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Everything posted by ZoEd

  1. Then 99% of the fighters in the game are trying to cheat the system. Sorry, make that 99.5% of the fighters. As for Lutter, he's been wrestling since he was a kid and until the Silva fight he'd never not made weight. He went to camp here in Vegas at 208 and thought he wouldn't have a problem dropping the weight but stopped sweating two hours before weigh in, 4 hours later he had lost 1/2 a pound after sitting in the sauna and doing everything he could to drop the weight. It just didn't happen. I don't care what you say about Silva wanting to submit Travis, no one has handled Anderson the way Lutter did. Lutter got tired and made a mistake, letting Anderson get those long legs around his neck. I doubt that would happen again. Hell, even Henderson worked Silva on the ground then came out the second round and totally abandoned his ground game. You guys swing from Silva's tip like he's the second coming of Christ. The dude isn't invincible. Lutter when he's on his game is one of the best fighters in the game. Opinions are like ass holes, you've got yours and I've got mine. I just don't have the uber man crush on Silva like most in this thread have. He's good, but PFP best? I think Machida would hand him his ass at 185.
  2. Don't worry it will definitely be different. Did you see the way GSP threw Hughes all over the ring? GSP's game is on a totally different level now. Say what you want about Hughes but no one has ever out wrestled him in the octagon and GSP handed him that ass. I hope GSP doesn't end it quick, I want to see Serra get beat up real bad. Maybe then he'll shut his ****y mouth. He wants to talk about people having class when he's one of the most classless douchebags in the UFC. Not to mention he's a NY fan. GSP by total ass whooping, Serra won't know what hit him. Lutter will own Rich Franklin. Don't know how anyone who's watched this guy fight could ever doubt him. Arguably one of the most dangerous sub guys in the game and his patience is scary. He was gassed by trying to lose the extra two pounds against Silva and almost beat him. Almost beat who everyone considers the PFP fighter in the world of MMA. Makes you think what if. Lutter should never be taken lightly.
  3. What's your all's thoughts on the new season of TUF? Seems to be some decent prospects. Also, can someone please enlighten me; been watching the WEC but none of them are new fights. However, I keep seeing Tommy Speers fighting and winning. Is this pre TUF Tommy Speers? I know he's fighting in the UFC still because he just got knocked TFO the other night on Fight Night. Just wondering. So, WTF doesn't UFC have more weight classes like WEC? The lower weight classes are entertaining as hell to watch and I think it would bring a little more variety to the table in the UFC. I'm beginning to think Dana and the boys are idiots and will eventually run UFC in the ground. Seriously, how can they not make the Fedor/Randy fight not happen?
  4. It's well known that Pride didn't give a rats ass about steroid enforcement. They may have tested but that doesn't mean they did anything about it. Baroni? Mr Roid himself, that's why he'll never fight in the UFC. Guy can't get it done without the juice.
  5. I'm not taking anything away from what his resume, he's fought and won against some good fighters. What I'm saying is, he's been in the game for so damn long that he's had every opportunity to develop his game and become a more well rounded fighter. He's stagnated and never brings anything new to the table. If he wants the fans respect and wants to be taken seriously as an MMA champion he needs to continue to evolve his game and become something more than a big guy who imposes his will. Could you imagine Tim if he developed a little ground game? One of those huge elbows coming down on your head with him in your guard and it's lights out. He's so horrible on the ground he's not willing to go there. I don't even dislike the guy, I just want to see him bring something new to the table. It's always the same crap when he fights. That's all I'm saying. :2cents:
  6. ^^^^That was sick dude. How bad must it feel to know exactly what's coming and not being able to do a damn thing about it. UFC needs lower weight classes, these little guys bring it. It's kind of a running joke between me and couple guys that I work with; Vegas being a big MMA town and all. Most of these guys you wouldn't think twice about talking smack to in a club, next thing you know some 145lb dude just whooped your ass and choked you out in front of a couple hundred people. Seriously, if you didn't know who BJ Penn was most of us wouldn't think twice about stepping to him. Leben? Seriously, I've whooped guys who looked like him on the regular. You better have your game up before getting 10' tall an bullet proof these days.
  7. He said in the pre fight that he's never been knocked out. WTF does he call getting beaten so bad the fight is stopped? When he fought Tito it was so obvious the lights were out and he took like 8 unanswered shots to the dome. What defines a knockout Ken? Freaking douche bag.
