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Everything posted by KDawg

  1. This is good to read because I don't think arm strength is the sole antidote for throwing INTs, either.
  2. I simply don't believe him. He is one of the biggest TH guys on this forum. My ears aren't plugged, I'm just not going to believe his intent was anything other than kicking the hornet's nest.
  3. Absolutely correct that I choose not to believe him. There is absolutely no point in bringing it up unless you feel otherwise. Hey, Tom Brady made a few turnover worthy plays, too. See? Heinicke isn't the only one who makes mistakes. Same with Brett Favre. He may have made more? See? Heinicke isn't so bad.
  4. Yes, they meant that the mistakes held equal weight. It's now cleared up. Otherwise, there is no point to bringing it up.
  5. I don't think you read my post. Insinuating that Josh Allen making the same mistakes as Heinicke is equal is asinine.
  6. Hey Cali, The other post I quoted here shows why people make those posts. To attempt to prove a point that Taylor Heinicke makes the same mistakes as the high end quarterbacks such as Josh Allen. I didn’t misinterpret a thing. He posted that intentionally. My point, however, is that a quarterback like Josh Allen doing it and a quarterback like Heinicke doing it are two entirely different animals. Let me explain: Allen has a NFL Rocket, NFL speed, NFL running ability and every physical trait you can ask for. Allen has high end NFL production. When Josh Allen makes a turnover worthy play it’s still a bad play. That doesn’t change. He has some bad habits he needs to get out of. But he also makes up for it in performance time and time again. And shockingly, he’s also a guy with a ton of moxie. He just has the NFL traits to go along with it. Heinicke has much less room for error. He doesn’t have the arm, physical traits and he refuses to use his legs. He has moxie. He has guys that love playing with him. But if Josh Allen js the bar for the gunslinger in the NFL, Heinicke is the floor. He can’t afford to make the same mistakes Allen can because he doesn’t have the NFL arm to throw himself out of trouble on an individual play or in a game. He has to have things go a certain way to make things happen. It’s clear what his intent was. The whole, “Aw shucks! I wasn’t doing that, how could you think that” act was just that. It’s so over the top and transparent that it’s exhausting.
  7. If you don’t know the difference between Josh Allen and Heinicke you should really think of a new hobby.
  8. I don't think there are many here that are advocating the return of Wentz. Many are wondering what Wentz could do in this system, with the group around him, though. But the best thing for the team is to forget he exists and move on without him going into next year.
  9. Yup. I'm not implying Wentz should start. I don't know. But it's tough to take a guy out who is on a pretty big win streak, REGARDLESS of the circumstances of that win streak. But I am saying I think Wentz, with this iteration of the team and a more run heavy gameplan (because Robinson is healthy and the OL went from god awful to meh) would be much better than he looked in a few of those games. Oh, and he doesn't have a broken finger.
  10. They thought wrong. I don't understand what them thinking it was a good plan matters. It clearly wasn't.
  11. It's not plausible to think you can win with a passing game with 3 IOL who are, quite frankly, awful. We didn't have any kind of good personnel on offense in that stretch. We were using Gibson poorly due to Robinson being out, we couldn't protect due to the IOL and our receivers couldn't touch the ball because Wentz was doing his Haynesworth interpretation. It's not some crazy puzzle to put together. It's all right in front of us for why things work and then they don't. Nick Martin is perhaps the worst OL we've seen play for us in years. Years. And that's scary.
  12. Is this a real question? Or strength is our running game. Our running game then helps our passing game where our receivers can make plays. I don't think this is top secret. I think we tried to do it the opposite way earlier this season and it flat out didn't work.
  13. You are such a Heinicke lover that its really difficult to have a good conversation with you. In fact, it's impossible. I get it. Heinicke is your savior. I hope you all had a nice Thanksgiving at the Heinicke homestead.
  14. They absolutely, 100% read this forum. Some of them, anyways. If you notice when we begin to talk about a topic it gains traction with some media outlets whereas with others it never gets picked up. Can kind of tell who reads this forum. Not saying we fuel the conversations, but they certainly use our conversations to build on. $28M for a QB who throws <30 times a game and has 250+ yards is not a bad investment. Paying $28M and going away from your strengths and throwing it 30+ every game just because you're paying a guy $28M is stupid.
  15. While true, would Wentz be winning with the current gameplan vs. the one where we had him throwing the ball and getting abused on a play to play basis? Is Heinicke's mobility a big difference in sack numbers? Some difference? Little difference? Is the run emphasis helping with the sacks? Has the OL gotten better? We don't know and can't. We can hypothesize. I don't know if this offense would be better with Wentz or not. It would be more of a threat to put up passing yards, but perhaps also more of a threat for sacks in big moments as well. l'm not sure.
  16. Its not close to the same throw. No bracket coverage, ball going to the sideline not middle of field.
  17. The point was Darnold and Wilson were both guys I personally wasn't fond of. I wasn't alone in that assessment. And I'm not a pro scout. Picking bad players is the issue. Not the draft position.
  18. Right. He is improving and reps make quarterbacks improve. But they still have ceilings. Heinicke’s absolute top of the mountain ceiling is around a top 16-20 QB because of his arm limitations. The gunslinger mentality actually helps him more than it hurts him but that is shaky ground for him to be standing on. On a normal day he’s a bottom third starter which generally equates to NFL backup for tenured vets. But he would be greatly more valuable if he used his legs more often. It’s like he’s terrified of running. When you are an undersized QB with a limited arm you have to use your legs for sustained success. Lamar Jackson is a prototype sized QB with a big arm and he uses his legs. Hurts is similar. An undersized guy has to do it.
  19. My guess is he stinks at the read portion of it and leaves himself exposed too often. But that is an outsider perspective and I have no way of actually knowing.
  20. I think Rivera is a decent coach and a good people manager. The guy is coaching the Washington Franchise CommandSkins. His entire tenure has been shielding Snyder. The team's fight reflects him. Yes. But the earlier season woes also reflects him. But he is doing a semi decent job in this situation given the circumstance. That won't change in two weeks. Two months. A year from now. But that doesn't mean he's a high end coach because of what's going on. And, quite frankly, Heinicke isn't a high end quarterback because of the record, either. We are a team who at the moment is playing better. Not because of just WJ3, but because McCain is no longer the FS, WJ3 is off the field, Holcomb hasn't been playing and our interior DL is the most dominant tandem in the NFL. Our receivers are playing about as good as expected given Heinicke is the QB (which is also a positive point when he gets the ball to these guys in tough situations, and its a negative one when he tries it and throws a pick or a should be pick). But really, the heroes are the running backs. Our backs are amongst the lowest in yards before contact in the league. I think they are both in the low 2.0s. Yet they churn out yards because of their running style and skill. We're winning because they are leaning into our strengths and shying away from weaknesses. Not just in play calls, but in the way the guys are playing as well. Yes, that is in part to coaching. Yes, that is in part to the players (Heinicke both included and excluded).
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