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Everything posted by AzSkinsFan63

  1. You know it's bad when the they are quoting Albert Haynseworth.

    1. Commander PK

      Commander PK

      You mispelled his name. It's Fat Al or Haynesworthless...get it right :)

  2. I thought the 2 pick plays for TD's early were classy!

  3. 38 unanswered points in a half????

    1. abdcskins
    2. rabidskin


      Try 31 points in the 4th quarter alone.....What a joke!

  4. And that my friends is clueless football

  5. Enjoy... http://www.theblaze.com/contributions/obamacare-didnt-fail-its-a-huge-success/
  6. The good news is Dallas sucks. The bad news is the Skins suck worse.

  7. This forum is a Joke full of extreme-moderators that's all..they decide even the polls allowed.Sad excuse for a Redskin's forum.

    1. Glenn X

      Glenn X

      Extreme moderators? Well, it is called Extremeskins, after all. :-P

  8. CNN is doing so bad they'll do anything to get people to talk about them..
  9. GET THAT PHONY TEAM OUTTA HERE!!!!! Boys even keep it close when the refs are trying to help them!!!! C-YA!
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