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Everything posted by ZoEd

  1. Arroyo over Kolosci (decision); depends on if Matt can get John to the ground. I think Johns stand up is better than Matt's Sotiropoulos over Miles (Sub); George will destroy Miles, that is if George isn't gun shy after being KTHFO! Danzig over Speers (Sub) Mac will definitely out class Tommy but don't sleep on Tommy. I think Mac will have to put him to sleep because he won't tap on no weak ass arm bar. Guida over Huerta (Decision); I'm going with Guida as well. When I saw him live I was like "look at this douchebag with the long hair" Wow was I wrong. This guy stays busy and no matter what you're going to see a good fight. I think Huerta has a better ground game though, if it goes to the ground he wins by Sub.
  2. You call it defense I call it boring. All Floyd did against Golden boy was run, run and run some more. You could see the frustration on Oscar's face. Boring ass fighting if you ask me. Now I'm not asking him to stand in the middle of the ring and take an ass whooping but for God sakes mix it up a little. As far as the weight, "Fatton" has to cut weight where Floyd walks around at 140 ish, don't understand why cutting less weight is going to hurt him all that much. Floyd isn't a big 147 by no means. Floyd's speed is his greatest weapon IMO, just like Sugar Ray. Sugar wasn't afraid to bang though, Floyd acts like he's afraid to mess up his pretty little face. I think it's going to be a good fight though, watching Hatton hit the "body bag" I don't see Floyd being able to survive too many of those shots. I just didn't see that type of power in Floyd's shots but Ricky's shots are heavy, brutal shots and he doesn't require much to get them off. Pretty short compact punches and his combinations are pretty damn quick. Too me Floyd is more of a snappy puncher than a power puncher. Nobody wanted to bang with George but Serra was doing his fair share of talking him up too. One of the things that's hard to test in the gym is a guys chin and no one had ever seen if George had one, obviously not. He came in tentative and when you do that you're setting yourself up for a KO, ask Chuck.
  3. I can see Matt not wanting to fight because of the injury but I can't understand the other guys being such wussies. Even if they got their asses kicked it was an opportunity to show Dana just how bad they wanted to be in the UFC. Have you or Chachie had the pleasure of watching the Hatton/Mayweather 24/7? Hatton is no joke. This guy has some seriously heavy hands and speed to go with it. No way this fight is one sided unless you consider Floyds incesant running. I see Hatton winning this one and no way does Floyd knock him out. I'd give anything to see this fight, I've gained much respect for Hatton because of the HBO special. Dude is humble, blue collar guy who loves to brawl; polar opposite of Floyd Mayweather. After Hattons last win by KO in the fourth he stood and middle of the ring and said "I hope you liked the fight, you probably saw more action in four rounds than you've seen in all of Mayweathers fights combined." Gotta love it.
  4. This totally sucks, Ives and Mazgatti (sp) arent that bad but Herb Dean is terrible. He has gotten a little bit better on the early stoppages though. John looked like he tapped three times before herb stopped the fight against Mac.
  5. Why do you think George is so talented? Not tryin to argue with you, just trying to figure out why people were so high on him. Everyone was swinging from Ed Hermans tip as well and he still hasn't shown me a damn thing except for how to get beat. JJ isn't enough and IMO beating up on a punching bag is a hell of a lot different since the punching bag doesn't hit back. George's standup was pretty weak IMO and if the guys he beat would have respected him less I think he would have gotten his ass handed to him. Keep in Speaking of the punching bag not hitting back, anyone been watching the Hatton/Mayweather 24/7? Hatton was making fun of Floyd, mocking how he doesn't look when he hits the pads. He was like "I could stand there and do this for 6 hours, problem is the pads don't hit back."
