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Everything posted by superozman

  1. How is that not good conversation? Riggo: Point - "Your'e not that important" Me: Point - "Nats ownership has never done anything to curb phillies fans" ES Nats fans: SEE YOU AREN'T HERE FOR GOOD CONVERSATION!!! Sorry, I didnt know making a counterpoint wasn't good conversation. Point/counterpoint is crucial to good conversation! But it's fairgame for Riggo to take constant jabs at me. I get it. I'm catching on. One day i'll have a conversation here outside the stadium
  2. Were not? Nats ownership has never done anything to curb phillies fans? http://washington.nationals.mlb.com/was/ticketing/take_back_park.jsp
  3. Braves/Nats/Cubs/Reds/Rockies I think are the best teams not performing right now. Assuming Trea is out for a long period, the Nats might struggle during that as I would assume, he's the catalyst so far until Soto shows up in full force. Looking at the names in the bullpen, they should be ok too. I want everyone to be right on this board, LOL but it is early. Baseball is a long season. As far as no philly zip code tix, people will find a way. People will have their friend in DC buy group tix or something and us phils fans will get tix. And if this boards sentiments are right (as Riggo alluded to finishing 4th), the ownership will want to sell as many tix as possible when they can, which means an influx of phillies fans in June, and September. I did notice though, that the Nats/Phils don't play in DC on the weekend, which typically they do. I wonder if the Nats team pushed for that to have less phillies fans show?
  4. Following the Nats fans through 1) being at Nats park a decent amount and 2) this board and facebook you can clearly see Bryce is a type of person who wants to make no waves in the media. And by all of the stuff he's doing for the Phillies fans I could see it as fake, but I also see it as just making sure he does the right things up front. Wears a gritty/phanatic shirt, bow/pump fist in the first few games to the crowd, phanatic spikes, etc. But as far as tonight goes. If I was a Nats fan I'd definitely understand the booing. You signed withe a rival. We booed Werth for the same reason. Some people cheered Werth, and some will cheer Harper. I'm just glad there is a rivalry in these two cities again, as they are so close. I feel the teams are always opposite - 1 not good, one good.
  5. Actually I've shown up in the past, and been told "This isn't really a rivalry, the nats suck" and "This isn't really a rivalry, the phillies suck". So, i'll just let this slide and wait for some good discussion
  6. Most likely no. Nats were better and there wasn't really a rivalry. Back to the fun. Just as when the Phillies were good, and the Nats weren't no one really spoke to me in the Nats thread either, so goes both ways. I've done nothing but constructive/fun convo, and that's all i'm here for.
  7. Agree on Padres. Also, super excited they bucked the rule and Tatis is on the roster opening day. $1 friendly bet Warhead that the Phils finish better than the Nats?
  8. This is what I gathered from his post - him wanting Dems to control all power. IMO, this is a radical approach, and continues/creates the divide to be even larger. But not sure that is any different than what Dems are upset with over Trump currently? So is that the answer, for people to flip to what they want and be radical in that manner?
  9. I do respect the Nationals attendance numbers, but I would question tickets sold vs actual people showing up. Not sure if those numbers are anywhere. You can say the same for Phils, i know. But, since 2012 when the Phillies started their downfall (finished 3rd, 4th, or 5th including 3 5ths in 4 years), Phils averaged 29,650 in attendance. In that same span, the Nationals averaged 31,321 with 4 1st place finishes and 3 2nd place. And you keep going back to last year, just want you to put in correct perspective: 1. It's an average of the whole year, so the beginning of the year averaged much less and the middle/towards the end. 2. A new coach, who a lot of people didn't/still won't believe in unless changes, and a roster that didn't expect to succeed. 3. With the success of the Sixers, and a playoff appearance by the flyers, money can only go so far for peeps!
  10. 1. Every team is as fair-weather as they come. I don't know a team that isn't fair-weather, yes, including the Nats, except Red Sox or Yankees - but they perennially put out a contender. 2. 27K was over the whole year, not the span you gave. That span you mentioned, people cared. Numerous games in that span were sold out. 3. Friday night vs the Cubs, the August 31st one where it rained all night and they squeezed the game in? Ok. I could very well nitpick the Nats fans and attendance, but I haven't yet, I came in providing information, but if you want to attack, I'm here :). They are part of a package, which numerous companies do. So I'm assuming they are protected by some law. If not, i'm sure they can simply break out the price and state they don't make anything on the ticket, they make the money on the food/bev/bus/etc.
