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Everything posted by ZoEd

  1. Looked like the guy he was fighting was doing most the jawing. Dunno, I like Diaz. How can you not like a guy who can blaze up and still whoop some ass? His BJJ is phenomenal.
  2. Don't you think they're over saturated the market though? I mean, a PPV almost every other month is ridiculus and they could easily make much bigger cards by combining some of these fights. Guess you can't blame them though, if people are paying for it why stop.
  3. UFC 90, funny UFC 87 is in two weeks. That means inclucing that event there are three events before October, money grubbing biatches. Put them on one freaking card man! Last nights fights were pretty good IMO, nothing spectacular but good. Still think there needs to be a tournament where the best from each league get together and bang it out. Once a year, you fight all year long to be at the top of your league for a chance at a unified title. I think MMA fans deserve to see the best in the ring and not just who Dana thinks will put on a good show. Cyborg has a dick, no doubt about it. Tell you what though, seeing Gina get all fired up and ready to fight was freaking hot! Nothing like a girl wanting to bang it out in the ring, especially when they're as hot as she is.
  4. Hells yea! If the Arlovski that showed up Saturday night shows up against Fedor it should be a good fight. If not, Fedor will destroy him. I think he'll do that anyway but it will be even faster if he shows up and runs around the ring.
  5. IMO the two defining divisions are LHW and WW as far as power, speed and strength combined go. No one can argue that and if Anderson did go through the LHW class and became champion in two weight classes you'd have an arguement. Could Fedor drop to 205? I just get the feeling that Fedor is in the game for the sport and not to be a star or Dana's *****. As far as movement goes, you'd be hard pressed to find a guy that moves as well as Arlovski did the other night at any weight class.
  6. Nothing was slow about the punches Fedor was throwing. Fedor and Silva will never fight so unless they could meet in the middle and beat each other up we'll just have to keep on speculating. Who has Silva beat that's such a badass in the MMA world except for Hendo? Not the Hendo you're used to seeing either but a Hendo coming off a 30+ pound weight cut to fight a guy who's been competing at that weight class. Silva still has to beat some upper tier talent to be the P4P best in the world. HW used to be where the talent was at and IMO it's a testament to how powerful the fighters are at that weight. No one can stay at the top forever but Fedor has against big Nog X2, Mark Hunt, Mark Coleman, Cro Cop, Randleman, Sylvia, Herring, Arona; how is that not top talent? List Silva's opponents; Rich Franklin X2, Travis Lutter (who was beating him on the ground), Hendo (who could have faired better if sticking to his gameplan) and Marquardt. There you have it, you do the math. Not trying to pick at you Destino but I'm tired of the UFC pimping this guy while accusing Fedor of not being a top 5 HW and ignoring his accomplishments. Call it marketing or whatever but Dana is a douche and should quit being an arrogant prick. He needs to put the best fighters in the ring against one another instead of trying to "WWF" the MMA world by handpicking fights that showcase his "boys". Seriously, Irvin? How can that be taken seriously as a 205lb debut? One flying knee and a quick knockout is all this guy has ever accomplished and shouldn't even be in the top ten in that division.
  7. I think you'd have to put the California Kid Faber in there. He might be small but that dude destroys everyone he faces including Pulver who has been touted as one of the best MMA guys around. You can't leave this guy out that's for sure. I don't think too many fighters have dominated their opponents the way he does. :2cents:
  8. Fedor has been taking it easy because Pride was bought out and Dana was too much of a douchebag to allow him to compete in Sambo while fighting in the UFC. Dana missed the boat on this one; he had the opportunity to put Fedor and Randy in the ring together and put to rest who the best HW in the world is. Dana had an opportunity to possibly match up Fedor with talented fighters but F'd it in the "A", what is this about anyway? The fighters or Dana White and his power trip. They're fighters not property but Dana treats them like they're his little minions to control. I'm telling you, it's only a matter of time before the true talent in MMA takes a stand and jumps ship or puts Dana's punk ass in his place. The writing is on the wall IMO. As for Silva moving up in weight, still not impressed. He moved up in weight and beat a guy he probably, actually no, he would have beat him at 185. Look how easy it was for Roy Jones to move up in weight, he slowed down but still had enough fleetness in his footwork to avoid being hit. I don't think it's too far of a stretch for Silva to fight at 205, he actually probably had to put on a few pounds. Did you see him in the pre fight wearing a weighted vest to teach how to move with the additional weight. If he was cutting to get to 205 why add the weight, why not just train at his normal weight? You couldn't even tell he was heavier. Honestly, don't you think with his size that 205 is a more natural weight for him? Bottom line, IMO if he fights a 205 pound guy like Machida and wins I'll be impressed. Hell, if he fights Hendo at 205 I'd be impressed. Hendo should have had a warm up fight at 185 before fighting Silva. I think if Hendo has been training at the lower weight he'd be a much better match up right now at 185 than Franklin III. Point is, Silva has to do more than just beat a top 20 guy at 205 and hold down the 185 to be the best P4P in the world. Fedor has been at the top for a long time. I think it's a slap in the face for Dana and his little biatch Joe Rogan to tout Silva as that guy. Ask the MMA guys who do this for a living and I bet the majority will say Fedor.
