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Everything posted by ZoEd

  1. I thought it was a decent enough card, entertaining fights overall. I don't mind fights where two guys show up to actually fight but one of the guys is beat with technique or skill. Stout put on a clinic, how can you not like that? I always want to root against the guy but he always fights really well. Both Millers fought good fights, sick sub by the second miller. The guy is like a praying mantis or something. Daly, I was pissed with the whole "thug" act with the fake guns after the fight but he had the sense to apologise afterward. By the way, no one owns guns in England so what's up with the whole gun act anyway. That being said, dude has some sick hands. I personally think on any PPV card the main event should be 5X5 min rounds. Give us something worth paying for. I spent all day yesterday watching the Dream card from NYE, still have about three fights left, anyway the Japanese know how to score MMA. They don't really give points for takedowns that don't do damage. UFC should be the same damn way. I can appreciate a guy with a good wrestling base getting takedowns that evolve to GnP but Rashad did absolutely nothing once he took Silva down. They should have yellow carded his ass! Lol Silva screwed the pooch by not going in for the kill on Rashad though. He has no one to blame but himself for losing that fight.
  2. Agreed, that was a dick move or should I say Brock move. :doh:
  3. Fight Night, really? Might as well be watching TUF. Few if any of those fights entertain. Dude, I'm not going to argue with you about the UFC being the cats meow. Of course it is, it should be. However, a PPV every other freaking month would be great if every card you dropped the $$ on is worth the price. ACCEPT for the most recent card they've been putting out some pretty weak cards. I'm not talking about weak fights but the card as a whole. When you're paying $50 for five fights you'd expect to get at least $30 worth of fights but they've been giving about $10-$20 tops. Strikeforce has been putting on some really solid cards, that's all I'm saying. UFC better recognize that and start stacking their cards a little a better if they want to keep their PPV number up. As far as UFC setting the mark for anyone else, I dunno about that. I think most MMA fans would argue that pride set that mark long ago. The UFC has a good thing going but they need to continue to give the fans what they paid for or they're going to lose credibility.
  4. I think the UFC is screwing up by having a freaking UFC ### every other month. Have some "qualifying" cards that sets the stage for guys to earn their way onto a UFC ### card. To keep charging people $45/$50 for these watered down cards is ridiculous. There wasn't one bad fight on that card last night IMO, I can't remember the last time the UFC had a card where I could say that.
  5. I don't have Versus so I watched Strikforce. All in all very entertaining card. Never even heard of King Mo until last night, dude is legit, heavy ass hands. Jacare looked pretty damn good, explosive as hell, quick hands. Thomson/Melendez was a war, don't know how two guys could go at it that long at that pace, great fight. So Smith may have gotten the victory but Cung Lee is a bad mo fo. I've never seen anyone in MMA throw kicks the way that dude does. Totally amazing fight. UFC better watch it's back. Sure they're still the elite company but I think Strikeforce is closing the gap. UFC may have better fighters overall but with Fedor and now Henderson in the stable they're a must watch orginization. I also feel like their cards are much more entertaining and stacked than the watered down UFC cards we've gotten recently.
  6. Wait a minute, Brock put on 60lbs in two years! Naturally of course
  7. Easy killer, lets not get all butt hurt. We are talking MMA and we all watch fights. Speaking of watching fights, how can you watch Fedor totally destroy his opponents and not recognize his talent? Don't start bashing people because of you're hatred for Fedor. See, it goes both ways. I'm not a Fedor fanboi and I wasn't buying into the hype until I actually got to watch him fight. Seeing the power he has in his hands I honestly don't know what you're watching.
  8. Fedor's people didn't want to co-promote all of the UFC's fights, where did you get that from? They wanted to co-promote Fedor's fights, getting a cut from Fedor's fame and marketability. I personally don't see anything wrong with that. Personally I think Brett Rogers has a punchers chance against anyone in the HW division in the UFC accept maybe Brock and only because of his size. He could knock out Big Nog, Kongo, and as much as I like Cain and Mir his standup is enough to take them out as well. Arlovski wasn't laughed out of the UFC, his contract was up and he was sick of being jerked around. He said Dana and the Fertatta's would offer him fights, he'd start training just to be jumped. Arlovski would still be a "gate keeper" in the HW division in the UFC and would still be an upper tier fighter. Mir has done nothing but impress me with his stand up as of late and is definitely becoming a more dangerous fighter. The added weight would be a huge help against Brock but I think he's too much in his head. I don't see him beating Fedor either. Cain and Carwin both stand a chance but I think Fedor beats them both with his experience. Personally I think the only true competition for Fedor would be Brock because of his size. What I find funny is that in every other sport in the world people are called cheaters for using PED's but Brock is given a free pass because he never got caught. HGH is a PED! Looking at Fedor's physique I don't think he's used anything but vodka, sledge hammers and truck tires to get where he's at.
