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Everything posted by grego

  1. My perspective is a little different. I'm not from America. It's my adopted country. It's where my dad chose to move to when I was a kid, and where I choose to live. I also served in the military, for several reasons. One of them was to give back to my adopted country- to 'earn' my right to be American, even though its not really necessary. So I tend to get a little emotional when it comes to defending America, and that often get misunderstood as blind homerism. (maybe some homerism, but its not blind ) Do I love what he is doing? No, not really. I think its too general an indictment of a country that has been a beacon of opportunity for people from all backgrounds. But I do get the right to free speech. And while I think that, personally, he should be more specific with regards to his reasoning (more so than just saying 'oppression') so the issue can be discussed more clearly, if it helps get the best trained policemen out there while rooting out the bad apples, that's not a bad thing.
  2. wtf? i signed up for NFL preseason games, and all i got is an audio pass????? **** this
  3. Well, that makes me feel a little better, at least. Just must be sensitive to some things. Come to think of it, last year at my job, I got some water from a water cooler - one of those where you put the 5 gallon jug on top upside-down. I immediately tasted something funny. I realized it was 'simple green' - I'd used it before and didn't really like the way it smelled. Turns out the water refill guy had cleaned the dispenser with simple green an hour before. I asked everyone what was up with the water, even getting them fresh cups of water to try nobody could taste it. They thought I was nuts and I felt likewise. When I was young, every time my mom ran the dishwasher, there was this odd smell. I would always mention it, but nobody else noticed it. Weird. I still kind of think there's some either /or connection as far as people who don't like hoppy beers and people who love Belgian or wheat ales. But it's definitely not consistent. Lots of people like both
  4. https://www.beeradvocate.com/community/threads/i-finally-understand-what-band-aid-tastes-like.152804/ hard to describe, but its one of those things- you know it when you encounter it. its a plastic-like, medicinal aroma and flavor. yuck. its definitely not uncommon, but more common in homebrew gone bad. but, this is the fourth time I've gotten a bad six pack from a brewery. have you had raging ****? if so, how did it taste? ive had it several times and that beer has always had that same odd taste to me- very strong. I know these flavors are found to some degree in Belgian styie ales, and I'm just super sensitive to them.
  5. Blasphemy! Seriously, What kind of beer do you like? You like wheat beer? I need to figure this out.
  6. For the love of God, someone tell me I'm not alone. I recognize that I've got odd tastes when it comes to beer. I love, love, love hoppy IPAs- completely addicted to them - but Belgian, or wheat beers make money cringe a little bit- they even make my stomach grumbly. I know it's got something to do with the phenols, or chlorophenols. Flying Dog raging ****, for example, tastes like band aids to me. Always has. But, for the second time in my life, I picked up a sixer of a pale ale, or ipa that I'm completely familiar with (flying dog pale ale years ago and heavy seas loose Cannon this week) and it tastes like band aids. Not once- twice. As in, two sixers, several weeks apart, each. Not just a one off. Wtf? Is it me? Is it the beer? Oddly, my dad's home brew has the same odd taste, yet almost everyone who tries it seems to not notice it. And, these people invariably seem to not be fond of IPAs. These flavor sensitivities have to be linked, I would think, yet I kniw there are beer drinkers on this site who like both kinds of beers. Anyway, anybody with any insight into this, please inform.
  7. "Many readers asked about previous studies, in particular a paper published in PLOS ONE by Cody T. Ross. That paper, “A Multi-Level Bayesian Analysis of Racial Bias in Police Shootings at the County-Level in the United States, 2011–2014,” found that the chance of being black, unarmed and shot by the police was about 3.5 times the chance of being white, unarmed and shot by the police. It was based on a crowdsourced data set, the U.S. Police-Shooting Database, that includes some nonfatal shootings. (About two-thirds of the shootings in Mr. Fryer’s data set were nonfatal.) The USPSD covers the entire country, but it is not comprehensive. It has information from a variety of departments on 16 civilians shot by the police in Houston and other parts of Harris County, Tex., from 2011 to 2014. Mr. Fryer’s data shows 177 shootings by the Houston Police Department in those years. The questions the papers asked were different, particularly in Houston. As Mr. Ross wrote, “The USPSD does not have information on encounter rates between police and subjects according to ethnicity. As such, the data cannot speak to the relative risk of being shot by a police officer conditional on being encountered by police.” http://mobile.nytimes.com/2016/07/13/upshot/roland-fryer-answers-reader-questions-about-his-police-force-study.html A little confusing. This link tries to make it a little more clear.