  8. To me Silvia's game has never evolved. He thinks he's got this amazing knockout power but he's just a big ass dude throwing big ass punches. He telegraphs his punches and his kicks. Take away the dudes size and he's nothing. Anyway, you'd think as long as he's been in the game the dude would have picked up some submissions by now. Big **** is horrendous on the ground. I expect someone new to the game to have limited JJ but damn add some new tools to your box brother. I like Herring but IMO he's the same way. He just goes out there and throws bombs, WTF? If you want to be an exciting fighter diversify your game. Guys like Silvia and Herring get pissed when guys don't stand in the middle of the ring and trade punches with them. We'll no **** Sherlock. Any good fighter in their right mind won't step in the ring and fight according to your gameplan just to make an exciting fight. How about you learn a little of their gameplan and take the fight to them? Ya big ****s! :2cents:
  9. Anybody check out the paychecks for the last fight? Arlovski made almost as much as Silva. WTF? Also, was looking around on Sherdog.com today and there was some people on there posting that Machida would be an excellent matchup for Silva as well. Many seem to think Machida's methodic approach to fighting would frustrate the hell out of Silva causing him to possibly making a mistake and getting sub'd. Several want to see GSP go up as well and more than a few would like to see BJ Penn fight him at 185. The general consensus is Silva is already as low as he can go in weight and couldn't drop a weight class so most would have to move up or down to fight him. There's also a pretty good radio interview of Lindland on there. He talks about how Hendo worked his gameplan in round one then F'd up in #2 by trying to stand and trade with Silva. He said Hendo thought he was out of Silva's range but obvioulsy he wasn't. In Lindlands mind the best way to beat Silva is to out wrestle him. He said you need to eat some punches to get on the inside of him and stay on the inside neutralizing his ability to strike and take advantage of his reach. Another caller on the radio show asked why more people don't take Lutter's lead and stay on top of him and try to sub him. The general consensus is no one in the weight class can out strike him. Personally I'd like to see a well conditioned/prepared Lindland fight Silva. Dana is doing the MMA fans a grave injustice by blocking such a matchup. He needs to get over himself. It's obvious he thinks he's the MMA matchup God. Look how he's handling the Couture/Fedor matchup; they both want the fight but Dana wants to play God and determine what they do with the rest of their MMA lives. Grow up Dana, the fans want to see the best of the best fight. :2cents:
  10. Machida is the guy I'm talking about. He looks kind of small for a 205'er and he's got a pretty solid game. I wouldn't mind seeing him go down to fight Silva.
  11. You saying he can't be rocked? I don't think Hendo it was that great of a shot. Hendo kind of rocked him a little bit with a knee but I think all it accomplished was pissing Silva off. Who's the brazillan that trains with Silva that's at 205? I think he would make for a good fight if he dropped down to 185.
  12. I'm here Dance, just getting around to making in this thread. Well, hell. I guess I won't doubt Silva again either. He won but by no means did he "totally dominate" Hendo the way stupid ass Joe Rogan said. I wish Joe would crawl under a rock somewhere and STFU. I enjoy hearing Mir commentate a thousand times more than Joe. Anyway, Hendo got caught by a knee. There aren't too many guys in the game that can catch a Silva knee and not get beat. Hendo did exactly what he had to do in the first round and would have probably won if he would have continued to do so the rest of the fight. Still for the life of me can't figure out why he didn't drop more elbows when he had him in side control. Oh well, I guess we'll just have to wait and see who steps up next. Maybe Silva will move up or someone else will move down. For the record, I don't think GSP has a chance against Silva at 185. Then again, I'm done doubting him and Silva for a while. The ultimate test for Silva is to fight someone that rocks him to see if he has the testicular fortitude to regather himself and pull out a win. I haven't seen anyone yet actually ring his bell.
  13. They don't sell out in minutes? Where are you buying tickets? I live here and Vegas and I'm here to tell you that good seats are gone in minutes. If you want to pay a couple hundred bucks to sit in nose bleed then that's on you. The good seats don't last long at all and I've seen them scalped for thousands depending on who's fighting. You couldn't get a ticket for the last Chuck/Randy fight, as soon as they went on sale they were gone. I know these guys get paid but compared to boxing it's chump change and IMO they MMA fighters have to train even harder than boxers to get paid a little of nothing. So you devote your life to MMA and you make $500,000 over the course of a year. Pay your trainers, doctor bills, gym fees and freaking grocery bill not to mention taking care of your family and I bet there isn't much left. Seriously, look at the total purses combined for this fight; it's like a around $1.3Mil. PPV was $40/$50 a pop combined with ticket sales and sponsorship. $1.3Mil probably is probably less than 3% of the gross. That's a freaking rip off.