  9. Fedor, no question about it. 1) Silva beat who? Irvin, Irwin whatever his name is, has heavy hands but come on. He isn't even close to being in the top 10 205 pounders out there. 2) Silva's move to 205 wasn't as big of a deal as UFC wants people to believe and just because the UFC touts him as the best P4P doesn't mean it's true. Of course Dana wants you to believe it but until he steps in the ring against the best he can't be the best. Dana needs a champion and has a damn good one but ruling the 185 pound weight class and beating one mediocre 205 pounder just doesn't do it for me. Maybe I'm just hating because the UFC and Dana White are shoving him down our throats. I respect his talent but still think Fedor is the best fighter in the world. 3) Fedor handed a big, big man who has held the HW belt twice his ass in only 36 seconds. Arlovski whooped Silvia that bad once but it's been a while since the big man has been beaten that easily. 4) Fedor's record should speak for itself. Problem with Fedor is he isn't flashy like the guys Dana wants to put in the ring. Dana could give a rats ass who the best fighters are, he wants the best show. I feel the more people become familiar with MMA the more transparent Dana's tactics will become. He's the Vince McMahon of MMA and unfortunately people are buying it. What's up with all the PPV's? Why can't we have more than one belt on the line in a night? Why have PPV's where no belts are involved, wouldn't it make more sense to beef up another card with those fights? Dana is a money grubbing biatch. I think my hate for him is apparent by now. Dana was trying to steal PPV from Affliction, it was a gimmick and I don't think it worked. Joe Rogan even said during the fight "it doesn't matter if you win in the UFC, if you lose but put on a good show you'll get rewarded". I have beef with this. Dana is putting on a show instead of putting the best fighters in the ring. Is this MMA or WWF? I think he had good balance before but he's getting greedy. I think it's obvious that the die hards are jumping ship, Big John, Silvia, Arlovski, soon to be Couture and who knows who else will jump next? I think Spider is a bad man but not the P4P best, not after seeing Fedor beat Silva so easily. Arlovski is still better than most the HW in the UFC but Dana kept jerking him around. Anyway, Silva has a little more to go IMO to be the "undisputed" P4P in the world. Too many tough guys he has to fight before holding that honor. A win over GSP and one of the top tier LHW's and he'll be pretty damn close but not if Fedor hands a few more guys their asses in the meantime. I dunno, I think Spider being the poster child for Dana White and the UFC has me a little biased. :2cents:
  10. Like I said Mike I didn't personally get to see the fight but you have to do more in five rounds than land the occasional punch. It's MMA, there's a crap load of things you can do to score enough points to win a fight. Again, it's boring but it's fighting. As for lumping up Forrest's head, have you ever seen a fight where his head didn't lump up? You keep debating like people are accussing Rampage of not being a good fighter, we all know he is. It just sounds like to me he got out hussled and needs to bring more to the table than the occasional bomb or he's going to get outmatched in the 205 division. Look at Machida, boring as hell but good luck putting a glove on him. He chooses his punches well and typically doesn't throw one without landing it. Terrible matchup for Rampage but one you might see. Is he necessarily a better "figther"? Probably not but he's probably a better MMA "fighter". Just like Keith Herring, Page wants a guy to stand in the middle of the ring and trade with him and that's just not going to happen in todays MMA world, not if you want to win.
  11. Didn't personally get to see the fight but my wife was there doing security. She said the crowd was pro Forrest all the way and she kind of felt bad for Rampage becuase of it. She wanted Rampage to win but said Forrest simply did more "fighting" than Rampage. Hey, call it what you want; leg kicks, sub attempts, take downs, it's all fighting. It may not be what you want to see and in your mind someone should have to get their asses kicked to lose a fight but the bottom line is you can't win a fight just throwing bombs and not knocking your opponent out either. From first word of Rampage coming to the UFC everyone knew what kind of fighter he is, brawler. That's his game and your not going to get much else. Yes he's a decent wrestler and will slam your ass but that's not his game. Now, in order to see an exciting fight we want guys to come in the ring and play his game but quite honestly that's stupid. Exciting, hell yes but stupid none the less. If you're game planning for a fighter you want to avoid his strengths and it sounds like to me Forrest did just that. Get over it, you may not have seen the fight you wanted to see and I too probably would have been a little disappointed from the sounds of it but Forrest out "fought" him. Speaking of Forrest, how can you not love how he's evolved as a fighter? Started out brawler and has steadily honed his game into what it is today. Since being KTFO by Jardine he's been much more methodical and calculating in his fights. He's abandoned his wreckless fighting style and is a much, much more well rounded "MMA" fighter. I honestly think he's where he deserves to be because of it. I'm in the middle of moving and Direct TV cancelled their installation until Sunday so I totally missed this event. I was pissed! Anyone have an idea where to watch it, free?