  8. http://mobile.nytimes.com/2016/07/12/upshot/surprising-new-evidence-shows-bias-in-police-use-of-force-but-not-in-shootings.html?_r=0More stats. Limited sample size. Take it fwiw "Mr. Fryer defined this group to include encounters with suspects the police subsequently charged with serious offenses like attempting to murder an officer, or evading or resisting arrest. He also considered suspects shocked with Tasers. Mr. Fryer found that in such situations, officers in Houston were about 20 percent less likely to shoot if the suspects were black. This estimate was not precise, and firmer conclusions would require more data. But in various models controlling for different factors and using different definitions of tense situations, Mr. Fryer found that blacks were either less likely to be shot or there was no difference between blacks and whites."
  9. I thought I'd like the show more. I'm kind of meh with it. Hoping it'll get better when football season rolls around.
  10. Hell, no. I've had more than enough interaction with the law.
  11. A buddy was telling me you can put your license and registration in a baggie along with a note saying you have nothing to say, and asking if youre under arrest and if not, are you free to go? Wonder if that works?
  12. My first thought was that the windows appear to be tinted (pretty dark) and he wanted to see inside the car. (he had arrested the kid recently, I think, for weed and probably suspected he had some in the car.) I have no idea what the laws are if the windows are tinted and you can't see inside. I'd assume you have to roll it down if the cop asks but I have no idea.
  13. Just talking specifically about him not rolling down the window or getting out of the car despite being told, I believe, 4 times to do roll the window down and 10 times to get out of the car. Not sure about the initial reason for the arrest as to whether that was lawful. The article is definitely giving the kids side if it. I'd like to hear the rest of the story before drawing too many conclusions, other than the cop was unquestionably wrong (one would think) for tasing anyone for 23 seconds- particularly since the kid wasn't a threat once initially tased- and for dropping him on his face. Still, if it was an unlawful arrest, you have to take that up with the department later in court. Just not cooperating is a bad idea.
  14. heres a story about the case https://theintercept.com/2016/06/07/tased-in-the-chest-for-23-seconds-dead-for-8-minutes-now-facing-a-lifetime-of-recovery/ apparently, it wasnt the drop at the end that did the damage, it was the fact that he got tased for 23 seconds right in the chest. and his dad was a cop. makes it even more puzzling why he didnt cooperate. one would say maybe he felt like he was above the law, given his dads position. the kid had several run-ins with the police, apparently one with this very cop months before. again, none of this excuses the cop tasering him for 23 seconds or dropping him on his face.
  15. True. Some Pre release centers are surprisingly summer camp like. No joke.
  16. I'd be surprised if you were right about the first 2 points. I don't know how the taser works as far as how long it's actually tasing, and obviously the drop on his face as he's cuffed is completely indefensible. Up til the dragging and dropping him on his face, I'll say that the kid was virtually completely uncooperative. Wouldn't roll the (apparently very tinted) window down when asked several times, wouldn't get out of the car, asked several times. This in no way makes what the cop did right. Violent offenders have to serve mandatory half the sentence in some states. Not sure about this one, or if the offense is actually considered 'violent' despite the obvious.
  17. Michael Slager deserves to be jailed for shooting Walter Scott in the back, no doubt, imo. by the same token, i don't think Darren Wilson did anything wrong in shooting Michael Brown, but I think George Zimmerman should have been jailed for shooting Treyvon Martin. just my .02 about those cases. I don't think youre wrong in saying theres a feeling that they, as cops, could generally get away with crossing the line. body cameras and car cameras are a very valuable thing- they've captured cops behaving badly and captured people like taraji hensons son lying about them behaving badly. one of those gets more clicks- understandably, as its extremely important for cops to behave like theyre supposed to, given the power they have. I'd like to think that cameras will help curtain any sense of entitlement that cops may feel eventually.
  18. I don't know if I'd agree that a majority of cops are assaulting people. but, there are groups, like black lives matter, that believe otherwise. I believe many of those people are racist (I know, not possible, etc) sjw kooks, so i'll take their opinions with a grain of salt.
  19. Mcsluggos right, Sisko. At the point you regard everyone in a group as deserving blame for the actions of some members of the group, you've become exactly what you hate.
  20. "Is the att&t chick hot"? Do bears **** in the woods? Sheehan and Cooley way behind on this one.
  21. Yep. Sheehan seems to have lost his mind since his idol got canned, but he's still entertaining (when he's not doing tired bits, like vor alluded to). And cooleys entertaining. I might actually start enjoying dc morning radio again.
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