brings up a good question. Why are UFC fighters allowed to use elbows to the head but Pride in America isn't allowed to do so under Nevada rules? Seems kind of biased don't you think.
  5. Anyone can be beat but Henderson is a smart fighter. He has two attributes that are necessary to beat Chuck. 1. He's got a chin. He took some really good shots from Silva and still kept coming. He also never really gave him a good angle to land a knockout punch. Dan's always moving away from the power hand. On the flip side of that he had his hands down a couple times and Chuck will prey on that. 2. IMO to beat Chuck you have to go take him to the ground. In order to do that you have to take a punch or two. Dan took Silva down and he's a hell of a lot stronger than Chuck. Silva was like a fish out of water on his back. From what I hear Chuck is a pretty damn good wrestler as well but who's ever seen it? If Dan could take a decent shot from Chuck and get him on his back he'll wear him down and either submit him or open him up for a knock out. When was the last time you saw Chuck winded? Exactly, you have to make him use his energy because if you dance around the ring with him sooner or later he's going to ring your bell. Tito knew he had to take him down and that's why he was relentless in trying. Tito F'd up and got caught but Tito has proven time and again he doesn't have a great chin. :2cents: As far as Nick Diaz is concerned he's been put up against some of the best UFC fighters and yes he's lost some but he always gives them fits. You've never seen a UFC fighter put him on his ass the way Gomi did last night. Diaz's long legs gives fighters fits and makes him a very difficult opponent. Gracy Jiu Jitzu is no joke!
  6. I just returned from the fight and it was hands down the best MMA fight night I've ever seen. Battles all night long. Everyone was chanting Gomi until Diaz rocked him. I told my buddy before the fight that Diaz has a great chin and his size at 6'1" makes him tough for that weight class. I've watched that dude do some amazing stuff in the UFC and tonight was his best fight ever. I swear Gomi was out on his feet at the end of the first round. It looked like the refs/docs were going to stop the fight but it's pride not the UFC. Wow what a fight. Henderson is a freaking beast! He rocked Silva so many times it wasn't funny. Hands down the smartest fighter going right now. There isn't anyone in the UFC that can touch him and I'm a huge supporter of the UFC. When I attended the last Pride fight I was really disappointed but this one was freaking unreal. Best time I've ever had at a MMA event.
  7. Don't see anybody ever really crushing Chuck. There was no way Tito or anyone else for that matter can beat Chuck without taking him to the ground. That's your only chance. The punch that cut Tito looked like it didn't even have anything on it yet it cut him. His power if very deceiving and it's hard to defend against it. A glancing blow from Chuck is like taking power shots from some of the other fighters.
  8. Elbows definitely cut, I think when you're up close and personal it's probably the most dangerous weapon a fighter has. Funny you mention steroids. I was talking to a buddy of mine about that the other day. I noticed on the Ultimate Fighter when they showed the flashbacks of contestants previous UFC fights most of them were cut the "F" up. Now these guys have been on this show doing nothing but training for months and none of them are even close to having the same physique. When did UFC crack down on the juice because it was obvious a lot of these guys were juicing before.
  9. So you can knee to the head in Pride while on the ground but elbows make it too easy to cut someone? Now that makes a lot of sense. Still doesn't negate the fact the fights were relatively boring compared to the UFC fight I attended a couple weeks before. I love a great submission fight as much as the next guy but even the heavy handed Baroni went to the ground and submitted his apponent. You see what I'm saying, it wasn't what I expected to see out of a Pride event. I didn't say there was a reason for Wandy to call out Chuck but he sure as hell did. He stood in the middle of the ring and said here I am Chuck in America, come and get me. I'm not going anywhere. If that's not a call out nothing is. I'm sure if these two guys want to bang bad enough they'll find a way to get it done. As far as Pride having better fighters, I'm not sold on that. A lot of UFC has beens go to Pride and succeed, like Coleman. I will say that Prides Champions are better than UFC's, possibly. However, I know for a fact there isn't a fighter in either Pride or UFC that can beat Fedor right now. The guy is a freaking beast.
  10. Sorry I didn't get back to ya'll after the fight but I've been pretty busy. So here's my take. First of all the production was off the hook. It was like WWF meets MMA. Fire, lights, techno, the place was jumping. Not to mention the fact their were half naked girls walking around handing out fliers. I saw Andrei Arlovski standing outside like an ordinary Joe. People were walking up taking pictures and shaking his hand. I forgot about having a damn camera on my phone so I missed my shot. The MC was a female and man was she annoying. So now for the fights. I'm not going to lie to you the fights were pretty disappointing mainly because of the Nevada rules imposed on the fighters. No knees when on the ground, no elbows above the neck, no stomping. I'm dumbfounded about the no elbows things. WTF? You can do that in UFC why not Pride? Anyway I've watched Pride a bunch on TV so I was expecting a lot of brawling instead everything went to the ground for the most part. No toe to toe fighting, a bit disappointing. I was expecting a sanctioned bar fight. Butterbean knocked the snot out of the Goliath he was fighting but other than that, submissions or submission attempts. Pretty boring. What was exciting though was Silva calling out Lidell. He made it sound like Chuck was ducking him. I thought it was a contract thing with Pride but apparently not, or so Silva eluded. I think a best of Pride best of UFC fight would be great. Don't know that it would ever happen but man would it be sweet. So that's my take on Pride, a little disappointing. Frankly the recent UFC fight had a lot more action IMO.
