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Dan T.

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Everything posted by Dan T.

  1. This is all mostly a goof, and I think intellectually people realize that bad or weird stuff happens everywhere. Somehow Florida has become the poster-child-state for bizarre stories. Whether that's fair or not, who knows. But I'm having a hard time figuring out how FOIA laws have any bearing that.
  2. Nice. Haven't been to Verizon at all the season for the Wiz or the Caps... Was at OldOx Brewery a couple weekends back after a bike ride on the W&OD trail. Had some really good brews there. Do you hande their stuff? I haven't seen them much outside their brewery...
  3. I've only had the Corruption IPA and the Public Pale Ale. Let us know what you think. DC Brau is actually available at Nats Park, hidden among all the AB InBev beers.
  4. Bought a sixer of a session brew from Old Busthead... Graffiti House West Coast Style IPA. Tried one bottle and I wanted to like it, but it was a bit too astringent for me. They tout the tropical fruit notes from the hops, which came through, but I didn't get any malty balance. It felt unfinished. I'll try it again. I got five bottles left. I actually contemplated pouring another glass and stirring in a 1/4 teaspoon of honey to see what happens.
  5. Original selfie stick, circa 1934:
  6. Wolf Blitzer Fondly Recalls the Prince Classic "Purple Haze": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ywbHS1sKPY
  7. I know a young woman with celiac's disease. It is real. It's caused by a reaction to gluten, a protein found in wheat. It messes up the digestive system, causes real bad discomfort and efs up the small intestine so it can't absorb nutrients.
  8. Virginia's Devil's Backbone Brewery, started by Fairfax native Steve Crandall, has been purchased by Anheuser-Busch! http://www.usatoday.com/story/money/2016/04/12/anheuser-busch-adds-virginias-devils-backbone-its-craft-beer-roster/82932272/ DB got big fast. A friend was over in London last month and sent me a pic of a beer list on a chalkboard at a pub there - and Devil's Backbone was one of the choices! Not to mention they seem to be on tap at every pub and restaurant in NoVA. Now they have the clout of AB behind them.
  9. Yeah, I saw that, and felt my blood pressure rise reading about it.
  10. Yikes. Imagine Thanksgiving at THAT household...
  11. My own odd little Florida vignette.... Down in Cocoa Beach a couple weeks back for Nats spring training. Friday night, waiting for a table in the lounge area on the front patio of the Florida Fresh Grill restaurant. A beat up white pickup truck pulls up to the front of the restaurant. On the truck's door is a sign for a pool service company, and in the bed is a bunch of hoses and equipment. Out jumps a guy impeccably dressed in a freshly pressed white shirt, bowtie, knee high socks, and an Irish tartan kilt. Walks over to a woman sitting near us, gives her a big kiss and whispers something in her ear, gets back in the truck, and drives off.
  12. Pretty good odds Hef shows up in court wearing a smoking jacket.
  13. Florida Woman Uses Burrito To Assault Florida Man, So Florida Man Stabs Florida Woman in Hand With Fork http://www.pnj.com/story/news/crime/2016/03/22/ocso-couple-uses-fork-burrito-weapons/82114818/
  14. I don't think this guy makes the 25-man opening day roster:
  15. Florida Man Steals BMW After Trying to Buy It With Food Stamps http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3500803/Florida-man-steals-BMW-turned-buying-food-stamps.html
  16. Freaky! Possible alien woman disappears on live television:
  17. Pretty sure it was the Oregon State Police, not the FBI.
  18. Whoa. Slamming 30 beers and being sick for three days. Then one week later, downing 18 beers in a night? It sounds like you have a problem. Seriously.
  19. However, her underwear and pants did not survive.
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