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Everything posted by Bacon

  1. Tony might be my favorite player, him or Max, but it's tough to make a call on him in 2019 with a season still to go. He may have an incredible campaign and legitimately price himself out, or do the exact opposite. If we win it all, our (and the Lerners') mindset will also be a little different. Let's focus on doing that and enjoy having the team together another for one more year.
  2. The main reason I would be really happy to have Harper back is that our lineup NEEDS some pop. Without him, it's still a high average club, but HRs would be sparse. I'm still concerned about first and second base. I feel like someone needs to be shifted over for the loss we're taking from trading/not retaining Murphy. Dozier would help.
  3. Personally, I think that once Machado signs somewhere, the Bryce deal will fall into place quickly. That's what I've been reading for months and it seems to be heading that way as Machado's suitors become more defined. No idea where Bryce will go, but it seems common sense that his options will become clearer once the market settles, and that the Nationals could wind up looking very appealing as more teams back out.
  4. I didn't say he wouldn't be successful at HW, he'd win the belt in time, he would just be far more susceptible to the kind of shots that throw off your calculations. I think that he would rely on his wrestling more, if anything. Which wouldn't be a bad thing. Worked great for him tonight, and DC looks damn near unbeatable as a HW wrestler (with a very different build).
  5. All of these are good reasons why he would avoid heavyweight like the plague if he wants to look unbeatable. Ask Conor how important a big weight jump can be to size, power and stamina. You can look human real fast if your opponents are bigger and hit harder.
  6. I can't wait for this man to get old and fall off. Time makes a fool of us all. Also, pretty weak of Bones to bait DC down instead of threatening to go up to heavyweight. He scared or something?
  7. It would. I want to see Nunes punch Cyborg's huge roid head some more.
  8. I'm so ****ing happy. Cyborg is damn cheater and she got beaten with real skill and talent.
  9. My daughter is a week old, so her resume is a little thin, but she picked up breastfeeding in a half hour. 🔥🔥🔥
  10. That fight was garbage I hope Tito is proud of himself
  11. That was favorite FG from Dallas since this beauty:
  12. I thought Bader was going to win this back when it was first announced, so I've got to stand by him now. But that is going to be a great fight.
  13. I got into MMA through my spouse, so I'm stuck watching most cards whether I want to or not. My wife edits footage for the UFC sometimes and used to hit the road with the crew for Embedded. She's met Bisping, Saint Preux, all kinds of fighters, and has some pretty strong opinions on not only the sport but fighter personalities as well. The fight that really got me into UFC was Lawler/MacDonald 2. Who wouldn't want to keep watching after that? TJ/Barao 2 was another. The UFC has fallen off a bit even since 2015, but I persist because of my favorites (TJ, DC, Joanna, Khabib, etc.) It's a great sport but a disgusting league run by a craven cue ball who thinks it's cool to cut footage of fighters being physically and mentally scarred into promo material.
  14. I'm rolling with 2. The repeated insistence on time and scope limits certainly points to that.
  15. He reminds me of a fat version of David Lynch's character from Twin Peaks, complete with the yelling. Imagine if he never left the diner and just kept eating pie.
  16. "If I'm elected president of the Supreme Court, I will have an army of personal female law clerks. That's the kind of man I am."
  17. The look on his wife's face is so choice. She hasn't shifted a bit in 20 minutes.
  18. He's running out of water, but he can always fill up his glass with tears.
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