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Everything posted by Riggo-toni

  1. Wait, you had subtitles? I put it on, but didn't have any. My Italian is just ok now (sadly nothing like it used to be), but I have a tough time with southern accents (I lived in Milan). I got frustrated and gave up.
  2. I quite liked it. (Much better than the unwatchable Scream Queens, which I turned off halfway through the first episode).
  3. I was thinking she probably belongs to Erudite instead... Sorry, could not resist.
  4. They are not internment camps; they are alternate housing.
  5. I really miss the super hot babe from the first season of Magicians.
  6. And it will slip through his tiny little girly hands.....?
  7. Peer pressure has a lot more to do with academic success than most are willing to admit. Asian students compete with each other for bragging rights. White kids make fun of and/or bully the nerdy kids, and the best African-American students are subjected to being called traitors and Uncle Toms.
  8. Well, this is America, so it's only fitting that the black lead gets only 60% of what we gave the white dude...
  9. To me by far the most troubling aspects of the Bannon presidency is its contempt for the industries that in fact make America great - hi tech and exports, whilst extolling the virtues of dying industries like coal and steel. This absurd nostalgia for a 1950s economy has had its elements in the GOP since Dole's listless campaign, but now this potentially disastrous retrofit has gone from wistful delusions to full blown policy implementation. To Bannon, Silicon Valley is an unAmerican aberration, with its vast number of Asians succeeding beyond their white counterparts. It is undoubtedly quite easy to propagate this myopic worldview into the mind of a simpleton like Trump, who was born into privilege at a time when his father's business, real estate, was king. The Donald grew up believing he would be second only to the Helmsleys in the NY aristocracy. Instead, he finds himself in a world where guys named Zuckerberg and Bloomberg are counting their vastly greater fortunes rather than his money; where the son of a Syrian immigrant built the wealthiest company in America; and a young guy named Cuban can mock his comparatively puny fortune. Oh, to go back to an age when being born to a rich white family was king! An interesting tidbit from F Zakaria yesterday - Not only did Hillary win more votes, but her voters generate nearly 2/3 of GDP. Trump's protectionist, nativist policies are going to reduce America from the greatness it is now to an also ran, a second rate economic power. The damage he may do could well end up being irreversible, as tech and research centers migrate to more appreciative shores, while American math and science scores continue to decline. Once industries settle in an area, they tend to dominate for generations - consider America's film industry began by Ashkenazi immigrants who pooled their resources to create Nickelodeons a century ago, or continued German preeminence in chemical manufacturing, which began even earlier. Now think about what the long term effects will be of choking off the premier industry of the future rather than nurturing its development.
  10. I love the Expanse, but am I the only one who thinks that Indian woman playing the head of the UN is a rather awful actress - just seems way too wooden, like she went to the Chuck Norris School of Dramatic Acting. Tom Hardy has to be the greatest actor of the new generation. Look at his range from ST Nemesis to The Drop to Revenant to the Krays (where he.played BOTH brothers) to Taboo. DAMN.
  11. Snake Is Rescued After Getting Stuck In Woman's Earlobe https://www.thedodo.com/snake-trapped-womans-earlobe-2231406455.html Facebook/Ashley Glawe That's Bart's reptile-loving owner, Ashley Glawe of Portland, Oregon. She has gauged piercings in her ears that are normally reserved for her large jewelry items. Apparently though, she didn't realize another sort of occupant might be interested her lobes' openings, too.
  12. I will write the best termination notices...you won't believe how powerful my firing announcements will be...
  13. Yeah...one of the real class acts in the NFL.
  14. Let them thar Jews go to Israel if they go anywhere. Can't have them snatching up good American Christian children to grind up into matza bread for passover while they practice usury to finance a global takeover.
  15. It's the latter. When Pat Buchanan ran for President in the 90s on almost the same platforms as Trump (minus the anti-Muslim hysteria - this was before 9-11), Giuliani denounced his anti-immigration stances and proudly proclaimed NYC as a successful city of immigrants. Gingrich, Giuliani, and Christie have all sold their souls for one last ditch effort at political relevance before they kick the bucket. I respected them all at one point in the past, and I thoroughly detest them now.
  16. If we were objectively identifying countries that have been exporting terrorists, Belgium would have made this list before any of the other 7.
  17. Can anyone provide any proof that Christian minorities have been greater victims of persecution by ISIL than Yazidis? Anyone? Yes I know there has been sporadic slaughter of Christian communities; I believe several were literally crucified near Palmyra, but for the most part they seem to be extorted for tribute under the guise of djhizya (sp?). By contrast, Yazidi communities have been slaughtered wholesale wherever they have fallen to ISIL, and our own inaction has forced them to rely on forces loyal to the PKK. Of course, Trump and his supporters probably have no clue what a Yazidi is, so I guess we can't expect a rational evaluation.
  18. It doesn't matter that no one has been killed on American soil as a result of terrorist attacks by people from those countries banned. They simply don't pass our President's litmus test for civilized behavior - unlike Saudi Arabia (the financiers of Sunni extremism) or Egypt (the birthplace of the Salafist movement) or the UAE, NONE of these banned countries has a Trump hotel.
  19. He is, but I'm fairly certain that he is a restricted FA, so all we have to do is give him a high enough tender offer to force any interested teams to surrender a high round draft pick if they want to steal him.
  20. I thought that was Nsekhe. I think Kuoandjio covered for Lavao in part of one game and played pretty well
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