  12. I'll give you that, they're three outstanding fighters so you can't help but learn something from them. I'd be honored just to be in the same room with them let alone learn the game from them. Big Nog and Mir is going to be one hell of a fight. I'm looking for a good weight loss supp so I'll check the Ripped Fuel 5X out. I used to live off rip fuel before they took the Ephedrine out. Funny thing is I'm in the middle of moving and came across three bottles of ephedrine the other day. I'm so tempted to use the stuff but I have a feeling they test for the stuff in the military. Maybe not epedrine specifically but meth which has ephedrine in it. Don't want to risk that crap so I guess I'll have to stick to the non-ephedrine having stuff. Damn that stuff was good though. Thanks for the info, I'll definitely check it out. Oh, how many are you taking and are you building up a tolerance? I know with the old stuff you'd build up a tolerance pretty quick and would have to keep upping the dosage.
  13. Add Chuck and a few others to that list as well but either way it isn't going to be easy for him. Thing to keep in mind though is Hendo was on this list not too long ago and he dropped down and didn't fair too well with Silva. Thing is it's all relevant. Hendo drops to 185 after figting at 205 for quite some time. When you drop it takes you and your body a while to get used to fighting at that weight. Hendo would have faired a lot better if he would have stuck to his game plan and kept Silva against the cage, remained patient and waited for his opportunity to take him down. Instead Hendo tried to bang with him, you can't bang with him and last long. Now, Silva is moving up 20lbs which means he's carrying the extra weight that he neeeds to get used to fighting with. Silva is a big 185lb guy, he's not a big 205lb guy. Your average 205lb guy is going to be used to the weight and not as easily pushed around. Just because a guy is dominant in one weight class doesn't mean he's going to cruise through another. He's going to have to bring his A game or it's possilbe he'll get beat in his 205 debut. I too am suprised they're just throwing him in the ring with someone that could very easily KTFO, guy has balls that's for sure. Like I said before, if he gets beat is he still the P4P best in the world? Does the guy who beat him get that honor? I don't think so, that's why I hate it when people use that term, P4P best. IMO that person doesn't exist.
  14. No I don't think it gives them an automatic advantage. Good fighter doesn't automatically translate to good teacher, look at Rampage's guys on TUF7. Of course this may not apply to these three fighters, they very well could be great but you don't know until they start coaching. Mir is the most MMA saavy guy I've ever heard when talking about the sport. I think Frank will be an excellent coach. As for Nog, he's not champion becuase he's so dominant, he's champion because he can get hit in the head for 4.5 rounds. Hell, I guess you can say that about Mir too, huh?
  15. No one talking about Silva moving up to 205? We've discussed it on here so I guess we'll just have to see what he's got. If he moves up to 205 and gets beat is he still P4P the best in the world? I don't know about ya'll but dem boys up der at 205 got a little better chins than those guys down at 185. Not saying Silva won't still be good but I don't see him going through 205 the way he has 185. Dunno, should be interesting. As far as the coaches for TUF8, I don't care who Nog has with him Mir is a teacher and his team will be extremely well coached. Just because you can fight doesn't mean you can teach. :2cents:
  16. Pretty good night for MMA if you ask me. I'm so sick of Joe Rogan though. Everytime there's a fighter he's got a man crush on he all but blows the guy the entire fight. Seriously, why didn't he just get on his knees and service Diego Sanchez? The Italian dude not only showed some serious heart and chin but he caught Diego several times. IMO the fight could have went either way and by no stretch of the imagination was Diego in complete control of that fight. I'm just so sick of Rogan, he does this **** every fight. He picks his favorites and even when they're getting their asses kicked he finds a way to stroke them.
  17. Faber VS Pulver June 1st, this should be a brawl. IMO Pulver will be Faber's most difficult fight in the octagon. It's difficult to pick a winner but I'd have to give the edge to Faber. Also, Mir is going to be at out BX here on base the 22nd with a "mystery" fighter. Probably gonna go down and check it out. I like Mir, dude seems pretty damn cool. We'll see how much of a douchebag he is in person.
