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Everything posted by dfitzo53

  1. I don't have personal experience (yet) but I'm told the expansion adds new material and endings to the base game, so you may want to just go ahead and get it.
  2. Blade Runner-esque world made by the company that made The Witcher series. Cybernetic implants, neon punk aesthetic, dark and gritty, kind of the classic 80s vision of a dystopian future. Plagued with crippling bugs on launch it fell out of favor, but recent patches have made it fully functional and it's getting rave reviews from people I trust now. It'll be the next big game I tackle. AAA Western RPG like Fallout, The Witcher, etc. You choose a character path, level up, get new loot, make decisions, etc. All the stuff you look for. And guess what, it's not turn-based!
  3. I don't have lathe-specific advice. I do have hobby advice. Go out there and use it sometimes even when you don't really feel like it. There are going to be a lot of times you won't want to deal with the hassle, or you won't feel motivated, or whatever. The less you use it the harder it becomes to get back into it, and the more likely it is that you'll forget about it or even resent that it's taking up space in your house. On the other hand, the more you use it the better you get, and the more positive feelings you'll develop connected to it. You'll feel pretty dang good when you actually finish a project and you have an actual bat, or you make some custom table legs or railings and really feel like a baller. Worst case scenario, you discover that you really don't enjoy it, and you'll feel secure in your decision to get rid of it and let somebody else deal with it.
  4. Depending on what you mean by processing, putting garlic in oil can breed botulism bacteria so you have to be careful with that.
  5. This has been my assumption from the beginning. There's very little direct benefit to the team in operating ES, but there are some potential drawbacks.
  6. Feel vaguely like **** today but not bad enough to call out of work.
  7. We just got ours today. CVS canceled our original appointment a few weeks ago.
  8. I'm not sure it matters, because the chance of that happening is vanishingly remote.
  9. Wow now you're denying it. I've got the receipts right here: https://es.redskins.com/topic/451131-post-something-creepy-the-return/?do=findComment&comment=12576435
  10. Just don't dare identify as a ghost or skinsfan4128 will doxx you and put your photo up all over the internet.
  11. And making a mistake at the beginning of the game could make it unwinnable, but you wouldn't find that out until much later. It's an Office Space reference.
  12. Sort of? I think that's really underselling what it is and can be. It's clear you're not interested in it, which is fine, but if you don't use it I'm not sure it makes sense for you to take on the role of explaining it. The features have changed significantly in the last few years. It can be set up to work like a forum for people that want that. At its core it is essentially a chat room, but not really in the frenetic, post-a-bunch-of-lol-gibberish sort of way that comes to mind when people think of 90s chat rooms. I use it regularly as my main form of social media for keeping in touch with people, and for discussing hobbies. It's fantastic for those use cases actually. Videos/gifs/tweets/website links etc. generally embed well, the search feature is way more functional and user-friendly than this one, etc. If your discord is set up and run by tweens for tweens, sure. If it's set up and run by adults, for adults, it's not like that at all. That said, @tshile is absolutely right that if people do move to an ES Discord in numbers, moderation would be needed to keep things comfortable. (But yes, it can be invite-only, although I'd argue that's potentially unnecessary. ES isn't invite-only after all.)
  13. This, which probably ought to be the model in a lot of industries, including education. Also, that headline is poor to the point of being misleading (probably for shock value and clicks).
  14. Facts don't bear this out. It's quite trivial to look at the historical data and see which party was in control when taxes on the wealthy have been increased or reduced over the last 50 years: https://www.taxpolicycenter.org/statistics/historical-highest-marginal-income-tax-rates Spoiler alert: Republicans reduce (sometimes slash) taxes on the rich. Democrats consistently attempt to reverse this trend.
  15. I think Discord has a lot going for it as a way to help people keep connected. Versatile, with real-time chat, threaded conversations and forum-style areas all possible Allows for group watching of things like games with voice or text chat Much more robust set of emoji reactions Free, and we don't have to worry about hosting or ads (at least for now) Setting one up to properly handle a community of this size would take time, but might be worth it.
  16. Food for thought on taxes: https://www.cbo.gov/publication/59149 Middle-class families and small business owners wouldn't have to feel such a tax squeeze if corporations were made to pay their share. Corporations pay historically low taxes while also posting record profits. I'll give you one guess which side of the aisle makes that possible.
  17. I would love to hear some examples of specific regulations that you think put undue stress on businesses.
  18. You see this *very* differently than I do, but I appreciate that you actually took the time to answer the question directly.
  19. For anybody who wants to play around with a chart that can break wage increases down by various demographics, here you go: https://www.atlantafed.org/chcs/wage-growth-tracker I can't find a category that doesn't follow the general trend of wage growth, but admittedly I'm at work and don't have unlimited time to play with this right now.
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