  6. If you read some of my earlier posts I've admitted that Hughes can be a pompous ass. The TUF that he coached in with GSP was enough to piss Serra off but come on, Serra has taken it way too far. The entire show was Serra mocking Matt and calling him names. How old is this guy? Hughes might be an arrogant hick but he didn't resort to the petty crap that Serra has. Honestly I've seen a totally different Matt Hughes during this TUF. Maybe he watched the last one he was in and realized just how much of an ass he was being. I don't know but I've seen a totally different guy, haven't you? As far as coaching, Serra is hands down a better coach than Hughes. That doesn't make him a better fighter. The show isn't calle the The Ultimate Coach, it's the Ultimate Fighter and obviously Hughes did something right. Serra and Hughes come from two totally different ends of the spectrum. Hughes with his "high school football/wrestling" coach mentality and Serra with his "hey buddy, try this" mentality. Hughes admitted he didn't come on the show to make friends. Did you seen his training clips last night? Dude he was banging with his guys. He wasn't just going through the motions. Maybe that's the difference between team Hughes and team Serra. Serra's boy although trained better technically were soft and Hughes' guys weren't I don't know, againg I'm talking out my ass. I'm a firm believer in training the way you play, no matter what sport it is. :2cents:
  7. It's pretty intriquing isn't it? On one hand you've got a naturally smaller guy using technique to beat up on naturally bigger guys and on the other hand you've got a freak of nature who uses strength to run through people who are technically stronger. That's why the finally should be pretty damn good. Personally I think strength will win out over technique 9 out of 10 times used wisely. Anderson Silva will be beat by a guy who is strong enough to clinch while keeping him close enough to stay away from those knees. Hendo might be that guy with him dropping down in weight. He's obviously strong enough because he's spent his entire career fighting bigger guys. We'll see. Randy used his strength to keep his last two opponents close to him in the clinch which enabled him to use dirty boxing and impose his will against them. By staying close he neutralized Tim and Nog's kicks and striking. 170lb will be interesting, I don't think anyone is as strong as Tommy in this weight class. Sean Shirk has been bullying lightweights around with his strength since they reestablished the division. Again, strength means nothing if not used properly and coupled with a good chin. You're going to have to take a shot to get close enough to use your strength to your advantage. Now none of this applies when you take Royce Gracie destroying guys twice his size into consideration. I don't know what I'm talking about, WTF? :doh:
  8. Poetic justice. Exactly what Serra deserves for being such a ****y punk the entire show and for constantly, incesantly making fun of Hughes. I'll say it again, I'm not a huge Hughes fan but Serra really showed his ass the entire show with the name calling and constant insults. Karma is a biatch and her fat ass sat right on Serra's tiny little head. Eye poke or not it was just a matter of time before Tommy connected. George was running scared and IMO showed his true colors. He exudes confidence when faced with a lesser opponent but when faced with someone he knows can turn the lights out with one punch he wilted. This just goes to show just how freaking strong Tommy is. How can you not like him? He's a big dumb ox but he's out there putting it all on the line and just over powering people. Not Sean Sherk type steroid strength just good old fashion **** strong farm boy muscle these little "technicians" around. You've got to love it. It's like a Vega with a 454 blowing the doors off a Viper. It doesn't get any better than this. As far as the final, I think Mac better be on his game or he'll get rolled as well. He's got the tools to put Tommy away but does he have the guts? If he plays timid and lets Tommy get him out of his game it's all over. He's going to have to submit Tommy because I think Tommy's chin is too good for a KO at 170 unless it's from a kick. :2cents:
  9. TUF last night was nuts. Tommy is a freak of nature! How the hell did he get out of the arm bar and the triangle. This kid will be fearsome when he learns some technique. Good fight, I hope he whoops Georges punk ass as well. Don't know, I'm just pulling for Hughes' guys because of Serra's incesant chit talking. I think Hughes has handled himself with class through the entire season and Serra has been a douchebag. I so wanted to see him get his ass beat.
  10. Down playing another fighters skill is one thing, being a classless jerk in another. I think Hughes acted like an ass the last time he was on TUF with GSP. Not this time around. Maybe seeing himself on TV he saw just how much of an ass he was being and decided to not be that guy on this show. Serra on the other hand is relentless in the name calling and mockery and frankly it's making him look like a whiney little biatch.
  11. I'm with you Destino. Alot of people don't like Hughes but Serra's incesant name calling and mockery of him warrants a no holds barred ass whooping. I hope when him and Hughes finally meet Hughes beats the crap out of him. Hughes hasn't once called Serra names or mocked him, meat head maybe but at least he's "professional". As far as Hughes not shaking Hightowers hand on TUF, why? Why should he give that punk the time of day. He goes into the room and pretty much questions Hughes' professionalism after already acting like he was too good to be cornered by Hughes. Then he refuses to train with arguably the best welterweight ever. I'm glad he got his ass beat. I'd like to see Mac and Tommy in the final, eat that Serra!
  12. This is suprising. Seems like Dana needs to pull his head out of his ass if it isn't already too inflated to do so. What Randy accomplished at his age is amazing and he should be IMO one of the highest paid fighters in the business. I don't think he should have resigned though, this is MMA, he should have just beat Dana Whites ass.
