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Everything posted by Renegade7

  1. So fitting KAT made sure this was over...happy for him. Give me Luka vs Ant...future is now...
  2. Feelings are getting actively hurt this round...
  3. Man...only thing reasonable about this one is The Rock is the 16th seed and an easy out...
  4. The wild ride that has been the redemption arc for Mike Tyson probably only possible in this country... https://www.reddit.com/r/howtonotgivea****/s/K64HGCrZ9F
  5. Trying to find a nice way to show that I noticed Nats and Yankees having back to back series against the same White Soxs team...that one struggled and the other *checks notes* kinda didnt...
  6. For switching back to team I followed first in a year following they didn't make the playoffs and all my others are teams are local? Whatever helps yall make sense of it, KD would force himself to the Dodgers, in your heart you know this to be true 😆
  7. I'm not trying to process an Israeli asasination attempt on Iranian president...so I wont...
  8. I was a Nats fan in 2019, came back to evil empire this offseason after Soto went there (i have his away jersey with no name on the back now : ) Last Orioles World Series win was before I was born, so could be worse, I guess...any tips or wisdom on how to get though that?
  9. Classy standing ovation in New York... It's one thing when your opponent is on historic fire, but when your MVP candidate stars player goes out for game on injury, too...brutal way to have your season end...
  10. Damn...wellness check @Die Hard 😟
  11. Bad game to have an off game...Brunson needs to wake up.
  12. I believe you are underestimating the amount of influence the far-right has in Israel and its not like they got into office via magic... I'm also not sure what should be the expectations for an "effective government" in an occupied territory. To make sure I'm on same page, when is last time Israeli government formally supported a two-state solution? I honestly don't know, think I Remember Bibi being open to it, but last I checked hes a hard no right now (open to correction, my point is it take two to tango, it cant jus always be someone elses fault for 50 years.
  13. I can dig it. It was pointed out earlier a couple times in this thread that more effort on education around eating and preparing meals needs to be done. Its been trial and error adapting how much we feed our kids to keep from underfeeding or frankly overfeeding and them throwing it up (even if they like the food doesnt mean let them eat until that happens, that has happened with us before, not in a long time since). Having two under four sometimes means they get different meals (aka two different leftovers to pick from) to avoid "fighting" and them becoming scared of mealtime. Read about this and asked about this. Then they become teenagers and its hard to "make them" do anything....basically caged animals counting down days to legal adulthood. Why I empathize with efforts to make this easier for people versus overemphasis on need for them to "try harder" in regards to eating healthier. Call me compromised, I can only go so far there with a straight face. Hopeless when cadillacs are same price as shorts...(least they were when I smoked pack a day)...
  14. I see.... You used my own link against me to make my point USDA is saying too much versus clarifying scope of the problem: I get your point, Its almost too much math to be basic and case can be made a lot of it isnt helping. Please explain. I'm not an expert, but my Pediatrician said NOT to do that with my kids: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32060806/ Whats your definition and point then? ??? We don't live on calories alone, Peter. I would die of hunger eating that for lunch.
  15. @redskinss Well...did you look at the cat's browser history yet? I see a laptop and more shame then I expected from a cat...
  16. Please prove this before I have to believe it. A minority of Americans in food deserts is not the same as minority of people that obese. Its estimated now 1 out of every 10 (some as bad as 1 out of every 7) child in US live in poverty....47% of children in poverty live in the south... https://www.childrensdefense.org/tools-and-resources/the-state-of-americas-children/soac-child-poverty/#:~:text=see Table 2).-,Among the 74 million children living in the United States,poverty even deeper into poverty. Arguably the most obese states in the country are either the south or midwest (depending on where you look). Before you go trying to prove this, I have concerns you don't consider this part of the problem, I never said this was soul root cause. Your meals don't make sense for a family with toddlers, what you describing as a "meal" sounds like grazing to me, honestly. We're going to need to.
  17. I'm convinced through life experience its not that simple and gym deserts are a real ting, too: https://www.menshealth.com/fitness/a34449599/fitness-deserts/
  18. Look at you being all redistribution of wealth : ) I think we should be putting more effort into teaching healthy eating habits and how to cook (even with limited resources) in school. Algebra 2 go brrrr.... Just begs the question should more of our food be required to be healthier in how its produced with respect to it being so easy to get yet its killing us? Why is so much of our food killing us? I want to not care that people do that. I cant because I'm not convinced chipolte is actually healthy despite advertising as such. I got a veggie bowl a cople months ago, trying, I havent been back since. Something is wrong here, and its not just what we're choosing to do, its our "choices" as well..
  19. OKC jus wasn't ready yet, youngest team to ever win a playoff series, it would've been history making seeing them get to next round, to be fair to them.
  20. Eh... McDonalds got rid of super-sized almost 20 years ago...shrinkflation is also a real thing. Yet this problem has been continuing to get worse. I'll accept a multiple front attack on a multiple front issue. Companies should try to figure out how to make their food healthier or it be more clear how unhealthy they really are. Calorie counting every menu option I dont believe does what's finally purchased justice, you dont go to McDonalds to count calories. Increasing pricing for unhealthy foods and dripping prices for healthy foods doesn't sound crazy to me. Opinion.
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