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Everything posted by PleaseBlitz

  1. The Venn diagram of these Republicans and gun-nuts that use the word tyranny in every sentence is a concentric circle drawn by a toddler.
  2. As a pro bono thing, for the past 2+ years I've been working with a guy that has been in prison for 28 years. They have TV and stuff, they aren't in a time capsule. They have a convenience store too, it's called a commissary. I haven't seen it, I imagine it's like a 7-11 but 3 times as expensive. And no, if someone has been in for decades, they don't go back because it's "simpler." If they got 20+ years, then they've just spent a lot of that time being model inmates so they can get the **** out. The LAST thing they want is to go back. If they go back it's because they can't make ends meet on the outside (because prison did not prepare them for employment and because of societal views of felons) and have to do something to survive.
  3. Two things: (1) tomorrow is picture day for my 4 year old daughter. For some reason, wife asked me what she should wear. Obv, I said her Nats shirt, so that is happening. (2) today is Cyber Monday, the day I get all of my xmas shopping done. Sneak peak at PB on Xmas: YOU GET NATS STUFF AND YOU GET NATS STUFF EVERYBODY GETS NATS STUFF
  4. https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2019/12/1/20989336/private-prisons-states-bans-califonia-nevada-colorado Private prisons face an uncertain future as states turn their backs on the industry
  5. T minus 90 minutes for the 3 day turkey cook.
  6. Synopsis: Scandinavian queen of small fjord village, who is also an ice witch, and her neurotic muggle sister, a sentient snowman, and some dude with a sinister relationship with a reindeer go on a magical adventure to save the small village from devastation unrelated to global warming. There are songs. Oh, so many songs. None of which meet the bar set by “Let it Go” but which my four year old daughter will nevertheless be singing in perpetuity. The sentient snowman has a heart wrenching death scene until you remember he is made of snow and ****ing magic and is therefore immortal. If you wait until after the credits, there is a bonus scene, which is just Bob Iger counting money and laughing maniacally.
  7. Just the knife, they didn’t cut the pizza all the way through. Jerkface!
  8. And the carcass and guts for turkey stock.
  9. Anyone starting Thxgiving prep yet? Imma soue vide the bird this year, so I have to break it down, then brine it for a day, then cook it for 24 hours. Yes, that’s an old fashioned.
  10. Yea, i ordered the bourbon barrel stout (because it was called Good Wood and also because bourbon) and they brought me a snifter. #Class
  11. Big BIte Pizza has very solid, but not the best, pizza that I've had. It also has probably the best wings. So that's where i usually get delivery from. It only has 2 stores tho. If I am going out for pizza, it's Pizzeria Paradiso because they always have a phenomenal beer list. https://www.eatyourpizza.com/old-town-beer-menu
  12. Regarding "there is no such thing as bad pizza." Pizza is like a BJ. Even bad ones are still pretty terrific.
  13. I was just in California and they have a thing called Fatburger. Just no.
  14. I just don't want to have to eat lunch twice. FWIW, the best meatloaf sandwich is at Wagshals near American University. https://www.wagshals.com/
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