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Everything posted by Gamebreaker

  1. What Steve says about Love is true, he's a passive player who doesn't need the ball in his hands and can be another weapon for Wall to utilize. But then we'll have another situation where we don't have another player who can create their own shot, or be a go-to scoring threat to close out a close game. Beal is getting there, but he still isn't that player. An Aldridge or Durant can be that player for us. We don't want this team to completely fall apart if Wall is injured. We need another big name that can carry this team if we need him to.
  2. Considering how we don't know how Durant will return from his foot injury, I would take Aldridge and forego the pursuit of Durant if the option was available. Aldridge may not be as a good a scorer, but he would feel this roster as well as KD and he's also in his prime. I don't really care for Love. I wouldn't sign him if it meant no chance at Durant.
  3. Well.... on the bright side, this means more playing time for Otto and it will force Ernie to make signing a stretch PF a priority. Pierce helped to show us how this team could be successful, and we should be able to add a decent stretch 4 without harming our cap too much in our pursuit for Durant.
  4. Just heard Pierce is expected to opt out of his last year and play the final season of his career for the Clippers. Really hope this isn't the case, but it wouldn't surprise me.
  5. My AC unit was recently fixed, there was some type of molding that had warped and a family member who works in HVAC replaced it and refilled the Freon. This was close to a month ago. Today I come home from church and the house is really hot, the air vents in my house are barely pushing cold air, and the outside unit is blowing lukewarm air out. I checked the air filter, and it did need to be changed so I took care of that. Still no change to how poorly the HVAC unit is cooling the house. Does anyone in here any experience with this?
  6. Same here. I'm not impressed with anything the kid has done so far. But Marvel has made few missteps so far, and after thinking Guardians would be horrible and end up sooo wrong...I'll trust their judgment.
  7. Things that should happen in the off-season: 1. Trading Nene away from this team. 2. Firing Randy Wittman and hiring a coach who can take advantage of Wall, Beal and Porter's strengths. 3. Firing Ernie Grunfield. Things that will happen in the off-season: 1. Nene will go to Brazil, destroy his failing body even further, and come back too tired to even give the weak ass effort he gave us this season and playoffs. He will not be traded, he'll play like **** and only give any effort when we play Chicago. 2. Randy Wittman will get extended for four more seasons. Resulting in Kevin Durant removing us from his short list of teams he'll consider going to. 3. Ernie Grunfield will be retained, and continue to ignore backup PG and a stretch PF this off-season, and draft some unknown Euro with a 5 year contract he can't get out of.
  8. Bench Nene for the rest of this series. I never want to see that **** in a wizards uniform ever again.
  9. That doesn't matter. The problem is Nene allowed Horford to take the ball from him, then he flopped like a euro soccer player, which allowed Horford to get the easiest game winning score of his career. I never want to hear about that waste of a roster spot and cap space complaining about Wall/Beal ever again. They stepped up in the playoffs, he turned into Roy Hibbert.
  10. Nene is trash. I want him gone this off-season. He's worthless.
  11. I'm really finding it hard to believe the pro cop crowd when they claim the dirty cops are just a small minority of the police force nationwide.
  12. So can he play or not? EDIT: Let me clarify: does this mean he's going to try and play with this and be less effective than he normally is, or are they shutting him down.
  13. I think Smith and Perkins should be suspended for the next game. More than one game for Smith's dumb ass.
  14. I'd like to see someone ask him can the Wizards win a championship. I really want to see his response. Not read it, SEE his response. I want to see him stammer his way to a positive answer for that.
  15. Ridiculous that CSN's website was directing people to get a live stream of the game to an app service that doesn't even carry NBA games. I was trying to watch it on my iPad while I played Destiny.
  16. What did he say this time? Earlier this season he issued about as a close to an apology as you're going to get from him.
  17. That would never work because the owners can outlast the players in a strike/lockout. The owners, regardless of league, have proven they can just wait until the players would be expecting a paycheck and once the homes start going into foreclosure, the players start folding.
  18. But here's the deal with that: the market determines what players are worth. If the owners didn't want bad contracts written, tell their own GMs to not overpay for players. But with a raising of the cap, they can't measure these players based off what they were willing to pay in 2014. Lowering the cap, or "smoothing" it, whatever word they wanted to call it, would've still been unfair for the 2016 free agents. Regardless if it meant even more available money for the 2018-2020 free agents.
  19. I think it's funny how the nba owners are so worried about the salary cap increases, starting next year. They acting like they won't have the money to pay these salaries, completely ignoring the only reason the cap is going up is due to the big TV deal. I only bring this up because I keep getting these notifications on my phone about the league warning the teams of what the cap may look like in 2018, 2020, etc,. I'm so glad the players didn't bite on that stupid proposal to hold back the salary cap increase a couple of years. For what? So the owners can enjoy spending money that isn't theirs?
  20. I think four blowout loses and being swept would be the only scenario to do it.
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