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Everything posted by skins4eva

  1. Unreal. But this defensive coaching staff is really just so pathetically awful.
  2. cousins is much more talented, but that doesn’t make him a “better QB” at least not to me. Cousins has a career 53-56-2 record. He’s the definition of mediocre starter. And Minnesota paid a king’s ransom for him. We don’t have to re-litigate this tired argument bc it doesn’t really matter anymore.
  3. The truth is this: we are simply rearranging deck chairs on the titanic with Snyder as owner.
  4. im not taking it personally. Happy to respectfully disagree. Also very happy to “end it here.”
  5. really? What did Kirk do here exactly? He took a knee that one time on third down when we could have kicked a field goal. He came up small every time he could have come up big. He would have never designed the comeback against the giants or the falcons. kirk throws a pretty ball and he can put up some numbers but he’s never ever been a winner. Ask Minnesota fans what they think about Kirk. And Alex Smith? Cmon. Love the guy but he didn’t have it here either and had some awful awful games. he doesn’t have the same set of skills, but he’s more of a gamer than Kirk will ever be. And Alex smith is obviously a better QB, but he wasn’t better with us.
  6. Well, that tells you all you need to know about this staff. Let them run a hook and ladder. Who cares? But not having guys deep and ready foe the Hail Mary is coaching malpractice. You know Winston can sling it to the endzone from there. Nothing about that defensive play call made any sense. It’ll illustrated how awful these guys are.
  7. I view him as essentially a rookie who can learn and get better. He’s not a finished product.
  8. As you should, as we all should. As he deserves.
  9. no—the players were in the wrong defense entirely. That is on the coaches and we had timeouts. They should not be running back with the wide outs on an obvious Hail Mary. They should be back there already ready to jump and looking forward at the ball.
  10. im not going to tell you not to blame the guy. Blame him all you want. But my view is that he’s the best QB we’ve had playing the position in a long time. It’s an incredibly low bar but that’s a different story.
  11. this is a great post and essentially sums it up. I think we all love Rivera as a person. He’s an absolutely gem of a man, but he’s not a very good football coach. And his coordinator selection was always suspect; now it’s looking like malpractice. The players have basically given up on the defensive side of the ball. They look disinterested. And you’re right: there is zero energy on this team. Everyone kind of hangs their heads. We have a kicker who looks like he’s going to have a nervous breakdown. We have linebackers who have no business being starters. We have a secondary being put in positions to fail and we have an offensive coordinator who has zero rhythmic sense as a play caller and doesn’t really understand how to scheme to our strengths. And then on top of it all, as you’ve pointed out, there seems to be zero accountability. It’s the same players making the same boneheaded plays over and over. What really did it for me though was the Hail Mary. That play doesn’t happen to a mediocre coaching staff (it happens to a bad and unprepared coaching staff). It was entirely foreseeable. These coaches are clueless, and that entire play laid it out there for all to see. The defensive game plan seems to be one of simple attrition: try to slow them down since we know we can’t stop them. There is zero energy or enthusiasm on this coaching staff. It really feels like some of these guys are just mailing it in and that is filtering through to the players. What a hot mess.
  12. putting this on Taylor is comical. He’s a guy playing what his 6th nfl game as a starter? He gets no help. You can’t blame him for forcing some things. He feels like he has to. Lord knows no one else is stepping up to do a anything. He’s not holding this team back. He actually gives us a chance. This team is being held back by a terrible offensive play caller and the worst defensive coaching staff in the league.
  13. Totally agree. Rivera is lost. He was never that good to begin with, but no one is buying what he’s selling. Players know when coaches suck. And these players know.
  14. This is the kind of game that shows you how bad this team and coaching staff are. we are a bottom 5 team.
  15. we haven’t invested in the defense. We’ve invested in the defensive line. We haven’t built a defense. We haven’t built an offense either but Heinicke is the best QB we’ve had in years—even with all his flaws, which should tell you how rudderless and pathetic dan Snyder’s tenure as an owner has been. We will never go anywhere with that man as owner. I’m more convinced of that fact than anything else.
  16. Dude. Yes, but coaches need to be fired. This is a schematic failure more than anything.
  17. What will it take for del Rio to be fired? I feel like he’s just screwing with all of us at this point.
  18. There is really nothing worse than horrific defense. It’s just so soul crushing. These players on d have no heart. Just going out there and getting beaten like a drum.
  19. there’s not nearly enough talent on this defense. The line backing core is the worst in the league and the secondary isn’t far behind.
  20. I actually think the coaches have lost this team. And that’s really saying something. No one is playing hard. This is pathetic effort. I’m done with Rivera and this staff. This was a game any decent coaching staff would have won.
  21. Lol guy totally wide open on third and 7 from the 12 yard line. But del Rio is still coaching.
  22. I honestly can’t believe how absurd some of you are. Heinicke is not the problem with this team. Yes he has made some bad plays but Scott Turner is hanging him out to dry.
  23. the playcalling is awful down there. What about a screen to JD or Patterson????? I can’t stand Turner.
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