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Everything posted by Bacon

  1. That was so disappointing. A year and it ends in one punch.
  2. School shootings are just freedom tax. Can't keep America running without them.
  3. Three school shootings in one day: http://www.cnn.com/2015/10/09/us/northern-arizona-university-shooting/ http://www.khou.com/story/news/local/2015/10/09/reports-of-shooting-near-tsu-campus-school-on-lockdown/73656646/ http://abc7.com/news/upland-elementary-school-on-lockdown-following-shooting;-1-injured/1026041/
  4. It's alright, guys. This school shooting was just a tremor. A natural part of American freedom. Got to let out the tension once in a while to keep the Big One from happening. If another Big One happens, we have safety protocol provided to us by Ben Carson. Never cover up, just attack the shooter head on. The man is acting on his natural, Constitution-affirmed right to own a gun and the rest of us need to work together to preserve that freedom with minimal lives lost. I hear they don't have natural disasters like these very often in other countries, but in the end it's their loss. This is a climate of freedom.
  5. Another day, another school shooting: http://abcnews.go.com/US/deadly-shooting-reported-northern-arizona-universitys-flagstaff-campus/story?id=34363113 Why even start separate threads for these anymore? We're averaging a school shooting every 6 days and that figure was almost exactly right in this case. 8 days.
  6. There is an important difference between gun owners and gun nuts. Gun owners can have a discussion about guns and the safety of our people. Gun nuts look at every new policy as an excuse for grown ups to take away their security blanket. What will protect them from the war on masculinity? The war on Christmas? Muslims? The oncoming zombie horde?
  7. No, that makes a lot of sense. If I stole a car, I wouldn't be hanging around in the city waiting to get caught. I would get the hell out of Dodge. Not that I would know anything about this. There are no cars worth stealing in Van Nuys.
  8. Hell of a lot of car theft though! http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2015-06-24/watch-my-car-san-francisco-has-greatest-risk-for-auto-thefts
  9. Those numbers don't "mirror" the national trend, unless the mirror is terribly warped. Our country's homicide rate hasn't dropped by 40% in 7 years. If only. And yes, I agree that countless measures will be involved in successful changes to policy, not just one.
  10. http://www.sfgate.com/crime/article/Bay-Area-cities-homicide-rates-show-striking-6023054.php Ya don't say?
  11. I want a national gun registry. If you want to fearmonger about it, that's your call, but it needs to be done. Gun owners need to be given regular psychological screenings to make sure that they are mentally equipped for the responsibility of owning a gun. Just because you had good intentions for your gun in 2011, doesn't mean you do now. Trigger locks are a must and could go a long way toward preventing family members from getting hold of a weapon in the household. Proper storage is crucial. Simply put, whatever creates some distance between the impulse to kill and the hand on the trigger could be beneficial in limiting mass homicide. The determined will try, but it should be a real pain in the ass. There's no chance that all the guns will be melted down this week or in 20 years. America is different in that regard. So the entire system of distribution needs to be rebuilt from the ground up and we need to do everything in our power to make sure that our country's gun owners are as responsible as they claim to be, which is where training comes into play. The 2nd amendment connects gun ownership with a "militia." It should take a lot of work and responsibility to own a gun, a responsibility that is maintained, if we follow that logic. Above all, I'm sick of hearing the "but it won't stop crazed killers" qualification that's attached to any suggestions for reform. We have no idea how changes to policy will affect the culture over the span of several generations. I want the chance to find out. No more hand-wringing from the right.
  12. What a lame main card. Actually went out to the bar for this because it looked promising, but nah. I don't think there was a single good fight out of those five. Arlovski/Mir was certainly close, but come on. Even Arlovski looked disappointed. The prelims were really good though. Loved Felder/Pearson and Lineker/Rivera.
  13. Am I the only one who thought Mir won that fight comfortably? I was shocked by the result.
  14. Depends on who sticks around for the Cavs. If they have a similar roster, but healthy and with more experience together, they could do some real damage. As it stands, LeBron will be a year older, Kyrie is Mr. Glass and Love may go west. We'll see.
  15. Absolutely dreadful 4th quarter from the Wizards, but the rest of the game showed why they're here.
  16. Bulls fan here. Was really hoping to have another crack at you guys in the ECF, and maybe it'll still happen if our respective teams can take care of business. Worst case scenario for me in that instance would be a DC team going to the championship for the first time in ages, which would still be very cool. Best of luck to all the Wizards fans here; keep the faith. Please take out Atlanta.
  17. So that's what three years at 8-8 and a wildcard win earns you.
  18. It's saltier than the Dead Sea on CowboysZone. Celebrating a screwjob one week and throwing a temper tantrum over a call that didn't go their way the next. What a bunch of hypocrites.
  19. Oh God. So what you're saying is...there is no silver lining whatsoever?
  20. **** the Cowboys and **** ESPN.
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