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Everything posted by Renegade7

  1. Some women take pride in paying for stuff at a certain point in a relationship that is serious as part of asserting their independenceamd affection for you, especially if they had their own thing going on income-wise before yall met and know damn well they can afford it without even trying because they worked hard for it. Some don't.
  2. Embiid with 33, Lowery and Harris with doughnuts? Oubre with more points then Maxey? Is this about to be Game 7?
  3. Bucks need to stay healthy to know what they really are in the playoffs. They shouldn't be a first round exit. Man, remember when folks was wondering if that was one of the best 1-2 players on a single team, either could go off, possibly both at same time? Gentle reminder you don't win on paper, you win on the court. I second blowing up the Sixers. Suns, Lakers, too. I hear a lot of defense to keeping Warriors together and they didn't even make the playoffs. Don't be like me, stop being idealistic.
  4. I'd ask what's in the water in Phoenix...but ain't no water in Phoenix... #HeatStroke
  5. Ah, see to clarify, I don't think anyone felt they weren't coming out the East, I said that earlier in the thread seems like the path was ironed flat for them now. I remember saying last time they were in the Finals I didn't trust having a team with those kind of expectations with a coach that young and inexperienced. Them being so inconsistent at home in the postseason was a big reason why. Good for them they might make it back to the finals, but if they still wanna drop gimmies at home and barely be over .500 in the playoffs at home...they won't win the Finals doing that. Said that 2-3 years ago, that did look like same old same old, but we'll see. Rather see Knicks beat then as well.
  6. It's too early to say they learned anything...if they hover around .500 in the playoffs again this year...yea, they learned nothing. Dropping that game 2 was a red alert to something we've seen for years from them, not an overreaction, more like "here we go again". Celtics completely overpowered what was left of that team...I'm not always right, but I'm suprised you already calling they provide folks wrong and they got at least 3 more rounds to go.
  7. Are you really gloating about the Celtics beating the *checks notes* 8th seed in the first round after they lost their best player during the series? That's what they're supposed to do, not lose by double digits to this same squad without Jimmy Butler in Boston. That's what lead to this conversation. You don't get a goldstar for paying your child support on time... Knicks fan finally in a good mood. So happy for you : )
  8. Exactly. We are closer to folks not having to be bothered with this nonsense to get a clearance anymore. Government Cybersecurity needs this rectified BADLY to slow lose of folks to private sector and frankly keep from falling behind nation states that could care less if APTs they harbor poof the magic dragon. Necessary step in right direction help get people our of jail for selling weed while all these damn businesses are popping up selling weed.
  9. It's a 4 game series, yall could drop one by accident and still be up 2 games...in May 😏
  10. @Dr. Do Itch Big how much you wanna bet Ham is talking about DRuss? 😆 Idk, start someone else? 🤷‍♂️ He gonner then gone, James opt out is inevitable. Nuke it from orbit, only thing I'll give credit to Lakers for this fiasco is standing their ground not to mortgage their future anymore then they did standing up to LeBron. Coulda been in Phoenix shoes trying to make him happy, still get nowhere, and he still opt out.
  11. It's early and Cole isn't even back yet. Soto is for real, as expected. Os deserve their flowers, buts it's April...keep that same energy in a 'ber month, please : ) Edit: Stanton is trash, I expect nothing from him and still disappointed.
  12. Not giving Gobert DPOTY during the bubble season was truly a missed opportunity by every stretch of the word, imo... Shut down Joker? This man shut the league down that year!
  13. @tshile and @bearrock I respect yall trying to clarify your stances and reason with me and other in this thread as it's evolved. I feel like taking a breather and coming back to address your points. In the meantime, I say we jus cut through all of it real quick and ask a yes or no question: Should US stop giving military aid to Israel? There are a lot of different protests right now and understandably a lot of different opinions in how we got to this point. At some point though...where do we go from here? I respect the need to clarify why to yes or no. Or even clarify conditions. I'm at a Yes right now. I'll be back later, I need to focus on other things go make sure my emotions don't get the best of me and I'll still make sense where I stand on this complicated matter. Grey as any issue I've ever seen in a world that tries too hard to be black or white.
  14. Listening to wtop this morning didn't seem that simple, at minimum from optics perspective. Not trying to look like Hong Kong up in here, maybe...convo has changed now that there's actual property damage and building occupation. Doubt that ends well for them regardless of how right they think they are at Columbia specifically. But this was absolutely the level of escalation I was concerned about as it started to organically spread from campus to campus all over the country. I was not buying at all this would simply go away by looking away, no, what was happening at Columbia was feeding the other protests around the country in solidarity. People can be killed all day, not ideas.
  15. It wouldn't shock me if LeBron used his player option and whatever team he went to next was his last. Boston feels suspect AF and east is not that strong as many thought it was. Will say it again, I hope out reach is done in Cleveland before they lose Spida...adding LeBron to the current Cavs team could be nasty.
  16. I recommend switching to desktop.mode in your browser on your phone, the word reparation, housing, and NYPD are not in 3 or 4: That list of 6 items seems reasonable, I can't speak for the rest because while they are saying a lot on this page, those 6 items look specific like they are meant to not look crazy...they arent. I get the request...maybe idealistic since NYC is concerned some of the folks in that building might not even be students. I wish someone would look at that list to try to turn the temperature down, can't make everyone happy. Surly complicated with respect to Civil Rights movement all the way up to NFL owners telling players to kneel in the locker room instead. Protests aren't meant to make anyone feel comfortable like that, for better or worse. It sure is easier to out reach to Hispanics without understanding they come from different countries and viewpoints, plus vast majority hate the term Latinx. Protesting is about bringing attention to an issue and/or clarifying a request for a specific change. Blowing these young people off and saying if they want change they need to vote isn't true, they voting for Biden this November is giving no indication to a change in policy to giving Israel further military aid. Those are separate matters and yes while I wish more young people voted, it starts with helping them feel they votes matter or they matter. I've seen multiple pages where one viewpoint after the other shows people don't and are blowing them off. That's not how voter outreach is supposed to work, telling people they don't matter until they are needed to win an election and shame them into higher turnout is dead ass wrong. And results speak for themselves.
  17. Where do you see reparation housing or severing ties with NYPD? Below is their specific list from the same link (in context this group says they date back all the way to 2016): This is one group, are they running point for this protest in Columbia? What about other campuses? At its core, we jus sent more money ($90+ billion) to three different countries in their war and defense efforts then the Federal Government allocated to our entire Department of Education (~$80 billion) this current fiscal year. In the middle of a student debt crisis, is it any shock college students are seemingly leading protests with respect to continuing to give military aid to Israel even though they are still planning to invade Rafah? Yes, our government should reconsider their stance on this issue in an election year instead of blowing this off as a bunch of angry youngin's who don't get how the world works yet. Especially when your asking for their votes to help save democracy in a couple months.
  18. Oh cool, I guess now we can take these campus protests seriously instead of ignoring them or jus sending the police in... If you don't schedule you server maintenance, your server will schedule it for you...
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