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Everything posted by Riggo-toni

  1. If we would just ban country music, the rate of inbreeding might drop enough that we wouldn't have to deal with morons like this.
  2. I watched the first episode. Can't tell if it's social commentary drama disguised as sci-fi like Galactica or will turn into action sci fi like Dark Matter.
  3. Um, what? He was half breed in the TV series. Worf was the only Klingon in Star Fleet.
  4. Lemme guess, she got knocked up and bolted.
  5. The director from Fast and Furious? Seriously?
  6. So far this is working for today's Chicago game http://cdn.livetv.sx/webplayer.php?t=ifr&c=339271〈=en&eid=368016&lid=339271&ci=142&si=27
  7. Binged Jessica Jones. It was pretty good. Not a comic book fan, but I thought it and Daredevil were well done. I quite like Limitless. I loved the movie, and I think "Dexter's sister" is a great actress.
  8. Cousins still hasn't won a road game or beaten a team with a winning record. Romoo is back. I honestly think it's more likely we lose out than it is we make the playoffs. Most probable outcome: 5-11.
  9. All the sites sucked tuckus for yesterday's game!
  10. Ugh. That pic is giving me nightmares, and I'm still awake.
  11. http://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/56210bb5e4b06462a13bafdf Dad's funny notes to excuse kids' tardiness.
  12. I loved that show, and it inspired ripoffs like Heroes and Alphas.
  13. And he's embracing celibacy until he and his gf are married. If only he were as white as Percy Harvin claims he thinks he is then all the rednecks could have their replacement for Teblow after tje Eagles cut him.....
  14. http://www.deathandtaxesmag.com/251034/man-twerks-to-hall-oates-on-top-of-cop-car-because-of-vampires/ Man twerks to Hall & Oates on top of cop car because of vampires
  15. At least they weren't beating a dead horse.
  16. More like tree humpers... I think the tree is thinking "I just needed to be held..... "
  17. Exactly. Cameron made a great movie, and everyone else since just piled on the formula. Even the original I thought was all too predictable and a bit dull, despite some strong acting performances.
  18. I liked the Aliens movie directed by Cameron, but all the rest ranged from meh to blech.
  19. Woman fatally shoots herself after adjusting gun in bra holster http://www.cleveland.com/nation/index.ssf/2015/02/woman_fatally_shoots_herself_bra_holster.html nice booby trap.
  20. Why do people think Ryan brings baggage and drama? He doesn't. I live in NJ, and am surrounded by Jets fans and see Ryan on TV, and he's masterful at DEFUSING drama. Ryan has stood firmly and publicly behind losers like Dirty Sanchez and SeeNo Smith. He stood up publicly for Woody Johnson even though he knew he was going to get fired. Idzik put together a lamentable roster, but Rex never complained about it. And his players LOVE him.
  21. Rex deserves a head coaching job. His handicap has been having horrendous GMs who graduated from the Brian Billick school of selecting worthless QBs. He is not like his father, or a defensive version of Norvo the Clown - somebody who can only succeed as a coordinator and is unsuited to be a HC. He is the real deal. How many other guys in the league you think could reach back to back conference championships with Captain Buttfumble at QB?
  22. Norvo the Clown was an awful choice for HC, but even he was still a better choice than Schotferbrains. Butler/Smith gave Schothead the most talented roster in the NFL, and he still could not win a playoff game. Norvo the Clown at least got them to the AFC championship game.
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