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Califan007 The Constipated

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Everything posted by Califan007 The Constipated

  1. Then why did you say they didn't provide any context if you're now saying context is irrelevant?
  2. Raise your hand if you think the only thing they did was make a sign...
  3. And for the record: "Undocumented immigrants are individuals who have either illegally entered the United States without inspection, or legally entered the United States with valid nonimmigrant visas but those visas have expired." https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/undocumented_immigrant
  4. So "undocumented" won't do? Seems to be more accurate when labeling a person instead of the act. Fortunately "undocumented" does NOT mean "left home without their ID". Nobody who lives in this country is ever called "undocumented" because they left their purse at home. Never. Ever.
  5. For the most part, we don't actually label people "drunk drivers"...we label the act as "drunk driving" or say they were arrested for DUI. I was (wrongfuly) arrested for drunk driving once...they were putting me in a room with several other people who could barely hold their heads up. I looked at the officer and said "Were they all arrested for drunk driving?" What I--nor the police--did not say was "Are they all drunk drivers?"
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