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Dan T.

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Everything posted by Dan T.

  1. Yeah what is up with that sound? Was it free Vuvuzela Night tonight? It's annoying as he'll.
  2. I am hereby withdrawing your appointment as President of the United States.
  3. I heard only Americans swallow. [i'll show myself out.]
  4. I learned long ago... do NOT rile up birders. Or librarians. They are fierce and relentless when on a mission.
  5. Report: The Situation is Becoming Dire at the Malheur Wildlife Refuge Visitors Center:
  6. The Cleveland Browns marketing department* always has a tough job: (* Not really. It was made by Mike Polk, the same guy who did those hilarious Cleveland tourism videos.)
  7. "I want you to take me like Obama takes our freedoms," Jed whispered. The sound of a Carhart zipper was his only reply." "The vegan jerky gave him sensations he'd never had. It reminded him of Scout camp, only this time he was the Scoutmaster." "Seize me!" Ammon moaned, "Set my fertile grassland aflame, and I shall pursue no recourse!" "He swore an oath. But his wife was far away. And Cletus, hard-bodied and willing, was near. Plus, Cletus had Doritos."
  8. The official looking stamp was a nice touch, too. Really the whole thing is just too cute for words. The "school compnay" is taking a "brake"...
  9. What happened at the Whiskey Rebellion? Let's do that again.
  10. Except that the gun absolutely looked real. Quick quiz: Which one is the real gun and which one is the Airsoft gun Rice had? Are you willing to bet your life the one at the top is the toy gun? Also Tamir Rice's autopsy report documented that he stood 5'7" and weighed 195 pounds. That's pretty much adult size. So while there were a lot of issues with this whole tragedy, I doubt the dispatchers were negligent by not announcing that a child was in the park playing with a toy gun. (As an aside, I happened to watch that video of the squad car rolling up to Rice with a Federal law enforcement officer with a ton of street-level experience, and he was dumbfounded at the stupidity of that maneuver.)
  11. Not included, the press reported: http://www.freep.com/story/news/nation/2015/12/29/olive-garden-breadsticks-nye-nyc/78014308/ Then Olive Garden changed their mind. Bring on the breadsticks: http://www.nj.com/news/index.ssf/2015/12/yes_olive_gardens_400_new_years_eve_buffet_will_include_breadsticks.html
  12. That may be the worst one yet. Not only for the shooting, but his immediate lying afterward. And all that on camera, yet the DA passes on doing anything. He should be ****canned too. Sickening. Paradise, California, my ass.
  13. Robert trolls Brendan: https://imgur.com/a/Gjcb5
  14. Has there ever been a stratospheric superstar as grounded as Adele? Maybe it's an act, but if it is, she's got me fooled. Great sense of humor too. She's sold a gazillion records, yet she has about her an aura that she herself can't believe her good fortune, and it's very endearing.
  15. ^ I notice all the senior managers are smiling. ------------ ------------ Phuc Dat Bich Keeps Getting Banned From Facebook. An exasperated Vietnamese-Australian man has shared a photo of his passport to prove his name really is Phuc Dat Bich after he was banned from Facebook several times. Phuc Dat Bich, 23, told Facebook followers he finds it “highly irritating” that “nobody seems to believe me when I say that my full legal name is how you see it”. The photo of his old passport clearly displays the name – whose correct pronunciation is approximately “Phoo Da Bic” – and has been shared tens of thousands of times. http://www.standard.co.uk/news/world/phuc-dat-bich-vietnameseaustralian-man-shares-photo-of-passport-to-prove-his-real-name-a3119161.html
  16. ^^ All women to bartender: "I'll have what she's having."
  17. Or fill her baby bottle with bourbon. Sorry to say I am not making this up: Cops: Mom Put Bourbon In Her Baby's Bottle Teething victim had a .19 blood alcohol level http://www.thesmokinggun.com/documents/stupid/arkansas-baby-fed-bourbon-764901 Lori Sheppard, 28, was charged with child endangerment and aggravated assault after her son Ronald was found “limp and unresponsive,” with a blood alcohol content of .190. Sheppard allegedly confessed to police that she had let the baby drink bourbon after Tylenol and Motrin didn’t seem to help him.
  18. Browns fan edits old Trent Richardson jersey
  19. Tickle Me Elmo blasted by a 2,500 horsepower jet engine: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Km1p2-SB-WE
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