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Everything posted by Renegade7

  1. Well...that's one way to me sure aid gets in... /sarcasm
  2. Blood is on the dancefloor...get a mop...
  3. Maybe it's more dealing with Ant then Gobert? Could all be in his head, I realized Ant was probably the strongest guard in the NBA almost soon as he was drafted. Overall the Wolves are a really good defensive team, you don't have to blame it all in them, but man, as big as I felt Denver was compared to Miami last year that **** doesn't seem to matter right now.
  4. @Dr. Do Itch Big called this, it made total sense then, the proof is in the pudding. Denver is lucky they got their ring before Wolves reached their final form, and double lucky to get an 8th seed in a finals match up. Did they handle their business, sure, but theyre in the wrong place at the wrong time now. And Wemby's Spurs aren't even good yet.
  5. Was beginning to suspect I might somehow still be the youngest regular poster here... But looks like there's a Packer fan damn near full year younger then me. Congratulations 👶
  6. With Schools in Ruins, Education in Gaza Will Be Hobbled for Years https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/06/world/middleeast/gaza-schools-damaged-destroyed.html?smid=nytcore-android-share
  7. Please...jus make one good movie that doesn't involve Batman... Please, if you can do this, maybe you can make another...
  8. You are correct on Gaza is pretty much gone, all she wrote. Jordan Rover reference is for when they come after the West Bank next. They've already accelerated building in East Jerusalem. If it walks like a duck AND quacks like a duck...
  9. Yep. You should copy-paste this post for 20 years from now when they pushing Palestinians into the Jordan River as part of "war zone evacuations"...
  10. We are well past the point of "what's the right thing to do here"... We can't control the past, but we can keep it from controlling us. Decisions in the present is how we impact the future that we also cannot control. But the plan has been in plain sight, no matter what anyone wants to call it: https://www.latimes.com/world-nation/story/2024-03-13/israel-religious-nationalists-gaza
  11. Yea...I'm not buying anything stops Israel from invading Rafah to finish off Hamas. This ceasefire may help get the rest of the hostages out and maybe some aid in, and that's about it. And I'm usually the optimist...this isn't over from a long shot, and that's pending Israel even agreeing to this cease-fire in the first place, like you said.
  12. Every page in this thread since these protests on campuses started have marginalized them as individuals and impact. I can't with a straight face pretend I didn't get many of the rights I have right now from civil disobedience, incovinence, or outright distruption. The core of this matter, especially concerning young people, has been where our country's money is going versus where it should or could be going. Making the case to stop individual campuses from dealing monetarily with Israel as it may in some way contribute to this war is not surprising and understandable in the middle of a *checks notes* student debt crisis. One of things I notice in Columbia's demands was to stop dealing with the university system in Tel Aviv and prevent the building of a larger center in Israel...where is that money coming from? https://globalcenters.columbia.edu/tel-aviv We can send billions to Israel but its like pulling teeth to address the costs of their own college education or healthcare because it costs too much? Do you want young people to be more politically active or not? Can't have your cake and eat it, too.
  13. My Wife and I had our graduations canceled due to COVID. We were going to get our Masters and walk at the same time in the same stage after getting married while still in grade Scholes together. This same campus is not to far removed from something similar the whole country went through, pretty much every campus. We survived that. They survived it as well.
  14. Antman vs Alien for league supremacy sounds so 2024 I'm waiting the flying cars to show up next. Beam me up, Scottie.
  15. It's me. Hi. I'm the problem, it's me.
  16. For better or worse, the protest are causing disruption bringing further attention to the matter they are protesting. Not everyone is tuned into what's going on in Gaza the way some of us are. And protests are not meant to be convenient.
  17. This is fair. Ill add that I've seen an example of this every generation I've come across on my short time here on earth compared to others. We are the sum of our choices, for better or for worse. Your example concerning "everyone but me" when every job ends the same way I've also seen and called out in the dating world. Oh, all your relationships end the same way but it's nothing to do with you? Can't even start with who you pickin in the first place. Ok.
  18. I'm not trying to depend on an app in an emergency. AM has wider range then FM as well.
  19. It's nor clear why they did that, imo, possibly a warning as it's becoming clear US is saying one thing in public and another in private to Israel. https://www.cnn.com/2024/05/05/politics/war-israel-palestine-gaza-biden-weapons/index.html
  20. Facts. You can be so good at your job they can't afford to lose you via a promotion or move to another department. My Wife tried to move to accounting and found out her manager raised concerns about filling her position to upper management. Told her only way to get what you want is to go somewhere else, you get promotions and paid what you're worth these days by changing employers.
  21. I'm starting to really shake my head on this piling on of what younger generations dont understand or know that "they should". Like memes or articles teasing millennials for not knowing how to do certain things with their hands. The truth is its each generations responsibility to teach the next one, so if a whole ass generation is getting "clowned" by a previous generation on something they don't know, the truth it's the previous generation who are the real clowns for not teaching them. In this case, expectations have not been clarified. Gen Z for most part are mostly in entry level or early parts of their careers. Autonomy is NOT earned through hardworking, its typically earned by getting a different position as you move up in your career path. Unfortunately, this is not a country that prides itself on taking care of their workers like the reputation Europe has (and the Internet has unveiled that to both mine and younger generations). No, this is a work or die country, push back was inevitable.
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