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Everything posted by Renegade7

  1. That would be Cruz campaign calling for Trump level ball snipping / tail between his legs if Kyrie rejoins LeBron. I don't think he's humble enough to do that, even after flaming out in Boston. He'd have concede the world is round in the same press conference if he does.
  2. You didn't answer what you felt about my two examples, just give up hope and continue doing what we're doing. I mean, is NASA partisan? There a couple of examples, even the current head of the federal election commission stood her ground and called out Trump when he said he'd accept more help from Russia, that it was against the law, and he later backtracked.
  3. Is the Fed partisan? IRS? I get your point, but I don't find this idea impossible or anywhere near as bad as what we are currently doing.
  4. Warren I believe wants a nonpartisan federal commission to establish voting districts going forward. I'd prefer this, find a way to make an algorithm or something, because I don't trust red or blue to be fair to the other.
  5. That sounds brutal, id rather watch the game on mute. Feeling that trade, but @No Excuses is right, Ted is treating Shep like he doesn't want to use labels like girlfriend when they are living together and ****.
  6. That was really annoying watching the two parents on their phone ignoring the game with their little kids trying to get their phones from them. If there was ever a living example of kids doing as their parents, it was that.
  7. The Bible in her hand is unnecessary. God doesn't hate people, people do. There may be Christians that are fine with this disgusting way of dealing with the southern border, but I have yet to see any of them quote scripture to justify it. That's frustrating AF. Edit: Just found Jeff Sessions making everything worse
  8. Fair question. It's one way for Azure to try and bring something g to the table with AWS being as dominant as it is. If Windows has a Linux kernel, which they heading towards, isn't it just another Linux distro with support? They can't really take over Linux if they are intentionally making stuff like .NET Framework opensource, can they? They are trying to survive, imo. As soon as there was talk of future versions of SAMBA stepping in to be more like a windows domain controller, Microsoft made sure GNU and FOSS community doesn't make something that could compete with AD but not compatible with it. This is all about making sure if people want to use Linux, Microsoft can still be involved. Again, why they should stop dicking around and put Office on Linux, at least for VDI and thin clients. Maybe it will inevitably once they start putting the Linux kernel in future official releases of Windows, brave new world. I won't be able to make that my host is, maybe a VM out of curiosity.
  9. That's it, boom, I agree with you, but Office 365 is a superior product. Unless the opensource suites can better match the formatting Office offers, or at least not turn my resume into gobbledygook, it'll be harder for the buy. The installer comes with skype for business, that doesn't run on Linux, Microsoft doesn't even support it, if I have to Wine it. Microsoft already trying to get in bed with Linux, why not at this point?
  10. That goal post just stood up and started walking...saw it.
  11. So glad they are having fun with this
  12. Guilty, and I dont roll like that anymore. One time in early 20s I was so high I missed my exit on the interstate not just once but twice. I told myself I wouldnt drive drunk, and really the correct phrase was and is i should never drive inebriated, regardless of the cause.
  13. I turned on Ubuntu after unity, but it's one if the few that's done a decent job as a starting point for people that are tired of Windows. This is another example of trying to be cool over functional that really bothers me with some of the more popular Linux desktop distros that are damn near targeted at Windows users. They will never compete with Windows for marketshare they want to until they do something like get Microsoft to make a linux version of Office, but even Office still has 32bit versions. Passed it three times, going to go after CE next so never have to take it again. What worked for me was getting a Sybex book, doing the professor messer videos and pdf cheat sheet, then going to measureup for practice questions until I was in the 90s or started recognizing questions. 3 months is realistic, dont reread the book, if you dont get something, look somewhere else for a shorter, better explanation. Donr do a bootcamp unless you read the book first, you'll be wasting your time.
  14. I swear the Wizards thread feels like a Support Group meeting sometimes. "I'm back again, so I dont know if that means I've falling off the wagon or not." *circle claps
  15. US is showing it can already do specific damage or widespread disruption via cyberwarfare that many people fear others will successfully do us eventually. Obama proved this in way he went after North Korea for attacking Sony Pictures. It will always be this hand over fist path, new exploit, patch, new exploit pattern, so unless we going make sure our end is safe, I hate the idea of flaunting so openly our non-kenetic capabilities. Its liking bragging about your hands knowing you ain't got no chin.
  16. They are trying to be a year round league like the NFL, that's what it feels like stretching everything out and overemphasizing things more.
  17. Remember when Spiderman 2 with Dr. Octopus was considered the best superhero movie ever made up to that point? Me neither, that was so long as ago, it was pre-Dark Knight.
  18. Your evolution into full blown troll is almost complete. Heretic.
  19. I agree, if we want to get serious about improving the defense, we can't have someone on the roster that jokes about them not being paid to do that. **** that ****.
  20. Did I read that graphic right? Atlanta's starter tonight is allowing close to 2 and half homeruns per 9 innings pitched? Offense doing what it's supposed to do when some bamma like that comes into your stadium.
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