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Everything posted by bearrock

  1. I would think the first step is to verify that what's coming in on paper is actually physically accounted for at initial stocking. If that's not the case, then the leak may not even be occurring on-site and the theft may not even be of the actual parts but perhaps some form of fraudulent invoicing and kick backs. If the parts are actually coming in, would it be possible to randomly airtag the more frequently missing items to hopefully track the stolen ones?
  2. Adding some more data point (it's an interesting question. Based on my anecdotal experience, I have seen a few amicus briefs in DC District Court, but it is pretty rare at the trial court level): https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9550912/
  3. Trump organization was under investigation while Cyrus Vance was in office. Braggs did not campaign on promise to prosecute Trump, but rather his track record of prior investigation and litigation against Trump and his family. Imagine my surprise at the GOP politicians messing up the facts in their talking points.
  4. First, I would rather not have a president who I have to hope can be checked by his advisors from doing insane things. Second, US president threatening to start WWIII by bombing China or Russia is not going to make other countries and ally see US as powerful, but rather a clear and present danger to dissociate from as soon as possible.
  5. Isn't Parsons on his last year of rookie contract with 5th year option picked up? If Dallas picks up 2 (or even 1) franchise tags, he won't hit free agency for a while (and I would be against giving up two 1sts for any FA, even Parsons).
  6. No it has to do with the particular way Congress chose to fund CFPB. It's a 7-2 with Thomas writing the majority, so a pretty uncontroversial imo.
  7. Nah, don't really care who you're backing, but the they are both old narrative is just annoying and inaccurate and I feel the same way regardless of which side of the political spectrum says it.
  8. In this case, your street education thought you well it seems 😂 Edit: Better than my spelling certainly 🤦‍♂️
  9. Afaik, it applies to every unqualified early withdrawal from every Roth accounts. So it applies to Roth IRAs too. EDIT: Hmm, it looks like for Roth IRA, contributions come out first, so different rules apply to Roth IRA
  10. Right. Early unqualified withdrawals are deemed prorated between contribution and gain. There's income tax on the gains too, so gotta track that part as well. This is getting into an area where it makes sense to discuss your options with your plan admin and/or financial advisor (on a per incident fee basis if you want to seriously pursue it), but depending on the terms of your roth 401k plan, you may be able to take a loan for up to 50K or half of the balance, whichever is less. Then you have to pay it back with interest in 5 years, but the interest is being paid back to your roth account with no income tax consequences, so it ends up being somewhat of a shifting of money from one pocket to the other. Depending on how much you wanted to access and the fees associated with the loan setup (some plans charge, some don't), it could make sense to use the loan as a bridge till you hit 59.5 to avoid tax consequences.
  11. Pre-2024 roth 401k balance has RMD requirements, but post-2024 doesn't. 401K has much superior creditor protection than IRA, but investment options and voluntary terms like loans are employer driven. Self employed Roth 401k exists too, which can hit the sweet spot if done right. Roth 401k also has much higher contribution allowance than Roth ira. @TheGreatBuzz, unqualified early withdrawals are prorated between contributions (untaxed at withdrawal) and investment gains (subject to the penalty and tax discussed), in case that helps your consideration
  12. No, you don't get FICA deferral in the initial 401k contribution so there's no FICA consequences at conversion to roth, just the income tax consequences.
  13. Memphis entertaining a trade for Morant and Wizards having sufficient assets to acquire him are two completely different things.
  14. Dude, there is not an asset that is off the table for the Wizards in a trade to acquire Ja Morant. But that is far cry from having a viable package. If you think Wizards have the assets to acquire Morant or any of the other young superstars in the league, go right ahead but if you think Wizards FO is the one saying no to any scenario involving Wizards assets for Morant, that's just ridiculous. And then to use that pipe dream scenario as some strawman for "why don't they just do that instead????". How about because Memphis is not an idiot and they will say no. Trade a pick in a terrible draft. Fine. Who knows, they may do just that. Just don't expect some grand package in return. I have no particular preference as to what the FO does with this pick and never suggested otherwise (talk about putting words in someone else's mouth). That's not what is being discussed. The question is how they go about acquiring assets in the future.
  15. If you're Memphis, are you trading Ja Morant for this year's 2nd and 26th? I'm not saying no if I'm the Wizards. But I'm assuming they say hell no Your fundamental problem lies in wanting a guaranteed path to short term rebuild. Newsflash, such a path do not exist for DC. All the pie in the sky scenarios for fleecing other teams in trades do not change the reality that such is not a plan for DC but a prayer.
  16. You want to pull the plug on the only rebuilding method that has even a remote chance of working for DC after one year? Did you enjoy the all-in for play-in years under Beal and handing out that albatross of a contract? Would I trade this pick for an up and coming young player? Hell yes. Would I trade this pick for boatload of future firsts? Hell yes to that too. But if the draft is so bad that you consider this season's tanking a failure, what value do you expect in return? No one thinks we are getting a generational player in this draft. That's ludicrous. The point is not whether we get a generational player this draft or the next or ever quite frankly. The point is that until (and that until may never come) Washington somehow hits a jackpot and acquires a franchise cornerstone, this franchise is not going anywhere. For this franchise, that jackpot is mostly likely to come via the draft. You cannot attract top free agents unless you are a destination city or a contender. And you can't acquire top value assets without some semblance of top assets going the other way. So how else do you propose to acquire a franchise cornerstone other than the draft?
  17. OKC got SGA and multitude of picks for Paul George. Non destination cities in the NBA have to be patient and be willing to be bad for a while. Nothing meaningful happens for those cities unless they luck into a franchise star (by whatever means that happens to work). Worst thing the Wizards could do is to short circuit the rebuilding process and go for quick mediocre fixes. Whether by draft, trade, or signing, they need to go for young players with high potential upside, not trade assets for known qualities who are good, but not good enough (which is realistically the ceiling for trading picks in a weak draft). That's how you lock yourself into contending for the play-in year after year.
  18. Walk off would've been great, but very nice job going toe to toe with the O's these two games
  19. Or Netanyahu is a blood thirsty psycho who wants to prolong the war as long as possible. Potato, Potahto.
  20. I mean intentional killing of civilian is indefensible regardless of the scale. And at this point, I think both Hamas leadership and Netanyahu and his cronies are doing it intentionally, or at least with reckless abandon. I really don't get why Hamas being way outgunned any role in the moral calculus though.
  21. When my wife and I were dating, it was pretty organic, but pretty sure she paid more because she was making more at the time. After we got married, I started making more, but it's all one big pot anyway. We budget together on major or recurring expenditure and on the small stuff, we just check in and ask if the other is okay with it if it's more than like a hundred bucks or something. I think every couple has their own dynamics and open, honest, and consistent dialogue is key.
  22. Illegal act during a protest is still illegal. There's no special protest defense to breaking the law. If they want to discuss the law as being too restrictive, that's one thing. Just better be sure that they're gonna still want that law changed when a group with a message that makes their blood boil uses the law in the same manner.
  23. Yes. 100% At the end of the day, it's just some rando disagreeing with you on a message board. No worries if you feel like you got better things to do with your time than to go further down the debate. I respect you as a poster and my difference of opinion on this issue with you doesn't change my opinion on that front at all (FWIW) and obviously doesn't amount to a hill of beans in this world in the grand scheme of things. Sorry if I caused unnecessary stress for you or piled on your hectic life in anyway.
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