  18. I'm not saying Silva's ground game is suspect. If you go back and read what I've written you'll see that I said I think it's the only way someone will beat him. The two fights where he's looked beatable was the first round against Hendo and against Lutter. Both times he was on his back. You're not going to stand with him and strike because he's too fast and he'll reach out and touch you with his lightnening quick legs. IMO it's going to take a strong 185 guy to out muscle/work him on the ground. The dude is beatable, you guys act like he's the second coming or something. Everyone is beatable. Scenario #2, someone with a chin needs to withstand a few shots and get a couple of his own off. Since Silva's been on his tear who's tested his chin?
  19. You can't argue the fact that the GSP that got knocked out by Serra isn't the same GSP that handed Koshchek and Hughes their asses. He's not the same GSP who completely mauled Serra last night. After getting KTFO he got his head straight, trained harder and came back a totally different fighter. Serra and his camp should have never questioned GSP's mental aspect of the game. Who's laughing now? I dunno, Silva's weakness is definitely his ground game, if you want to call it a weakness. He's a good submission guy but Henderson won the first round of their fight on the ground. Lutter was beating him on the ground. It's going to take someone strong and athletic to take him to the ground and beat him up; who's that sound like? GSP got out wrestled by Hughes who then sub'd him. GSP has out wreslted arguably the best two wrestlers in the sport since then and of course that includes Hughes. Machida would be a great match for Silva, he's big, strong, great striker and would most likely take Silva to the ground and out beat him up. I'd like nothing more than to see that matchup. Henderson/Franklin would be a great fight, Leben has a great chin and power but IMO he's just not polished enough to hang with these guys. Okami and McDonald I don't think are in the same league either. I'd like to see Rich keep training and fine tune his game enough to get the title back. You have to wonder though, will his head allow him to beat Silva. After getting beat up twice by a guy it's tough to see yourself beating him.
  20. OK, so he'd kick my ass. I'm not saying he can't fight but the dude has done nothing in the UFC, nothing. He was okay in TUF but not great. He got lucky against GSP, you know that. No way he should have beat GSP. He's not even in the top 10 in the weight class right now. 5 losses is a lot in the UFC, there's guys out that have lost less. Like I said, he's a great BJJ guy and a great teacher, he's just not a great fighter. 155 is way too deep for him to be champion there. I mean isn't that what guys fight for? To be champion.
  21. 185lbs :doh: I was drunk, sorry. He wouldn't even be in the top 100 @185. If you watched the pre fight hype show on Spike the other night you saw Serra getting his ass handed to him over and over again. That's why he was on the "last chance TUF". He's a great coach/teacher but a terrible fighter. Don't let that take anything away from GSP; when I think PFP most well rounded fighter he's the guy. I wasn't a big fan of his at first but the guy is a beast. When he out wrestled Koshceck and Hughes I told people that he was about to go on a tear. I would not be suprised to see him go up in weight and fight Silva. If he can close the gap and take away Silva's range he wins. If he can stay away from Silva's reach and get him to the ground, he wins. If he gets caught on his chin he's done. I dogged him a little on here before but not since he handled Hughes the way he did. Herman is a douchebag, don't know why the UFC is so high on him. He hasn't done a damn thing since coming to the UFC accept get his ass beat. Keeastman, what weight class does your man fight in? Do we know him? My wife has a friend she went to school with who fights in the UFC @ 185.
  22. Starnes should be run out of town! Lutter, WTF? I expected a hell of a lot more out of him. You never know what Travis Lutter is going to show up for a fight, I thought he was finally over that. If Franklin can keep his edge against Silva he's got a shot. GSP owned Serra, I think it's obvious now Serra's win was a fluke and he doesn't deserve the belt. Hell, he doesn't even deserve to be in the top 5 @ 185 IMO. I loved seeing Herman go out, he's a ***** and I'm tired of seeing him get fights. He's obviously the Taylor Jacobs of MMA, good in practice but sucks come gametime. IMO GSP is the PFP best fighter in MMA right now. Dude is so much more well rounded than Silva. OK, you've got me; I'm just not a Silva fan. Minus his chin show me a weakness in GSP's game right now. Silva can be sub'd and has yet to fight a guy who takes the fight to him. Everyone he fights allows him to dictate the fight, GSP or Machida would never do that. Bisping doesn't have a chance against Silva.
  23. Maybe he's got Mrs. Cleo on speed dial for MMA fights.
  24. Good analysis, I agree with everything except the Lutter/Franklin match. :applause: Sorry I forgot you in the other thread :doh: , you da man.
  25. Silva walks around at 200 from what I hear, guess he's working the system too. As for Silva's knee injury, find it funny how someone always ends up with an injury when they're getting worked. Keep sleeping on Travis, we'll see tonight who's a bum. Dallas fan? Let's hope not. :doh:
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