  13. Did you listen to Joe Rogan? All he talked about is "Hamill is going to ground and pound just like Tito", "Hamill is an Olypmic class wrestler and will control the ground game", "Hamill has heavy hands". Except for him wrestling in the Handicapped Olympics he's proven nothing. With that in his resume he should be able to take any fighter to the ground and either submit or pound the crap out of them. He is very over hyped, especially since Tito was swinging from his tip during TUF 3. Tito was talking him up like he was going to bull doze his way through the UFC. When he goes against the better fighters he'll get crushed. It takes more than holding someone on the ground to be successful in MMA.
  14. I gave Dan the second round. Although Rampage faired a little better towards the end of the round Dan still controlled it. I also agree with the sentiment that a takedown shouldn't be automatic points. This isn't a wrestling match, it's a fight. Once you take a fighter down you have to work towards something, submission, ground and pound something. Hamill never does anything once he gets a guy down. That's what I mean when I talk about him being overhyped. Joe kept talking about his heavy hands which he's never seems to hit anyone with. They talk about him having great ground and pound but who's ever seen it? I think he's the Darnarian McCants of MMA, he looks great in practice but never does anything with it in the ring.
  15. Although i think Hamill won he still didn't dominate anything. As usual he threw his punches with absolutely no aim and when he got to the ground nothing. 0, zilch, nada. He needs to stay busy on the ground, drop some elbows, do something to inflict damage. Bisping stayed busy with his hands and his punches were thrown with a purpose, he just didn't throw them for the sake of throwing them. Again, Bisping shouldn't have won but Hamill needs to expand his game or he'll never succeed. The judges were terrible tonight. First the Hamill debacle and then two of them scoring the Rampage fight 49/46? Seriously, how did Dan not win the first two rounds? He stayed busy, controlled the fight in the clinch and took Rampage to the ground. Rampage won but it damn sure wasn't by that margin in my book 48/47. Great fight though, Dan should have let it all go in the 5th but it was still a great fight IMO.
  16. Seriously, have any of you even watched Hammil fight? Everyone claims he has heavy hands but I've never seen him throw them. In fact, when he gets opponents on the ground all he does is smother people and still doesn't throw anything. He has the tools to be a good fighter but doesn't have the killer instinct. IMO he's the most overhyped fighter in MMA. Bisping sloppy? Are you crazy? Far from sloppy, very smart fighter and nothing like Forest. He doesn't go in head first throwing bombs going for the one punch knockout. If anything he's more of a counter puncher. You leave yourself open and it's goodnight. Also, he has some tremendous kicks and a decent sprawl. If Hamill trys shooting too often look for a knee to the face and it's lights out! Bisping by NO Rampage is a bad man, don't get it twisted he's bad. Bad but beatable. IMO he's even more beatable than Chuck ever was. Now that he's dedicated to training he'll be a hell of a lot better but I don't think he's smart enough to be Henderson. Hendo is giving up some by fighting this heavy but it's not like he hasn't been doing it for a while and doing it quite well. He's smart enough to neutralize heavy hands, look at his last fight against Silva. He's "super smart" as Gibbs would say and possibly one of the most well rounded fighters in the game. Don't look for him to give Rampage many good angles allowing him to tee off. This fight comes down to Rampage though. If he's too agressive and F's up Hendo will capitalize. If he keeps his head in the game, stay patient and waits for his shots he'll win. Too bad Rampage doesn't fight that way. I think Rampage will come out swinging, Dan will weather the storm and will slow him down with some kicks and later knock him out. I've got Henderson Don't know too much about the rest of the card although I know Cro Cop has some of the heaviest hands I've ever seen and you don't want to F up and get caught by one of them.
