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Everything posted by Mooka

  1. ... Missed layup, missed jumper, turnover. Can still pull this one out but Brad man, CMON!!!!!
  2. Love how Lebron isn't even on the floor, yet the ref runs over to explain the call.
  3. Gee thanks ref. Possible 4 point play into 0 point play. Sato doing it all. Defends the drive, runs the break, get's the assist.
  4. There's a few minor characters. Any major characters like Ned or Joffrey don't last long.
  5. They'll have to up the pacing if its going to end in 6 episodes. Last season was already on light speed. I do applaud them for actually ending the show rather then letting it drag on. So few shows do this. Problem is we have a seemingly invincible enemy and it'll be almost impossible to defeat them without some disappointing cliche. They're already going the kryptonite route with the Valyrian steel and obsidian; maybe the Dragons. At least there it ends in a fight. The worst would be if the Night King is defeated because he's spiritually linked to Bran, or he is Bran or whatever and Bran just kills himself or is killed by someone close to him. I've seen that one too many times. The other cliche there would be that Bran somehow causes all this to happen by going into the past and trying to stop it. That's possible and probably likely. An ending closer to what you're saying would be great; that they defeat the dead by understanding their motives and they either hold up an old agreement or they form a new agreement with the Night King. Martin doesn't create characters that are 100% good or evil which is what makes the story so great. I don't think this is where the show is going though.
  6. The killers didn't pick these schools out of a hat at random, they all went to these schools. (unfortunately we got some of those too in this country) They know when classes start/end, they know where the teachers are, where the students are, where the principal is, where the security is, etc. Arming our schools will only be so effective; in the long run will probably cause more problems then it'll help.
  7. They could've done more, at least with legislation that would've passed the House, but they only really had power for a short period of time. Al Franken's seat was contested which took a while to sort out and Ted Kennedy died in 2009 with Scott Brown taking his seat ending the 60 for the Dems. To be real the Democrats only had the WH, House and 60 in the Senate for a period of some months. They used it pass the ACA.
  8. Yea but there's no evidence of collusion on the left. Jk i admit i rarely read any true left of center stuff anymore. Honestly the things i considered center are now considered far left.
  9. If you pay attention, this is a persistent problem. The amount of weird news flooding out directly after the Florida shooting that the shooter was a pro-ISIS mexican immigrant registered democrat. Atm, the floodgates are in full force on holding the FBI accountable and they're wasting their time with the Russia investigation. Floods of suspicious pro-Russia comments can seen all over the right spaces on the internet, either minimizing this or somehow agreeing with official Russian statements? How much of the anti-Mueller crap has been Russian troll farms that Trump has actively parroted? Something has to protect us from ourselves unfortunately.
  10. Only a troll would support Bernie Sanders, then vote Trump. Statistically, we're talking 6-12% of Sanders voters. The majority of those people, 65% voted Republican in the prior election. Compared to >20% of Hillary Clinton voters voted for McCain over Obama. What you noticed is an almost insignificant amount of people. Almost, because the election was so close.
  11. Not really what it says, that's conjecture. It says the goal was to support Sanders and Trump, and "use any opportunity to criticize Hillary and rest (except Sanders and Trump - we support them)" All the fake accounts, hashtags and advertisements were either anti-Clinton or pro-Trump.
  12. We charge them in America; Russia would have to agree to hand these individuals over or they'd have to come here on their own accord.
  13. We're going to triple down on school safety with zero tolerance policies. It'll extend to social media and outside of school. (moreso then currently) With Sessions as our AG, definitely going to increase security and police presence in schools. Probably extend that to private contractors. Home-schooling... eh.... who knows when Betsy Dumbass is our Ed. Sec. None of these will be long-term solutions but might produce some numbers short-term. Like I said before, eventually being a student in this country is going to suck. I only had 1 year of grade school post columbine and as a kid I remember hating the murderers for making my life more annoying; not for murdering innocent people. (I was 17) The long-term solutions aren't happening. Mental health... riiiiiiiight, we can't even give everyone in this country health insurance, how are we going to cover national mental health? And real gun control seems just as unlikely unless they can sell it to the base of the right. I only see that happening if it limits certain people's gun rights while simultaneously protects others. In any event, we're not fixing this problem without giving up some freedoms.
  14. Plenty of warning signs from this kid. His social media is plastered with crazy **** and his peers knew he was dangerous. Did he live at home? How did a 19year old high school drop out buy an AR-15 with multiple magazines, smoke grenades.... gask mask? **** aint cheap. Unfortunately saying crazy **** online or on your social media isn't uncommon. I'll say this, eventually being a kid in America is going to ****ing suck. We're going to double down on zero tolerance and it'll spread. I didn't really have to experience school post Columbine. Think I was a junior when that happened. Not sure what other route this country can take that'll help. Gun control obviously aint happening.
  15. Apparently the shooter is still active or at least no updates yet. Parkland rated the safest city in Florida: https://www.alarms.org/the-safest-cities-in-florida-2017/
  16. You're far more likely to use the gun on yourself on purpose; not accidentally. *WY has the 3rd highest suicide rate for example: https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/pressroom/sosmap/suicide-mortality/suicide.htm From time to time, we all get sad... - Jim Jeffries
  17. Kelly's still dragging out there. Shooting < 30% in the last 5 games.
  18. Sato's owning the Bulls. Already 3-3 from beyond the arc with 3 steals.
  19. ^^^ Its implied that he kills his wife with the insulin overdose and there was a real John G that Leonard already hunted down and killed. You have to believe Teddy though to think that the first John G was actually the guy that attacked Leonard and his wife. Teddy could just be a liar, using Leonard as a sort of hitman. I don't think we're actually supposed to know where Sammy Jankis' and Leonard's stories differ from each other because its from Leonard's POV where he's purposefully tricking himself. Teddy says Sammy Jankis was just a short-term memory case that Leonard correctly investigated as a fraud. Leonard remembers that Sammy had the diabetic wife, and that he was wrong in his assessment; both supposed fake memories to help him forget he killed his own wife. Maybe part of the "remember Sammy Jankis" is also to help him remember that he himself has short-term memory loss since he would remember that case was about short-term memory loss? I'll have to watch it again. Does he know he has short-term memory loss before he reads a "remember Sammy Jankis?" Because if he does, then it might just be a huge plothole. Nolan working backwards I'm sure created some problems in the story.
  20. Coming up: @CHI @NY Going to get ugly if we lose these games. Bulls have lost their last 7 and will be playing back to back games against us on Saturday.
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