  11. I'm going to the fight tonight, I'll give you all a summary when I get back. Peace!
  12. I worked security for the fight tonight, WOW! Right on the floor less than 10 feet from the octagon. Breasts and blood, what else could you ask for? So the night started with Hughes walking right in front of me, had to check his credentials. Then Randy Coutre followed by Chuck, Tim Silvia, Keith Jardene, Jason Giambi, and last but not least, the whole reason I wanted to go. I had to take a piss break and when I walked out in the tunnel there stood Tito Ortiz. No, that's not the best part, Jenna Jameson was standing right beside him. I was so close I could literaly smell her. I actually had to turn sideways to squeeze behind, yes behind, her. They were still standing there on the way out and I looked at Tito and said "you the man Tito", he just smiled and gave me the old head nod. Damn Jenna is hot. Anyway, the fights were pretty badass. Probably one of the better nights I've seen at UFC. Even the undercards were decent. Franklin got the **** kicked out of him. The guy didn't even show up. Once Silva got him in the clinch and landed a couple of big knees to the midsection it was over. You could see Rich was hurt even before the one to the nose. Richs' nose was shoved all the way over under his right eye. Silva has some heavy knees. I don't see anyone beating him for a while. This has been one hell of a week. Did security Wed. for the golf tourney going on here in Vegas. Saw Furyk, Couples, Haas, DiMarco, Funk, Parnivik and the list goes on and on. Then tonight it was a who's who of MMA, Athletes, Actors and Jenna Jameson. Funny thing is, all of it was volunteer work. I don't get paid for doing it, they pay my Squadron for the hours we work. Free Christmas party. :applause:
  13. That was Ken then and this is Ken now. Did you see his face after the last fight with Tito. The guy's head looked like a hedge apple. I think if it would have been Tito against a younger fighter you may have seen it go a little further. I agree with Tito though. He said Ken went limp after the first big elbow. If you watch it in slow mo it looks like it did in fact go slack and then he didn't try to defend himself for four or five straight elbows after that. Maybe it was stopped an elbow or two too soon but I don't think Ken could have taken much more.
  14. Took me a while to return to this thread but I must address paredskinsfanclub and his obvious lack of MMA knowledge. Did you watch the replay's? Shamrock was getting ROCKED with the elbows and didn't try to defend himself at all. If you know jack about MMA you have to intelligently defend yourself. When the last Arlovski/Silvia fight was stopped Andre was at least blocking his face and it was still stopped. ShamROCKED didn't block any of Tito's elbows at all, not one, zero, nada my friend. I guess the ref should have let Tito drop 5 more on him before he stopped it just to prove he was hurt. :doh: This main event did suck if you like MMA in the least. No one paid to watch a freaking boxing match where two people chased each other around the ring "respecting" each other. I watch MMA to see people swing for the fences, take downs, big knee's, submissions, kicks and knockouts. Not to mention these two guys are heavyweights and you expect to see bombs being dropped while leaving it all in the octagon. The only thing left in the octagon we're their pillows and pj's after that snooze fest. Dude I was watching UFC when you were still shooting blanks, don't tell me I don't know jack.
  15. The fight never went to the ground, no big knees, kicks or takedowns at all. BORING!
  16. Sylvia wins it, what a crappy freaking fight!
  17. Wow that was pretty ****ty of a fight, haven't seen the anouncement yet but I think Sylivia will win because neither really did crap the whole fight. They looked like a bunch of roosters chasing each other around.
  18. Third round appears to belong to Andre. Tim is just waiting to drop the big bomb. Both are showing knots on their heads. I have a feeling someone is going down in this round.
  19. So far the fight is just a boxing match. Both have landed decent shots but Andre is working the inside leg kick on Sylvia and Sylvia seems to be winded. Sylvia did catch Andre with a real good right in the 1st but Andre tied him up and regained his composure. Whoever the idiot is scoring the fight gave the first round to Tim even though he only landed one shot the whole round and Andre landed like 10. He gives the second round to Andre.
  20. Arlovski is cut the F up! I hope he crushes Sylvia's ass. FYI alert FYI alert! It was announced that if Lidell wins his next match he'll fight the 205lb Pride fighting champion in November. The guy's name is Silva or something like that, dude's suppose to be a beast.
  21. Dude what are you smoking? Shamrock was ROCKED with those elbows. Of course he jumped up like he wasn't hurt, he just got his ass kicked. How many more elbows did Ken have to take before Herb stopped it? Arvloski was defending himself more against Sylvia the last fight then what Ken was doing and it got stopped by Big John.
  22. Arlovski will not make the same mistake he made in the last fight. He hurt Sylvia and went for the kill getting caught by a lucky punch. You know I used to think Ortiz was a bit too ****y but after watching Ultimate Fighter I really started liking the guy. He seems really genuine and Ken is just a shmuck. Tito will beat him to a pulp, again.
  23. Ditto she's a little cutie. Looks like you're in the same boat I'm in with the blonde haired blue eyed cuties. Need to borrow a shotgun?
  24. Blondie, no need to ever cut yourself out of a picture. All the rain in the world couldn't make you look bad. Thanks Tarhog, yes I am very proud.
  25. Here's one of my little angel at about 9 months old. My wife sent this to me while I was in Iraq. It sure did make my stay there a lot easier looking at this everyday.
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