  11. I tried to tell ya'll a week or two ago there were massive amounts of fans coming down! I also like the fact that you all think vacation days don't exist LOL. Since it's not opening day, it won't be like 2010, but right field would be awesome. Sadly, i cannot go that day. However, last year was the first year i missed a game in DC for the Phils since 07, so hopefully back on the streak this year! the rotation will be nasty for the Nats this year, so i guess the phillies will see Sanchez - Hellickson - Scherzer? Unless its a 4 starter rotation up front and then Sanchez/Hellickson - Scherzer - Corbin/Strasburg?
  12. I dont think his choice was Philly just to play with a person, who possibly would come down the road...the Harper hate is real! Trout is a Philadelphia fan through and through, but obviously feels loyal to the Angels. I'd also suggest the Angels overpaid to retain him. As I told my friends. Through and through the Angels always seek to put out a contender and there was a good chance they wouldn't let him go.
  13. He opted not to wear it. 34 hasn't been retired yet. Its been worn since Halladay, just not since his death.
  14. (My response comes off in a contesting manner, my bad. I prefer dialogue - trying to soften the tone) Could you expand on "Maybe gets a pass"? I bumped into this when i saw the fake crap being spread on the Covington kids, and thats when I learned this was supposedly a "white power symbol", however, is this tweeter this irresponsible to bring this back up after it's been vetted? Completely irresponsible, in my opinion. As far as the notion as "No one should be given a pass", curious, is it ok to do it when i say OK, hit a 3 in a pickup basketball game, or tell someone when i'm ordering i want 3 of something? Reason being its still a gesture that is used, and we shouldn't be jumping down people's throats when there is an image.
  15. They do have the discretion in the moment, indeed. And yes, I've witnessed or had friends (white), that were in the same predicament. Police forcing someone to own up to weed or something else while a group of people was there, but obviously only one or two owned whatever it was. 1. The police absolutely could have handled this better. This is definitely something where if they wanted to be the bad cop in this situation, they don't go to the lengths that they did. They have to do their job, they get a call about shots fired, they find guns, they need to do their due diligence. However, there were way more logical ways to handle this. I think a person you could make an example is whoever stated that there was cocaine and unauthorized guns, when there wasn't. 2. I could see a neighbor call because they are frustrated, but you can call for excessive noise/party/etc. So I find it weird someone could make it up, but indeed they could. 3. I'm frankly shocked, they wanted to do paperwork for 70 people.
  16. Absolutely no one outside of DC/Nats fan is thinking this. His current team is the Phillies, and no Phillies fan cares about any of this, in fact, the DC slip was ignored and Philly hearts Trout.
  17. I'll probably get bashed for this, but this is the law. If no one claimed it, it's constructive possession. These people should be as mad at the douche bag who didn't claim his weed as they are against the cops.
  18. It's funny, I've always thought that Bryce was a little cliche filled on his responses, but I just thought I was seeing the national media Bryce. Since his move, every single interview is cliche after cliche, except, the Mike Trout stuff!
  19. #3 - Any group dedicated to it is brutal, but man, people get paid to do that? #1 - great perspective, and i actually do agree with you. I think people like you, me, many others might know it's a garbage apology but it can help. But you might sway me to say he shouldn't apologize. I never thought of it as the "apology culture", it's a good way to look at it. While i'm a right leaning person, I am not a huge fan of Tucker. He doesn't do well/let people speak when they are on if he disagrees too much. I can't stand listening to that. While I may disagree with peoples stances, I love to articulate points, counterpoints, and discussion. It's ashame that doens't call for good tv, apparently. People might learn!
  20. 1. I think Tucker should apologize. He can take the stance that he is taking now, while apologizing. 2. I think all who are in a position where people follow/listen should set some sort of example and or apologize if it's incorrect. 3. I dislike our culture of going back and digging things up on people decades ago (Looking at athletes particularly), but for tweets if you are escalating your career in ways in which you are in the public eye, delete things you don't believe today. I don't think Tucker should lose his job over this. You can disagree with him, think hes a certain way, but it shouldn't get him fired. Now, if he loses sponsors, and Fox thinks he's not financially productive, that could happen.
  21. You are right! I've still gone over the years, even in my Phillies team awful years, as Nats park is just an awesome park. There are always a solid amount at Nats park. But this year, the entire Right Field is sold out to one group of Phillies fans (maybe not entire, i believe they have 500 tickets).
  22. I also think that because the case was handled extremely well by the police, we had gaps in times where reporting occurred, people were waiting for the next drop from the news faucet, but no one was leaking anything huge, which is great. But because the police had to wait for the 2 brothers to return to Chicago, they had to wait for conversations with Jussie, as well as to fight to get phone records from Jussie, that means we were given info with gaps and kept craving for those gaps to be filled.
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