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Everything posted by KDawg

  1. What does having a great defense have to do with projecting college QBs to the NFL?
  2. None of it matters if he got a guarantee from someone in the top 5. Literally none of it.
  3. Why? Granted, I think the obvious answer is that the overall ceiling of the three QBs ahead of him is likely much higher… But you’re talking like McCarthy is a scrub.
  4. I’ll counter… what did he succeed at? I know this is going to come across like I don’t like Maye… that isn’t the case. And I agree that he carried the load by himself, essentially. But what is your measure of success here to say that he succeeded? North Carolina was 9-5 and 8-5. Is that succeeding? Truth be told I could see the argument in the context that they didn’t have a whole lot going for them offensively, but that discounts some of their defenders. Sam Howell was 8-4 and 6-7 his final two years at UNC. So Maye was 17-10 and Howell was 14-11. There is a difference there, to be sure, but not necessarily a difference that makes Maye’s success rate look stellar. Maye is a better prospect than Howell, and deserving of #2, but I wouldn’t necessarily say Maye was successful. Especially considering the criteria of playing like a top 5 QB but not being good enough to carry a team. Right now we have no idea if Maye is Dak or Maye is Herbert or Maye is Josh Allen. Though, I do think staying at UNC instead of tucking tail and going elsewhere for the money is a major success in its own right.
  5. I don't know. I think it's entirely possible he is the cleanest of the four guys. I don't think it's necessarily revisionist. What I think IS true, and to your point, is that what the other guys do well... they are elite at. McCarthy doesn't have anything that is ELITE that we can see to the eye. He's not a home run swing. He's a leg out triple swing. And when you're picking second you can't try to leg out a triple. You have to swing. And the swings are the top three guys. I'd almost rather be sitting at 4 naturally. But we are not. And because of that you CANNOT pass on the home run cut. I am intrigued to see how JJ does in the NFL, but it won't be here.
  6. I think McCarthy is going to be really, really good. We’ll see. His college play doesn’t necessarily support that. Michigan didn’t ask him to do much and he didn’t get to showcase his talents as much as we’d have liked to have seen. But if he comes in and gets to sit for a bit I think his potential is through the roof. The others guys are better in specific categories but I don’t see any one that I view as well rounded as McCarthy. Can’t wait to see where he ends up.
  7. I have decided where I stand on QB. I don’t care. They all have warts. They all have strengths. I’m good with any of the top 4 (yes 4, I like McCarthy more than most but in being fully transparent I just don’t see us taking him. So while I include him I don’t think he’s in play) You can say I should have a favorite, and maybe I should… but QBs are both selected and developed. I’m not big on the whole mindset that QBs are 100% developed like some. They have to have high end talent and the work ethic and brain. But the rest is on the team that they go to. I think the top four can all be developed to be great… or developed to fail. So which one we get is completely irrelevant to me. We need to surround them with the tools they need as an individual and help grow them and any of the four will be fine. But I do have a definitive stand to make, and I’ve referenced it prior… We have to stay at 2 to take our QB.
  8. Agreed. I can't even begin to formulate why trading back is even an option to some people at this point.
  9. Not to mention, NE fleeced us last year moving up to get Gonzo when we took Forbes. I don't want them to outsmart us again WITHOUT Belichick. And I don't think they will because our FO has so far shown great competence.
  10. Too much risk involved. New England needs a QB. I realize there is a lot of smoke saying otherwise but look at their roster.
  11. 100% yes. We have Marcus Mariota otherwise with no guarantee we can get to a place to get McCarthy, Nix, etc. the pick at 2 has to be a QB.
  12. His wrist snap and arm usage and decisions are NFL level. He has clean mechanics, although he doesn’t use his torso enough on his throws. He is an athletic guy that can use his legs to give him time to develop. His cons are well stated: he takes too many hits and he looks like a stick figure. Maye’s mechanics are really sloppy at times. I really like his middle of field throws and athletic ability and size, though. He has a rocket for an arm, too. But his footwork is sloppy and he has a penchant to sack himself. I think he’s probably more likely to be healthy but also needs a bit more work. I’m not sold on Williams mechanically, either. He takes a lot of time to throw and the stuff he gets away with in college won’t be the case in the NFL. I think Daniels has the most upside. Caleb has the highest ceiling (yes, I view them different… upside is growth potential and ceiling is overall best) and Maye has the consistency angle. I waiver back and forth.
  13. I think I’m leaning Daniels at 2 right now… but I go in waves. I’ll settle in by the draft. If it’s Maye I can see Mariota seeing significant time to start the season and I don’t like it.
  14. I think there is a lot of cope going on now. They are going to take Caleb Williams. If they don’t it’s for one or two reasons: 1) His red flags checked out. 2) They liked another QB more. If they like another QB more they better be sure they trade with us and only us and they’re sure who we’re taking. Too much risk.
  15. I want to be clear: Absolutely anything could happen. I don’t pretend to know what other people are thinking. It’s entirely possible that the Bears trade the pick. But the odds are tremendously low. I think Fields is better than people give him credit for. Surrounding cast matters and his hasn’t been great. They now have a good cast surrounding the quarterback and it would be a great time to add a, say, MHJ and Bowers to the offense. But, the odds aren’t in favor of that happening.
  16. I love the “overthink everything” stage of the off-season. Next people will be changing their entire evaluation because of these guys favorite cereal brand. The draft order is: Williams, Maye, Daniels. We could take Daniels, but I don’t think so. I think we’ve moved Howell because of the awkwardness of Howell’s best friend taking his job… (and he was cooked here anyways… that’s important).
  17. I for one am glad we didn’t actually sign that guy Fowler reported we did incorrectly. We’d have a very distracted locker room with him in there constantly threatening our others players’ teeth. Good luck in SF
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