  17. I just don't see it that way. In boxing you stick the jab in a guys face to set up other punches. It's not fun to watch but it's part of the game. Not only did GSP throw the jab out there, even if it didn't connect, he feigned a lot too. By doing this he made Kos cover up while GSP threw the kicks. I'm not a big fan of GSP but I think the guy fights smart and there's nothing wrong with that. At times though fighting smart turns into fighting timidly and that's when you get your ass handed to you. You keep waiting for the other fighter to make a mistake or give you an opening and it never materializes. Then out of frustration you try to make something happen and get knocked the "F" out. All I can say is Herb Dean, worst ref in the business. I couldn't believe he was doing the main event. I think Chuck needed a wake up call. He's been riding that "superstar" high for way too long. I think he'll get his ass back in the gym, work harder than ever and come back with renewed passion for the game. Look for him to totally destroy some guys on his way back to Rampage. No Dan isn't a BJJ expert but he as smart as they come. I don't see him allowing Rampage to tee off on him. He'll move a lot and wait for his opportunities. Dan's a very patient fighter and won't let Rampage bait him. Sorry, I'm just not sold on Rampage yet. Brawler, probably the best in the business right now. MMA, just not well rounded enough for me. Maybe he has some tricks up his sleeve, I don't know. All I've seen from him are slams and swinging for the fences. That stuff works on a lot of people but I don't see Dan giving him those opportunities. :2cents:
  18. Chuck punched Rampage countered, no luck in that. Chuck going down with one punch, to me that's luck. I think Chucks chin is more dangerous than his overhand right. Chuck isn't afraid to obsorb some blows if it enables him to get off with that right. IMO he's taken better shots than the one Rampage hit him with and was still able to regain composure. Defense? Rampage's defense is his hands. Most guys are afraid to try and take him down because if they miss he'll most likely knock them out. He's a good wrestler, so they say. I've never seen him grapple so I don't know. If it goes to the ground Henderson will win and I think he's smart enough to save himself for fight that goes to later rounds. I know Rampage is training at big bear but that doesn't prepare you for the mental aspect of the game. Like I said previously, Henderson is smart; look for him to bait Rampage and get him on his back. Once there, Rampage is like a fish out of water. Don't underestimate Chucks fan base. UFC is a business and the people buying the PPV and paying thousands for Tix to see them live love Chuck Liddel. Dana won't make him wait long. Did he make Couture wait for a title shot against Silvia? Face it, no matter how you look at it, it's still a business.
  19. GSP looked bad? He fought a very heavy handed fighter, probably one of the heaviest in their weight class. He's also considered one of the best wrestlers in MMA. GSP did what he had to do to win and was extremely impressive the way he continued to avoid submissions and turning the table on Koshcek. I think GSP looked better than he has in a while. Lets face it, Randy is a freak of nature. How the hell can a 44 year old man be in that good of shape? How in the hell can a man his age come out and totally dominate fights the way he has the last two. Silvia was dominated for 5 rounds and GG was handled heavily. How you can take anything away from him I'll never know. He took some powerful kicks from GG and kept coming. Again its strategy, he knew GG's strength was his kicks so he stayed in close and neutralized them. The way you analyze fights I think you'd like to see them stand in the middle of the ring and take turns giving each other their best shots until one looses. MMA is just like boxing in that you study and prepare for your oponent. You take away their strengths while finding a way to take full advantage of your own. Randy, GSP, Huerta, Cote all did this. Don't know how you can dog a fighter for doing just that. By the way, I watched Henderson fight the Ax Murderer and he'll win over Rampage, he easily neutralizes heavy hands. Don't let Rampage's win over Liddel cloud your judgement, he got lucky and Chuck was way too ****y. Henderson is probably one of the smartest most calculating fighters I've seen in the ring. Seldom does he make mistakes and he seems to be getting better with age. Look to see Henderson and Chuck in the ring soon after Chuck dismanltes Jardine's sorry ass and Henderson holds the belt. :2cents:
  20. I don't know WTF happened with Forrest in that Jardine fight. Jardine has never impressed me. Just goes to show that if you get caught just right anybody can knock your ass out.
  21. THIS JUST IN! I just saw on the local news here in Vegas that Tito and Dana White are going to fight. No TV, no PPV just the two of them going at it. Haven't heard what the dealio is yet but I'll let you all know.
  22. Jackassedness, Herrmag my friend that's quite an outstanding word, may I use it from time to time? I understand your dislike for Diaz I just like rooting for the underdog and it seems like every fight they throw at him he's considered to be just that. Yet, like Chachie said, even in defeat Diaz show's some serious skill and I've never ever seen the guy give up in a fight. Still don't see what that has to do with Mary Jane. Why do they even test for it? They should be testing for performance enhancing drugs that's it. If a dude wants to get his ass kicked and smoke a bowl that should be his perogative. Like I said there are plenty of things not related to MMA that people do that are illegal and if they don't investigate them, why test for pot? I just don't understand it, that's all.
  23. He beat you up and take your lunch money? I know it's illegal but so isn't speeding and a myriad of other things wonder if they test for those. Do they check his computer to see if there's kiddie porn? Seriously, if it doesn't enhance a fighters abilities why doe they give a damn what he does? Steroids, coke, HGH, meth yes, pot no, that's just stupid.
  24. For pot? Are you freaking kidding me? YTF do they test for pot anyway? Coke I can see, it can make you feel invinsible but pot. I just don't understand it. It's not a performance enhancer; if anything it does the opposite. I feel the same way about them testing for it in the NFL. I know it's illegal but what's the harm in smoking a little herb to combat the pain caused by a grueling NFL season. Again it's not helping them on the field or giving them an unfair advantage so who cares?
  25. Actually the typo was damn funny if you can imagine someone getting hit with Jap's. :laugh:
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