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Everything posted by HOF44

  1. That’s supposed to be amazing.
  2. Something Proper, but it’s out of business now. Covid killed it. The GTS was 144. We will do some more kitchen drinking when we are clear of all this crap.
  3. Remember the game Dfitz and Karla were at where he first tried GTS? He was a whiskey drinker but not used to high proof, high quality spirits. He drank a LOT of GTS because it’s so smooth compared to the proof. He didn’t wake up until after halftime. He was banned from the back of the truck from then on.
  4. She’s actually the real drinker. Loved the GTS neat.
  5. Mellow Corn has a nice diesel taste if that’s your thing. Most likely the worst whiskey ever made. Buy at your own peril.
  6. This pretty much. Once you mix it doesn’t really make much difference in taste. Just get the cheaper stuff.
  7. All you Marylanders, the Navy Exchange now has Blantons for 42.99 a bottle if you’re interested.
  8. But my motto is life is to short for cheap bourbon!!
  9. Damn ruffians giving refined whiskey drinking a bad name!!
  10. Also just as a general primer in drinking high proof spirits, you’re first glass of the day will give your palate an alcohol shock. It will be hot and you won’t pick up a lot of flavors. When we pick barrels we taste like 6. The first one we always come back to after trying them all because it doesn’t get a fair shot being first.
  11. The ones I listed above aren’t expensive and are very drinkable with some ice.
  12. Start with a little ice. Then transition to neat. That’s the route most people go. McKenna 10 Year Bourbon Pikesville Rye Angels Envy Bourbon Old Grandad Bourbon. Woodford Rye
  13. My biggest issue with the Salt limitation is not the tax but the fact that all it funded was large cuts for businesses and the wealthiest. If that had been part of providing a Basic Income or Universal Healthcare I would have been fine with it.
  14. It really was targeted for those areas.
  15. Sshhhhhhhhhh we don’t talk about that!!!!
  16. I don’t even want to talk about what I paid in taxes this year.
  17. A friend of mine smoked these today. I need to find this cut to try.
  18. I go 95N to 395N to Glebe Road to National. Rarely have issues. When I do take Dulles it’s because of routes or plane type. Really only hate the security. If they would fix that I’d be ok with it. I figure most of congress flies out of National so it probably gets better funding than anywhere else. Makes things run smoother.
  19. National is by far the best in the area. BWI is good but unless HUGE savings to far for me. Dulles security is just awful. Never enough lanes open and god forbid a 747 or A380 is loading up around the same time as your flight.
  20. Genius!!! These fools need to start feeling the pain of their vote.
  21. Doing well, I pop in and out. Hope all’s good for you!
  22. After the covid relief Bill everything is gonna come to a screeching halt. Rep. gonna block everything with the filibuster in the senate.
  23. They need to tell the Rep that they are going ahead with reconciliation. If a deal can be struck before that procedure is finished they will move forward without it. If not it will be passed using it. But it will not be delayed.
  24. I thought they could do 3 reconciliation bills per year. ok they can pass one each on spending, revenue, and the debt limit. So while technically 3 it’s one for what we are talking about.
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