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Everything posted by AzSkinsFan63

  1. Skins sucked first and foremost the headline for the game is "Barry's defense keeps Manning in a whole meaningless game"..LOL The flag during the commercial break was the start....we had the ball at the 48 yard line..geesh...complete crap! The blatant face mask on Norman that wasn't called was sooooo bad...pathetic. (I woke up my grandson's nap yelling at the TV.....the wife wasn't too happy about that one..LOL). But the ding ding ding winner was when they threw the flag for delay of game against the Giants and then the refs decide that the coach called time out..and when the camera pans to coach macadoodoo he's laughing to one of his players" I didn't even call a timeout"..and FOX knew it and didn't say a word. "Hey guys can we find any coach calling time out"..nope...HA..HA..HA....LOL The NFL is a JOKE and has been for about 17 years now.
  2. Before the schedule release... http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/football-insider/wp/2015/04/21/if-the-redskins-get-a-raw-deal-on-the-schedule-fans-can-hardly-complain/ After the schedule release.. http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/nfl-shutdown-corner/which-nfl-teams-got-unfair-schedules--university-of-buffalo-engineers-know-170455822.html The first article prophesied said event and basically tells the fans to shut up! And of course it's from the WP when it should have come from the Dallas news. 5 games played against rested teams..WOW....I'm not sure you could even accidently pit a team against 5 opponets with rest in one season...LOL
  3. Nothing beats that new car smell

  4. can't wait for another offseason of letting go players that play better somewhere else..Signing expensive FA's that don' t play good until after we realease them..and gettting maybe 1 good guy in the draft...LOL

  5. That game was Norvish

  6. The Buc stops here!

  7. We don't blitz the rookie???

    1. Riggo'sRangers


      Because it's Haz. He is a horrible coach and I can't believe he's still here.

    2. skins214428hail
    3. SWFLSkins


      The alien who took his body left on Tuesday?

  8. Hindsight is 20-20 of course..But Skins went to wrong backup QB

  9. Cardinals game I'm there Live!

  10. Damn Cheathawks refs couldn't call every penalty..geez!

  11. Oh no another prime time game......

    1. Commander PK

      Commander PK

      yup...exciting isn't it?

  12. Red Zone Defense????????????????????????????

    1. skinsmarydu


      where? I must've missed it somehow, LOL

  13. Our special teams are a special kind of special...

  14. Now that the leaker has been fired maybe the Skins can get down to business..

  15. Time for DC Toxic Week II

  16. Skins need some coaches..LOL

  17. Can you say Chucky?...I thought you could!

    1. rabidskin


      if only dreams could come true. I would take back Zorn at this point. At least he tried and didn't say the same idiotic statements every post game press conference. How old is "improve on our mistakes" going to last. When is it that Shanny resigns and we automatically improve, since Snyder is in a coma with this High School D we have.

    2. #98QBKiller


      No thanks, NO MORE RETREADS

  18. Bad game RGIII..Period!

  19. Loss to Philly = Season Officially Over

  20. Pathetic defense, putrid O-line pass protection and bad officiating = no chance!

    1. BraunMan92


      Should have been an easy win against a cupcake opponent, for sure.

    2. rabidskin


      Like what has been said, was a must win game! Against a 1-7 team with 8 starters out. This is the worst D in Redskins history. Guys, do you understand that in the all time 34 seasons of a 16 game schedule, the highest points given up in a year have only broken 400 points 2 times.. That was 1994-412 points and 1998-421. This team is on pace for 506 at 31.6 points a game average. Unheard of!

    3. rabidskin


      Hail to the almighty Shanahan and his inept sidekick HASLETT! Great switch up from a 4-3 top 10 D to a pathetic 3-4 cellar dweller D for 4 straight years! Thanks Allen and Shanahan. Great Job!

  21. I will admit a nice goal line stand by the defense that made the refs regret the spot.

    1. goskins10


      As much as the D has been a disappointment, you have a very good point. They really stepped it up. Yes they were helped by some questionable play calling. But they still had to make plays, none was bigger than Amerson giving up his body to keep wood head out of the EZ.

  22. Skins win in spite of officiating

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Glenn X

      Glenn X

      AzSkinsFan63, it must be understood that the only time rabidskin chimes in around here is to bash Shanny -- win, lose or draw.

    3. rabidskin


      AzSkinsFan63...I have been supporting the Redskins before you were born. Been to every home game from 1961- 2002. I have seen it all including Pat Fischer knocking Jim Brown senseless. Went to Redskins games when you could pick a ticket up off the ground in the early 60's because they stunk so bad. I have seen it all but this defense is the worst I have ever seen. I dislike Shanahan immensely and I will not approve of what he did to this defense or the way he has handled this team. Y...

    4. rabidskin


      You will see when Shanahan leaves and after never winning a super bowl, how many years we wasted. This coach will NEVER WIN ANOTHER SUPER BOWL. Its great to root for a winner and support them when they lose, I have for 55 years. I have not supported Shanahan or what he has done to the Redskins. Yes the Offense is better, but it is pure insanity what he has done to the D. People seem to forget the many losses he has here and how many times we had the lead only to lose. Come on, this past w...

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