  14. ^^^^^Makes you wonder how these guys make ends meet.^^^^^^^^^^^ To make it in the game you have to train pretty much non stop, how do you do that and work? I guess you can make money doing appearances but if you're an up and comer and not a household name good luck with that. I guess you could train guys but not everyone is a good teacher. As long as guys are making so little money MMA will never take the spotlight away from boxing. These guys should be making a hell of a lot more money than this, sorry. Being here in Vegas I know for a fact that Zuffa is making a killing on ticket sales alone. These events sell out in minutes; throw in the merchandising and advertising and these fighters are getting screwed IMO. No wonder Randy is pissed off. He should be making easily as much as Chuck if not more. Hell Chuck should be making about $750,000 + a cut of the PPV and ticket sales for putting asses in the seats. I think Mark Cuban getting envolved will take MMA to a whole different level. If Zuffa doesn't step up their game Cuban and his venture will steel their fighters and push them out of the game.
  15. I think this is a great fight and Hendo should give Silva a tough time. He can easily get him out of his comfort zone especially since he's good at dirty boxing. Silva is going to want to get him in the muai tai clinch but I don't think Hendo will allow him to get his knees off like Franklin. IMO Hendo welcomes the clench and uses it as an opportunity to get off with some elbows and keep Silva pressed against the cage. Hughes USED to be considered the strongest guy at WW but I think that crown can easily be given to GSP. It wasn't even close, he manhandled Matt. I couldn't believe how he threw him around. I wanted Matt to win just so I could see him and Serra fight but I never thought it was going to happen. GSP is just too well rounded. That being said, I never imagined him throwing Hughes around like he did. He beat him at his own game and it quite possibly put him into retirement. As for GSP's chin, hey like I said Serra KHTFO! Serra ain't Chuck and he put GSP on his ass. 205 is pretty damn crowded with great fighters. Too many for any one guy to hold the title for a long time like Chuck did previously. Machida could move down to 185 and own that weight class. I was really impressed with his allusivness and he was so damn calm. That's scary. You're right, IMO he'll roll through WW and none of the guys you mentioned will beat him. To solidify his legacy he may have to move up and I'll give him mad props for having the balls to do so win or lose. Naw man, you know as much as I do if not more. You've got a pretty good take on things especially for being a youngin. I've been watching this stuff damn near longer than you've been alive that's all. Penn/Stevenson: Depends on which BJ Penn shows up to fight. I've heard how he's rededicated himself to fighting so many times it's rididculus. If he brings his A game I think he'll win, if he doesn't then Stevenson handles him easily. Mir/Lesnar: The UFC wants Mir to be back so bad, he's the Romo of the UFC. I like the guy but I just didn't see anything in his last fight to get too excited about. Lesnar is a freak of nature. If this dude can translate his strength into the Octagon then he'll be a freaking beast. I'd love to see him and Kimbo square off next, even if he loses. Lesnar is a very gifted athlete especially for his size. It'll definitely be interesting. Don't know what his chin is like yet, you never know, he could have a glass jaw. Sylvia/Nog: I wouldn't pick Sylivia if he was the last fighter in the world. I can't stand that dude. I hope Nog kicks the **** out of him and he disappears once and for all. Have a good New Year brother. and no offense taken my friend
  16. Silva doesn't use his strength to beat his opponents, he uses his height. If he gets in the ring with a stronger guy he's going to have problems. Lutter worked him for a while because of his ground game and strength it's just that IMO Lutter is pretty one dimensional. It's going to take a pretty well rounded fighter to beat Silva. That being said I too think he's a little overrated. He hasn't fought a truly complete fighter. That's not his fought, there aren't too many well rounded fighters at 185. Hendo will be his toughest challenge yet. If he hands Hendo his ass then I'll crown him but not until then. Machida looks like he could lose a little off his frame and could drop down to fight him but apparently they're buddies so I don't see that happening anytime soon. GSP, he's probably the best I've seen in a long time and that was against a great fighter. He'll kill Serra if he fights the way he did last night. Now, I don't think he's the best P4P, his chin is suspect. I don't care what you say, not having your head in the game doesn't make your chin glass. The shot he got caught with wasn't that great IMO and Serra definitely isn't known as a power puncher. You feel me? Again, Hughes is extremely one dimensional. He's a great wrestler but GSP handed him his ass on the ground and thats a testament to just how far his wrestling has evolved. GSP would have problems handling a bigger framed guy if you ask me, especially one thats as accurate as Silva. If you don't have a chin against him you're in big trouble. Dance04, I hope you know I was just busting your balls about GSP. Nothing wrong with idolizing such a good damn fighter. :applause:
  17. I understand you have a huge man crush on GSP, I've seen the pictures. Now to educate you on the fight game, walking around at 190 doesn't mean that you can fight at 190. That's like saying "well he cuts 20lbs to make 170 so he can go up 15 and fight 205. He's mad strong for a 170lber but guys like Franklin are cutting from over 200 to make 185. They're a hell of a lot bigger and stronger than GSP. It's simple physics son. A bigger taller guy using his size, strength and leverage will 9 out of 10 times beat the smaller guy. There's a huge size difference between GSP and Silva, HUGE!
