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Everything posted by Metalhead

  1. I thought the movie was a lot of fun. Every character had a chance to shine and everything followed a logical chain of events, which is surprising for a film of this scale. My only complaint is the absurd over-use of shaky-cam. I hate that gimmick with a passion. Just as in The Winter Soldier, the shaky-cam nullified the effort and choreography that was put into the stunts and fight scenes.
  2. Super pumped. Going to Megadeth thursday night in Silver Spring then Cap the next day at 11:30 am. Let's rock.
  3. I am loving that trailer. The music is outstanding, really hinting at some dark sounds and creepiness. And I can't wait to see more of Tilda Swinton (she rocks every role she takes).
  4. I just watched Hateful 8 a couple nights ago and I thought it was really good. I loved the slow burn of the build-up. And what happened to Hangman and OB was hilarious...the look on poor OB's face. The over-use of the n-word got a little silly though. However, I haven't seen Django yet which a lot of people are saying is the superior film. A friend let me borrow it, so once the deed is done I may change my opinion on Hateful 8.
  5. Exactly, same with me. I'm also hoping that Rogue One can bridge the gap between the prequels and the OT, maybe even redeeming or incorporating the few good parts of the prequels along the way.
  6. Yeah, waiting that long completely removes a cult films' unique and/or subversive impact. Big Lebowski and Pulp Fiction are examples, with their deconstruction of plot and narrative being quite powerful at the time. Superbad was very quotable at the time, but didn't bring anything new - just another story of kids trying to get alcohol and party.
  7. Prometheus is the only movie that I truly have a love/hate relationship with. I absolutely love the cast, the cinematography, the atmosphere, the texture, the score (all phenomenal). I hate the characters acting opposite of their respective training and professions, while making idiotic decisions and illogical contradictions along the way. Ugh, the angst!
  8. It appears that Noomi's character will "die off-screen", the same as Hicks and Newt going into Alien 3. From what I understand, a new crew would go investigate a planet years later, finding David functioning but Shaw long dead.
  9. Better than Affleck? You're joking, right?Added - just watch it. By the end of episode two, you should be hooked. And then there is D'Onofrio, who takes it to a whole new level...the best comic villain depicted on film (better than any Joker portrayal, imo).
  10. That is strange for your start time and screen to be mixed up like that. Did it happen to anyone else during that screening?
  11. For real. For further perspective, Deadpool just crushed Winter Soldier and Guardians Of The Galaxy weekend openings...without the holiday.
  12. Yeah just a few days ago they announced a sequel was coming. This is a huge hit with great buzz...people will be pumped for the next entry. I just posted in the Last Movie thread but damn this was a fun movie! Not for the kiddos, that's for sure lol.
  13. Just got back from Deadpool. Easy A from me...9.5-ish out of 10. Over-the-top, hilarious, and they nailed it...I didn't think it could be done. Seriously, as a huge Deadpool fan, I can't believe they pulled it off lol. And it earned every single bit of that R rating. Morena Baccarin is a goddess. This only reaffirms that fact. She is perfection. It was awesome to see Gina Carano get a solid role and not just a throw-away one. She dished out some punishment. Overall, it was a blast and a lot of fun.
  14. What We Do In The Shadows. A documentary style comedy about Vampire flatmates in New Zealand. A very clever film with some outstanding wordplay and lines, and several parts had me cracking up. I normally despise (if not hate) reality tv shows and obnoxious shaky-cam, but this movie pulled it off well. I can't get over how bizarre yet logical this premise actually was, so kudos to cast, crew, and director. 9/10. Oh, and the director, who also played the character Viago, is the director for the upcoming Thor: Ragnarok. I have no ******* idea what to expect now lol.
  15. Saw The Revenant last night and Screamers (1996 sci-fi) tonight. The Revenant - the positives. It was shot very well (although painfully pretentious at times) and I liked Gleeson as the captain. The Revenant - the negatives. I'm about to blast it so be careful reading if you haven't seen it or you mindlessly love Leo This is the longest movie I've ever watched...as in it felt like a grueling, painful five hours. My friend that I went with, who loves any film with Leo, said the same thing. It dragged on forever and I actually found myself looking at a wall in boredom. The situations/events were either absurd or deus ex machina over and over. I know I'll get heat for this but I think Hardy and DiCaprio are overrated and this cemented it for me. Hardy mumbled and grunted with the same singlular facial expression (just like in all his other movies except Bronson) and Leo didn't bring anything to the table that someone else couldn't do. He filmed in the snow and ate some raw liver, that's about it. Yes I am a hater. A very disappointed hater after all the hype. It gets a C. The cinematography was its saving grace. Screamers. Mid-90's sci-fi cheese and grit. It did an honorable job of creating it's own lore. The locations where it was filmed and its industrial set-design created a dismal atmosphere - shades of Total Recall when on Mars. I'd give it a C-plus/low B as it holds up fairly well.
  16. Can the Sheriff refuse the request? Like tell them he has real matters to tend to?
  17. I just stumbled across the "Snacks For YallQaeda" facebook page...it is glorious. Apparently to post there you should first post and be banned from BundyRanch or ConstitutionalBootcamp facebook pages, typically just posting "snacks" is enough LOL. But of course the more wit used, the better.
  18. I don't think I've ever heard that...the last I heard it was more of a buddy team-up and a director with comedic sensibilities was intentionally hired to lighten the dark tone.
  19. Love the trailer and every single shot of Bucky. I need more Bucky Barnes. That shot of him against Iron Man solo and trying to rip out the arc reactor...YES. And then the tandem fight with Cap against Iron Man...MORE YES. I'm actually more excited for this film (and maybe Rogue One) than I am for The Force Awakens.
  20. I just started getting back into NBA, but damn the officiating is still terrible. Like god-awful. Superstar calls, ticky-tac bullcrap, and blind refs still taint the league.
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