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Everything posted by PleaseBlitz

  1. Touching a LCS MVP trophy is bad luck just like a conference trophy in hockey.
  2. Jim Beam seems like kind of a curmudgeon. Lighten up dude.
  3. Verlander went to ODU? I just lost so much respect for him.
  4. After taking the Cole game, this game is found money.
  5. Can’t tell if Im in a same seats situation. Definitely switched from Guinness to bourbon.
  6. yea me too. 2 Wild Turkeys, a Makers Mark, a fifth of gin and a jar of shine. All set (for tonight). PS. Verlander w 4 pitch walk.
  7. The best part about Tal's Hill isn't just that they put a ****ing hill in the middle of a professional sports field, but that they did that AND THEN put a big flagpole on it and in the field of play as an extra **** you to your center fielder with the multimillion dollar contract.
  8. Yea, I'm with ya. I think you just ask Corbin how he feels.
  9. Sanchez has been money. I won't have a big problem with the order either way. Corbin has been better this year though, and I think you go with the guy that's been better over a long period, not just decide based on Sanchez' awesome last outing. Here is what their stats look like in the 2nd half of the season (which I picked because Sanchez was miserable at the beginning of the season and then did a stint on the DL). Corbin ERA: 3.25 FIP: 3.49 xFIP: 3.59 K/9: 10.6 Sanchez ERA: 3.85 FIP: 4.44 xFIP: 5.10 K/9: 7.27
  10. I don't think there is any indication yet that Corbin is getting moved behind Sanchez. Corbin threw 20 pitches on a day he'd normally throw a bullpen anyways. So just keep him slotted for game 3. I mean, once you have a lead on the Astros in the 5th against Cole, you manage to win that game at all costs no matter what. You can't give that game back to Houston because you are worried about your bullpen depth in games 6 and 7 (which may not happen). And hell, Davey brought in Rainey with a 3 run lead, that was him trying to preserve the $$$ arms.
  11. If they want to enforce THE CODE, maybe start with Springer watching his not-dinger instead of running out the shoulda-been triple (which would have then been the tying run).
  12. May be nothing, but per The Athletic regarding Carlos Correa:
  13. Yep. The game tonight is like playing with house money for the Nats. With Strasburg on the bump.
  14. I really expect a good game out of Stras tonight. Scherzer struggled because he was missing his target and pulled a lot of pitches. Luckily, a slightly off Scherzer is still pretty freaking good. If Stras is regular Stras, he has a lot of swing and miss stuff that ends up in the zone or just off of it. And also agree that the only way the Nat's bullpen (i.e., Doo and Hudson plus whatever starter they are thinking about using that night) gets a rest is if the game is out of hand, either way, and they can send in Rodney et al without worrying too much about it.
  15. LKB calling other people assholes is like Trump calling other people corrupt.
  16. Too much of an escalation to go straight to the Hurricane Harvey jokes?
  17. That was a good post. I would make the distinction that it's not "Christianity" (meaning, the source material) that is the problem. It's "christianity" the institution with its structures and leaders and agenda (political, financial and otherwise) that is the problem.
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