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Everything posted by Bacon

  1. That's interesting, I'm pondering what my next move should be if Sino-American relations become actively hostile and war breaks out. The US is not the place to be right now. I have family in Munich, guess I could hide out there for a bit if **** hits the fan.
  2. http://fortune.com/2017/01/27/donald-trump-muslim-immigration-ban-conflict/ https://www.palmerreport.com/politics/muslim-refugee-ban-donald-trump-three/1182/ Good thing no terrorists have originated from Saudi Arabia or Egypt! Oh...
  3. What really sums this mess up for me is that all of the Middle Eastern countries given exemption from an outright immigration ban are countries with a Trump hotel or business interest. That's Trump for you. Really putting Americans first.
  4. Has there been a worse 2 minute stretch of any career at this level than Ronda's last two rounds? Good God.
  5. Conor is great and all, but can we talk about that Woodley/Wonderboy fight? Holy ****ing **** that 4th round escape and subsequent 5th round domination to pull off a draw was one of the coolest things I've seen in the octagon. A little strange that no one there knew how a majority draw worked, it made the whole thing look staged, but whatever. Also, Yoel Romero looked crazy juiced.
  6. I didn't like the first Cloverfield at all, but I greatly enjoyed 10 Cloverfield Lane. The two films couldn't be more different. Last movie I saw was Suicide Squad and it was craaaaaaaaaaap. No better than a 3/10. Definitely in the bottom tier of superhero films and there are lots of bad ones.
  7. That was a fun card and an incredibly deep one at that, with excellent prelims. The final three fights were a mixed bag, but what else could we realistically expect?
  8. Joanna's cardio is unbelievable. She just waited for Claudia to gas herself and ran right through her.
  9. Bulls fan checking in. I don't blame KD, he stuck around with the Sonics franchise through their move to bum**** nowhere and gave it his all for 9 years. I am, however, disappointed that the rich are getting richer. It would have made life more difficult for my team, but I wish KD would have gone to Boston, DC, Toronto, any legit eastern threat to challenge the Cavs.
  10. Probably goes without saying, but anyone with kids should go see Finding Dory immediately. If you don't have kids but liked the original, I don't see any reason to skip on this one. A bit more psychologically intense and emotionally downbeat than the original, but it has its share of laughs, gorgeous animation and excellent direction. While not a classic by any stretch, it is a very good movie. Feeling a B+ on this one, maybe a B.
  11. California actually tried to pass this and it fell through. Here's a very brief look into it:http://abc7.com/news/city-council-votes-to-track-ammo-sales-electronically/411410/ There are some major holes in this, but it's what was proposed.
  12. I side with Renegade on ammo limits and registration being a more productive track than the guns themselves. Why does a civilian need enough ammo for his AR-15 to take down 100 people?
  13. We just pay a higher price for freedom, that's all. And the weekly homicidal maniac is a small price to pay to live in the land of liberty!!
  14. I'm still baffled that this was the case. How??
  15. The security guard with a state-issued pistol at the door didn't accomplish much against an AR-15. At what point does one wake up from the NRA-sanctioned fantasy of "good" citizens protecting us with obscenely powerful guns and start addressing the ease with which the "bad" citizens are acquiring them?
  16. This is exactly what I'm thinking. The pacing is all over the map. It'll be glacial for a while, then it'll turn into a zany gorefest on a dime. I like that it keeps me on my toes though.
  17. I just started watching Preacher. Holy **** what a messed up show.
  18. Diaz is a tough SOB, that's for sure. Not sure if the rest of 170 would be able to handle that punishment. We may never know after this. Moving up inevitably impacted Conor's training, but due credit should be given to Nate's all-around skill set.
  19. So many casuals on the internet tonight arguing that Conor lost solely because of weight. Because this guy was the epitome of health: Style decided the outcome of this fight. Conor's ground game is a known weakness and the matchup wasn't a good one for him.
  20. Reminded me of Ronda/Zingano, the one that ended in 30 seconds. Terrible strategy, brutal outcome.
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