  18. Isn't technical, dude you are obviously talking about a different fighter than Dan Henderson. That's how he wins most of his fights, with his head. He doesn't make mistakes. That's why he won so many decisions, he doesn't take stupid risks that get him knocked the **** out. Still, dude sometimes I don't know about you. We'll see though.
  19. Henderson is at 205 because of the weight classes in Pride. Henderson has whooped guys weighing a lot more than him also. Fighting a t 185 is going to make him even more dominant if you ask me. Hell I think he even weighs in under 205 most the time, he might even have to fatten up a bit. I might be reaching but I think he'll be more comfortable at 185 than he is a 205. Anyway, Silva is a beast but he really hasn't fought anyone that's a difficult matchup. Franklin is a brawler and doesn't match up well with Silva at all. He's slow and telegraphs his punches. Silva, he's kind of a lanky 185 and Hendo will is a smart fighter, possibly one of the smartest in the game and he won't let himself be suckered into a muai tai clinch with Silva. I got hendo on this one. By the way, what was up with the gay as break dancing crap GSP did? What's next, the moon walk?
  20. Whoa, slow down killer. P4P best fighter in the world? Seriously, he's a great fighter but he'll get killed at 185. He just doesn't have the physical stature to move up in weight. I know GSP is your boy and all but lets not put the cart before the horse. What impressed me the most about GSP tonight was his strength against Hughes. Hughes typically would use his strength to out muscle a guy on the ground but GSP had his number. Congrats on a decisive victory. P4P? :doh: Seriously.
  21. This is a can't miss card IMO. Too many good fighters matching up to be a bust. Only one I'm worried about is Chuck and Wandy. I hope Chuck is on his game and proves he's ready to climb back to the top and make an attempt at recapturing his belt.
  22. Don't want this to seem like it's "correct still" day but I think there was less than 20 seconds left in the fight. Don't think it mattered though, his arm was probably only 5 seconds from snapping.
  23. Jardine was on TUF and got his ass handed to him. He didn't win a fight for a while and all of a sudden he up'ed his game. Still don't think he's all that and I can't personally stand to watch the guy fight. :2cents:
  24. Great card last night that's for sure. J Rock had War Machine all but done, War Machine turned it around and put his lights out. Guida owned Huerta for two rounds, Huerta catches him with a knee and it's all over. For the life of me I can't figure out why Guida shot like that. He'd been setting Huerta up the entire fight with punches first then the take down and went away from his game plan. Oh well, Guida stayed busy and Huerta showed some hellafied heart. Great fight. Can't wait to watch the Mayweather fight. Seems he went away from his hit and run game plan and stood in there and went toe to toe. Suprising, again I can't wait to see it.
  25. You see, that's the problem I have with some of the supposed "analysis" of some of these guys. Aurelio was supposedly one of the best bjj guys around but fought like crap. Bjj tournament winners don't impress me much at all. It takes way more than bjj to win in todays MMA. Honestly IMO Roman Greco prepares you better than almost anything. It teaches you to avoid take downs, get take downs, throws and how to use your weight against your opponent. Bjj is all about submissions and if the guy you're fighting is way stronger or has good sub defense your done. Aurelio was way too one dimensional. I like Guida a lot and agree he's been screwed way too often. I think he'll win but Huerta is a banger and will maul him on the ground if Guida ends up there. Once he softens him up he'll go for the sub. Flip side of that is Guida has a great chin and won't get mauled without giving some mauling of his own. This shoud be a bloody ass fight, great card if you ask me. :applause:
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