  9. Who in the UFC is better? Fedor doesn't just win he finishes fights. Of his 31 wins he's only went to decision 7 times. On top of that he used to be feared for his subs but recently he's chosen to just knock your ass out. No one has a win loss record for as long as Fedor, not even close. As for the negotiations, the first time Dana tried to sign him he said he couldn't fight outside the UFC. The last time he tried he said they wanted to co-promote and he said no. The dude is making so much freaking money and would make a ton off of a Fedor against anybody fight that he's just being stubborn, plain and simple. You also only have Dana's side of the story, I believe him as far as I can throw him. He's got a track record for being truthful. :doh:
  10. Dana wanted complete control over Fedor just like he wants over all his fighters. Fedor wanted to continue to compete in Sambo competitions in Russia and that was a no go from Dana. Fedor's people also wanted to co-promote, Dana wouldn't budge on that either. If Dana wanted him bad enough he would have made it happen. The way Hendo jumped ship, Tito and Couture wanting out and only coming back for the money; Dana obviously is a douche to the fighters behind closed doors. Sure he's great at marketing and blah, blah, blah. However it's just like Dan Snyder in DC, this is a sport where you make money off of grown ass men sacraficing their bodies for entertainment, you can't treat them with indignity or sooner or later they'll all jump ship. The UFC has never allowed anyone to co-promote and this prevents matchups of the greates fighters in the world. Just like Hendo said, for some it's not about the money. BTW, Brett Rodgers has some sick hands for a HW and a lot of fighters in the UFC would struggle against them. He has one punch knock out power and has proven against everyone he fought accept Fedor.
  11. Not too long ago, April of 07 is two years and 6 fights ago and he avenged his loss in dominating fashion. GSP admittadly took Serra lightly and got caught. Noticed how he hasn't been caught since. BJ has lost three times since March 06. You can't use the "BJ fought a bigger guy" card to ignore three losses in three years but ignore the fact that GSP has only lost once in over four years. With GSP's overall skill set being as well rounded as it is I don't see how you can't elevate him above BJ. BJ is a great striker and BJJ. Besides GSP's suspect chin what aspect of the game is he not great in? Fedor with a slight edge to Silva over GSP. I'm almost tempted to put GSP over Silva with the pathetic dislplay he put on with Leites.
  12. Okay, so forget that BJ and GSP ever fought. GSP has still dominated his opponents in all facets of the MMA fight game, moreso than BJ has. I think you could also argue that the fighters GSP has faced most recently are better quality fighters than BJ. Apples and oranges I guess, but to "pentalize" GSP for being a big 170 is just plain stupid. As far as a catch weight, how much freaking weight do you expect GSP to lose? The dude is an extremely lean/cut 170. 165? 160? I can't see GSP losing 10 more pounds. Using your reasoning, if GSP goes up and fights a couple 185er's and loses as long as he goes back and dominates 170 he's still a great P4P fighter? I mean, as long as he fights them well it's okay if he loses. I think you're minimalizing GSP completely dominating BJ to support your opinion. Unfortunately, when you have two guys that have faced off and one completely dominated the other, the one who dominated should get the nod. You just can't ignore that, I don't care what the persons natural weight class is.
  13. No Fedor is a better P4P fighter because he's destroyed every fighter they put in front of him and hasn't lost a fight since 2000. No fighter in the game has as many consecutive wins, that's why Fedor is #1 P4P. Also, it's not like fighting at 170 was a new thing for BJ, that's where he fought Hughes. I know 155 is BJ's ideal weight but lets not say that GSP's size is the ony reason he beat BJ. GSP is dominating 170, even against a big guy like Alvez. I understand the definition of P4P, don't really need an explanation about it. I'm just sick of people saying that GSP is dominating because of his size when he's been out striking, wrestling and G&P'ing everyone as of late. Like I said earlier, he even out wrestled Matt Hughes, no easy feat.
  14. He took BJ down at will though. Diego won TUF @ 185 and has some good takedowns but didn't take BJ down one time last night, not one freaking time. GSP took BJ down over and over again and not just beat him but dominated him. Size or no size the way he manhandled BJ was astonishing. Never in a million years did I imagine GSP completely owning BJ that way. BJ has fought bigger guys his entire career and has never been the bigger guy. Take the BJ fight coupled with the way GSP out wrestled Hughes, out muscled a bigger Alves. GSP has totally dominated lately. Now, that being said, I wasn't a huge GSP fan at all for a very long time. However, the way his skill set has evolved and the way he's dominated his opponents, you have to respect his fight game if you a fan of MMA. As far as MMA goes I think it's hard to argue against him being the most well rounded of all.
  15. You can't blame GSP for that. Smaller guys beat bigger guys all the time, guess Brock will never be seen as a P4P fighter if he continues to win because of his size? BJ has fought LHW, I fail to see your point. BJ's takedown defense and BJJ was supposed to be so superior that it would nulify GSP's size. BJ got pounded, plain and simple. He took the fight thinking he could win it, he didn't and GSP did. How can that not elevate GSP above BJ?
  16. Good card for sure, minus the Struv fight, it shouldn't have been on the main at all. Mir carried the extra weight really well. Didn't slow his hands at all and gave him a lot more power. Frank not needing his ground game is indeed scary. Konga whinning about not getting a title shot was a joke. Dude got worked. BJ put on a clinic last night, never looked worried at all and was the calmest I've ever seen him in the octagon. As for P4P, BJ's butt whipping by GSP puts a dent in his status IMO. For me it's Fedor GSP Anderson Fedor for obvious reasons and GSP because I think he's steadiy evolved with every single fight and IMO has the most complete skill set of any fighter in the game.
