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Everything posted by grego

  1. probably not the exact, right forum, but, heres a line from an article about Floyd Mayweather- "And with the growing number of black people dying at the hands of police," my question is, is this an accurate statement? is the number of black people shot by police actually growing (assuming were not talking about the 'since the beginning of time, then yes' context)?
  2. you mean Ruth Bader Ginsberg? I got the opposite impression- that people can choose to sit for the national anthem or burn a flag and that it shouldn't be illegal. "I think it's really dumb of them," Ginsburg said. "Would I arrest them for doing it? No. I think it's dumb and disrespectful. I would have the same answer if you asked me about flag burning. I think it's a terrible thing to do, but I wouldn't lock a person up for doing it. "I would point out how ridiculous it seems to me to do such an act. But it's dangerous to arrest people for conduct that doesn't jeopardize the health or well-being of other people. It's a symbol they're engaged in."
  3. Hills pocket awareness and click need to be fine tuned a bit.
  4. For the pepsinono blog? Nope. Just closed the pop ups and hit play
  5. http://pepsinono.blogspot.com/2016/08/blog-post.html
  6. Games not on in ocean city? Seriously? **** me
  7. How do you watch Nats games (when you're not at the games)?
  8. How do you watch local sports? I didn't realize any of those three carried that kind of content.
  9. didn't the vets serve to protect their right to speak?
  10. i'll say this about Sheehan and his rant this morning. a couple of years ago, when many people ripped the play calling under kyle, Sheehan was adamant that we shouldn't rip the playcalling, parlty cuz we had WRs and TEs wide open all over the field. now, in defending kirk, hes blaming the play calling, even though we have WRs and TEs running wide open all over the field
  11. BTW, I don't actually think Wall is overpaid - not relative to other NBA salaries.
  12. overpaid, under delivering player for a perennial loser team, sporting the jersey of one of the most valuable yet under performing perennial loser franchises in the world. seems like a perfect fit,.
  13. doc walker on fire today, ripping everyone new ones. love it.
  14. wow. I had no idea. I listen to a lot of old stern online (and when I'm in my wifes car which has Sirius ). i'll have to look for that.
  15. jeezuz. anyone listening to amani toomer on grant and danny? hes really awful. he says our defense is good enough (WTF?!) , but doesn't believe in cousins. thankfully grant said 'based on 4 quarters, cuz last year he put up pro bowl numbers'. at least watch a few games, dude.
  16. great story. I just got my citizenship a few months ago. that little flag he's holding, I keep it in my car hanging from the passengers side visor. its a perspective not everyone can appreciate.
  17. the flag obviously means different things to different people. i absolutely believe Kap when he says he doesnt mean any disrespect. but that doesnt mean people arent going to be offended by him kneeling. i know people who embrace the confederate flag. they swear it has nothing to do with slavery, but that doesnt mean some people are going to be offended when they see it. of course, theres our own washington football club. i dont think theres a fan that means any offense by the name, but, to the activists, all we've read for the past couple of decades was that it didnt matter- they are offended nonetheless.
  18. I said this last week and was surprised at the backlash. this pro adam jones writer notes it as well- Too much is being made about Kaepernick’s protest and not enough about what his protest is about. http://www.foxsports.com/mlb/story/athletes-like-adam-jones-deserve-to-be-heard-with-open-ears-091216 I want to hear more about specific issues- what they are, what are the proposed solutions- not about whether or no Kap has the right to kneel, which nobody is even questioning. just my observation.
  19. artest- theres no disagreement when it comes to miller- I haven't heard a single person try to argue that miller isn't a dirtbag for fighting a 70 year old. add to that, he was immediately cut from the team. justice served. case closed. nobody's talking about it cuz nobody disagrees. the very fact that we're talking about Kap doesn't mean that hes a worse guy than miller. children starving in the Sudan or Ethiopia is a huge deal and a tragedy. because its not the subject du jour and we don't talk about it enough doesn't make it less important that Kap. the narrative for while has been how protests are supposed to make people uncomfortable, to make us talk. its what they are designed to do, yet, now that we're talking, its 'why are we talking about this, when issue X gets no attention'. I think that's a good question, matt
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