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Everything posted by skins4eva

  1. We have no linebackers and everyone knows it…
  2. Lol this team. Unreal. Like a hot knife through butter. Like we werent even on the field.
  3. LFG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! C'mon--this year will be different ladies and gents!
  4. I’m 41 years old and already feeling nervous about tomorrow. It’s really incredible. I get anxious about nothing in life except this team…guess I’m never gonna grow out of it.
  5. This loss was a huge deal in the pantheon of where this team is ranked among great SB winning teams. We lost two games in 91 by a combined 5 points I believe (Dallas and this one). Oddly, I remember us pulling starters at half time. If we had won, people would have been forced to but this team up with and (in my mind above) the 85 bears. Statistically, these team was totally dominant in all three phases of the game all year. I’ve never seen anything like it before or since. Obviously that NE team that was beaten by Elisha Manning was like it, but I still think this team was more dominant. We had what, two losses and two close calls all season (the giants game and I think the oilers game).
  6. This was and still is the most painful regular season skins game I’ve ever watched. F’ing Michael Westbrook. First he cold****s Stephen Davis in training camp and then he essentially loses this game for us. I watched this at my grandparents house. I think they both thought I needed professional help afterward.
  7. I still maintain that if ST had cut outside instead of inside, he would have taken it to the house!
  8. I was at this game. Awful, Awful weather. I was visiting a good friend in Boston and his dad took us. We left at halftime and watched the rest from his living room…
  9. I vote that we all designate Shaka Toney's new nickname: Shaka Khan! And anyone who gets this joke is over 40. Reveal yourselves!
  10. Take Rocky McIntosh's name out of your mouth! Seriously, it's crazy how we've missed at this position. It has been a weakness for a long time. The last good to very good group we had was M. Washington/London Fletcher back when two G Greg was our coordinator...
  11. That's also such an indictment of the position for this franchise for years. We've been in purgatory for decades because of our inability to find even above average talent at the most important position. There have obviously been some other factors as well, but it's truly remarkable.
  12. He needs to work on his pass rush skills. He really had nothing last night against a top LT. He hesitated off the ball and went outside almost every time. He looked slower to me than usual.
  13. Can't have dominant defense with B team linebackers and awful safeties.
  14. I think Rivera has seen enough of Haskins. I'm sure the rest of the team has too. Can't win with a QB like him. Doesnt give us a chance.
  15. That is some of the worst tackling and pursuit I've ever seen. What is 51 doing? Our entire back LB and and safety core would be backups on most teams. Just no talent there.
  16. That is literally one of the worst throws I've ever seen. My lord.
  17. Hurry up is the only time Haskins looks even remotely comfortable
  18. Bench his lazy ass. I’ve seen enough. He’s not ready and never will be.
  19. Will do. He’s one of my best friends from high school and law school. As you can imagine, life got in the way and he had other stuff to do. I know he still holds this place close to his heart.
  20. he’s doing well. Wife and three kids in Brooklyn. I’ll send your regards.
  21. Some of you need to look more carefully at the scheme before we criticize the player. We are running the most vanilla of defensive schemes, especially upfront. We are making it as easy as possible for opposing QBs. Look back at the tape on the third and long situations where Philly converted (either first downs or long TDs). You will essentially see a three man rush with everyone dropped into soft zones. No stunting up front no blitzes with any imagination, no disguise of what's coming. A huge, huge part of the lack of production from the D-line relates to the positions they have been put in.
  22. I'm sad to see him go--great head coach, and I was hoping he'd stay in NY for a long, long time
  23. Off to Jerry world Cowgirls crap the bed again Jones wants gloryhole
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