  17. Honestly I don't blame Kos for his dramatized reaction. Sure the knee didn't connect but it did drive his forearm into his eye. Fact of the matter is Johnson kneed a downed opponent and Kos had every right to make sure Johnson lost a point for it. As for the eye poke, Johnson gets eye poked a lot. Repeatedy. I don't know if it's Johnsons style or what but I doubt fighters are intentionally poking him to get an edge. I also don't agree that it got Kos out of a bad situation, acting or no acting the ref would have stood him up and given him a chance to recover because it appeared the knee went to the head. For the rest of the fights, Lil Nog is legit, Saunders has some of the nastiest knees in the business, George has a good skill set but will never threaten a champioship, Amir still never ceases to amaze me. Seriously, if you were in a club and Amir spilled a drink on you and swatted your girl on the ass you wouldn't think twice about stepping to him. Next thing you know he's breaking your arm.
  18. I have to buy it, my wife has a crush on Tito. Whatever, it gets me a PPV.
  19. Again 60lbs of MUSCLE in two years. Ask your friend who use steroids if they think a guy could put on that much muscle without help. You ignored the link addressing HGH and there being no test in 05 and only a blood test now. You also ignored the fact his head looks like it's doubled in size which is a direct side effect of prolonged HGH use. I've gained almost 90lbs since graduating basic training yet 20 years later I still wear a 7 1/4 hat. As for the intestine thing Dana is talking about he's being pretty vague, don't you think? I also didn't intend to say that "OMG roids is killing Brock" or "OMG Brocks illness is directly linked to roids". I think my original comment was HGH isn't juice, but I guess I kind of lump them in the same catergory even though they're technically not the same. I guess I should have been more specific and said PED's. Of course he was arrested for possession of a shipment of what cops thought were steroids but later dropped the charges when they realized it was some type of growth hormone. I also read that supposedly it was later found to be some type of tylenol but haven't been able to find it anywhere but a message board somewhere. Not trying to get into a pissing match about it, I just know anything in excess is bad for you and IMHO he did something excessively to get that big and I ain't talking about excessive weight training. Speculation and based on no intimate knowledge of his current condition. I'm just saying.
  20. You're right, I did say I wouldn't bring it up again but Keestman talked about it in her post so I found some info addressing the possibility of steroids having an adverse effect on your kidney's, liver, prostate and everything in between. Speculation is what message boards are made of. We speculate about politics, sports, and what fighter would kick another fighters ass. Look what roids did to many of the other wrestlers. Again, pure speculation but if you sleep with dogs you get fleas. Roids are an integral part of the culture these guys live in so it's actually a pretty easy leap to make. By the way Lovetoaster, the picture you showed; how many people you know that size with striations in their chest like that? Seriously, that dude was pretty damn ripped. Compare him to other MMA fighters fighting at the same weight he was fighting in college. Also, how much did he weigh in that picture? http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/vault/article/magazine/MAG1018452/index.htm say's here that he put on 60lbs from high school in 96 to college in 98, naturally? He's obviously got gentetics on his side but dude, that's an insane amount of muscle in two years. Also, how the hell did his head get so big? HGH? Read link below. http://www.drugfreesport.com/newsroom/insight.asp?VolID=33&TopicID=7
  21. Again, I really hope the guy is okay but you have to imagine how much steroids a guy would have to do to go from the size he was in college to the size he was in Pro wrestling. We're probably talking 60lbs of muscle. He was around 300lbs of muscle in the WWE,F or whatever it's called these days. That's not just a couple cycles of juice to push through a plateau. I also know that oral steroids will really take their toll on your liver, kidney's and prostate. Good friend of mine ate dynabol like it was freaking candy, 10+ pills a day in addition to the crap he was injecting in his ass. Also, when some of these guys reach a plateau with the roids they'll inject themselves with insulin to gain weight. You wouldn't believe the things people will do to gain more mass, it's an addiction. I wish him the best and I'd love to see him fight again. I hope it's not as serious as Dana is making it sound and doesn't have any long term affects.
  22. +1 Not trying to be insensitive but maybe too much juice put a strain on the fella's kidney's & Liver. Been known to do that. Sorry, I just got to put this out there. There is no way a person gets as big as Brock without doing massive amounts of roids. Done, won't bring it up again.
  23. I think the Brown that everyone on TUF hyped up has finally arrived. He was terrible on the show and I honestly thought he'd never fight in the UFC. Now he's on tear and seems to be getting better with each fight. I loved this fight, insane how he rolled out of the kamora. I'm with you on Hardy. Dude is fun to watch but he'll get destroyed by GSP. :chair:
  24. Am I the only one who thought this ended up being an outstanding card minus the main event? I appreciate the main event for what it is but the undercards blew it out of the water. FTR, GSP takes Hardy down over and over again. That is, if he even lets him up.
  25. That's what I'm saying 99, that's whay I'm saying.
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