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Everything posted by skins4eva

  1. Yeah—once upon a time he may have been mediocre. But I agree—he’s awful and he makes it worse by hiring awful coordinators.
  2. I’m telling you—with the exception of the o-line coach, the coaching on this team is bottom tier. Not a single one of these coaches has these guys playing hard or doing the little things correctly. I’ve seen enough of Rivera at this point. He is at best a totally mediocre coach. At worst, he’s really bad.
  3. It’s true. And there’s nothing you can point to that would lead to hope. We are 35 years into our search for a starting QB. We are in perpetual rebuild. We are in perpetual coaching retred. We let good players leave; we sign bad ones. We let great coaches leave, we hire mediocre/terrible ones. We are stuck with an owner who is so damaged and pathetic that we will remain in this purgatory for who knows how long. The suck on this team starts with Snyder and permeates everything it touches. Bad owners are like a cancer. And Snyder’s awfulness has metastasized throughout this organization. It’s hard to imagine he’s having fun anymore. It’s hard to imagine this can continue for much longer. That’s really all that any of us have to hold onto at this point. And the really sad part is that I actually want our great players like Terry to find a home somewhere else. I don’t want to see a guy like that waste his talent in this organization.
  4. no one on this team is the answer. At least Taylor has heart. If only we had coaches who could coach and more players who could play.
  5. I agree. This is bad team but it’s made worse by horrific coaching on both sides of the ball. And it’s the little things as well as the big things.
  6. This team is really something. This is year two of Rivera? Minus a few guys, we need entirely new coaches and players.
  7. Lol. Just amazing this team. Gibson should have taken it to the house; next play, strip fumble.
  8. Exactly. It’s a QB trusting his guy to make a play one on one. It’s what good QBs do.
  9. Loved how Taylor avoided the sack reset and threw it to 17 to make a play.
  10. doenst matter—we go three and out and then the other team scores. Simply delaying the inevitable.
  11. Just when you think this team can’t get any more horrific, the bottom falls out. There is no end to the suck with this franchise.
  12. Damn straight. There is not an ounce of integrity in Dan Snyder. Anyone marrying him would see that and likely be void of it themselves. He has been the problem with this franchise from day one. There is no getting around it now--it's an indisputable fact. It's not an opinion and it can't be re-framed or conditioned in any way, shape or form any longer. The "oh-he-just-wants-to-win" arguments hold no merit (they never really did). There is nothing, nada, redeemable about Snyder as an owner of this franchise. It will continue to get worse and worse with him (or Tanya) at the helm.
  13. This franchise isn’t worth the time and effort any of us put into it. If the team moved tomorrow, I wouldn’t care anymore.
  14. I think it's a lot of both tbh. Having Jamin Davis on Hill, having no idea what to do with the linebackers. Not playing man or bump and run to give the pass rush a chance. The scheme is awful.
  15. We don't have a single starting caliber NFL linebacker on the roster.
  16. I'm not sure how Rivera can watch the tape on this defense and not see a major problem with the scheme. It's beyond embarrassing at this point.
  17. I think Dan has zero emotional intelligence and deep seated insecurities. I think those two things together have lead him to where he is. The other owners don’t like him, and with an empty stadium in what should be a prime market, they are all losing money.
  18. The name change was Dan Snyder hanging on by a thread. It was another Faustian bargain by Goodell. It seem so obvious that Snyder’s lawyers and the NFL lawyers entered into an iron clad confi agreement whereby Dan Snyder would get to retain ownership of the franchise but would have to change the name. The NFL and Snyder would both get to deflect attention away from the horrific culture of sexual harassment within the franchise and likely stoked by Snyder himself and bask in the woke virtue signaling glow of a name change. However, a funny thing happened along the way: fans of this franchise essentially said enough is enough. After all the absurdity, all of the nonsense, all of the empty promises and constant mismanagement, after all of the dashed expectations and crushing failures, there was really and truly no longer anyway for fans to feel associated with an organization in which their loyalty was exploited in such callous and insincere fashion. Mr Daniel M Snyder has never cared about this franchise or its fans or its history. He only cares about his toys and his fake friends and his yes men. He is on a different kind of trip. He has , with the help of convenient idiots like Vinny Cerrato and Bruce Allen, run a proud and marquee NFL franchise into the ground. He will never recover from it and will ultimately be forced into a sale by the other owners. That’s where this is heading. There is nothing, absolutely nothing he could do at this point to win back a fractured fan base. He will continue to get more and more desperate as the situation unfolds. This is how the world ends not with a bang but with a whimper.
  19. I’ve never been more disappointed with a coaching staff than I am with this one. We were told we had a veteran, experienced staff, but these guys have proven to be completely out to lunch. No one is leading this franchise at the moment—not the head coach, certainly not the owner, and of course not the players. This is a completely rudderless ship, and you see it out on the field every week.
  20. Turner doesn’t have any sense of rhythm as a play caller. You see it most glaringly down near the goal line. We constantly have mediocre to awful coaching. And we let guys like Mcvay walk. The fruits of awful ownership continue to blossom.
  21. great post. I never thought I’d see worse coaches than Blache or LeCharles McDaniel or Jim Zorn, but it appears we’ve found them…
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