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Everything posted by Gamebreaker

  1. We've been having a lot of IT/Tech questions in regards to troubleshooting computer issues to purchasing advice. Put all of that stuff in here now. Mods, could you merge the other threads in here too? Thanks.
  2. Seth Stoughton, a University of South Carolina law professor and former Florida police officer, said Enicinia missed several opportunities to de-escalate tension and should have explained in calmer tones what he was doing and why. “He certainly has the legal authority to get her to step out of the car,” Stoughton said. “But in this case, if he is exercising his authority because she defying his direction to put out the cigarette, then that is more based on his ego than public safety.... Just because it is legal to order her out of the car doesn't make it a professional approach in modern policing." http://www.latimes.com/nation/la-na-sandra-bland-arrest-experts-20150722-story.html#page=1 This goes back to what I wrote earlier about authority and respect. You don't get respect from citizens when you abuse your authority, neither do you deserve it.
  3. Did he tell Sandra Bland she was getting a warning for the traffic violation before or after he violated her rights? I ask this because I watched a 50+ min video that didn't show him even mentioning a warning until he had her handcuffed outside the vehicle, and they'd both clearly made some poor choices at that point.
  4. I must've watched the unedited version of the video, because I saw the part when he said she was getting a warning...but when he said it, it was after he was already arresting her for no reason. You say he probably shouldn't have asked her to leave the vehicle. Considering how he opened her car door and put his hands on her, because she wouldn't stop exercising her right to smoke a cigarette in her car, I would say that probably is more like a definitely. I find it, curious, she ends up dead of a "suicide" in police custody when she kept saying she couldn't wait to take them to court over this. Does that sound like someone who is willing to take their own life as soon as they are left alone?
  5. Oh, just read up and saw it. I can't believe a father would do that to his daughter, just can't.
  6. What did I miss? I heard a while back she was Paul George's play thing, what has happened since?
  7. Shouldn't authority be worthy of that respect? I think those in authority in police departments confuse respect with fear.
  8. So when did demanding someone put their cigarette out, in their own car, become a lawful order? If someone asks an officer what am I being arrested for, doesn't the officer have the obligation to tell them?
  9. Mark Cuban disagrees. We still hear complaints about the rookies coming in unprepared, projects who will take 2-3 years before they can truly contribute. A NBA team could stash that project on their own Developmental team, like a AAA Minor league baseball team, let that kid work on his game and get called up when he's ready. This will help teams like the Wizards, who developed Seraphin on their NBA roster, wasting years on his contract, while someone else is likely going to reap the rewards. It also could help NBA older veterans stay on a NBA roster, or give them a place to finish out their career instead of retiring when they aren't prepared mentally or financially. That would also lead to better basketball with higher BB IQs on the court.
  10. The one thing I wish Adam Silver would do is expand the D League into a real farm for NBA talent. I've been saying this for years, but if done correctly they'll never have an issue drafting a project as a high first round pick. And it would hurt NCAA, which is just a bonus to me.
  11. Yeah, I'm not expecting much from Dudley next season now. And I'm hoping if he isn't showing much improvement in practice, that Wittman won't be forcing the issue once he returns to the lineup.
  12. Unfortunately it still won't get them to the Finals. I'm curious how this will work with Lawson at point, and how much Harden is going to cry about having to work within a real offense.
  13. Cable is definitely a mutant, he is the son of Cyclops who was raised in the future and came back to the past much, much older. I can't stand that ****. Fox is the worst. The only reason they made those crappy Wolverine movies is so they can hold onto their license.
  14. Sure can. Give me a couple minutes to get to my laptop. I can't do spoiler tags on my phone.
  15. Just saw Ant-Man, it was a decent introduction to the character. They went with Scott Lang instead of Hank Pym, which initially I was annoyed by, but once I saw how Hank Pym was incorporated into the story I think it was a good choice. It has two extra scenes at the end. One is immediately before the credits, and another after the credits finish rolling. Below is a spoiler for the second extra scene in the Ant-Man movie. Don't click on it if you don't want it spoiled.
  16. This seem completely foolish and biased a year from now, but I think Durant has already made his decision and he is coming home to DC. I've felt like he made his decision when he saw Lebron go back to Cleveland a year ago. But in order to prevent the Wizards from being charged with tampering, he has quietly informed them he will sign there when he's a FA and to please build the best team they can while also maintaining enough available cap room to sign him. I have no proof for my theory, but I think I'm right and that's all the proof I need.
  17. That mohawk looks glued on....geez, I can't stand that Marvel Studios can't do X-Men movies or even mention mutants.
  18. I don't understand how an officer gets fired for racism/brutality, and in this type of climate there had to be overwhelming evidence he was in the wrong for that result to happen, and yet he can still be hired by another department. It just goes to show this type of conduct is encouraged and sought after. This is why just firing a police officer for this type of stuff isn't enough, they need to prosecuted and jailed like any other citizen breaking the law.
  19. Sounds ole from Wall's comments about Pierce wanting a two year deal, that he's hip to the gameplan to get Durant in here next year.
  20. I knew Gary Neal back when we both attended Towson University. He got into some trouble with his previous school, and was just at Towson for strictly academics at the time. He was destroying everybody in open gym, so much to the point some of the Towson bball players were coming and he was destroying them too. It was only a matter of time before they offered him a scholarship and got him on the team. I saw him last summer at the Baltimore Aquarium. We were both there with our families, and I jokingly said he should come home and play for the Wizards. He's always been a great long range threat. His game isn't so versatile from there, but he's exactly the type of player we need to give us some scoring off the bench and could take advantage of Wall's great outlet passes.
  21. I imagine the NBA will be getting with the Player's Association and making an amendment to the CBA to prevent this from happening again. We all know Cuban's temperament, he is going to go off about this for a good long time and he'll make it his own little personal mission to make sure this can't happen again.
  22. Only in the NBA will you see what happened today. In no other league will players do what the Clippers did to convince a teammate to not bolt to a conference rival.
  23. I'm glad we've added more guys who have range, all we had to rely on last year was Beal and Pierce.
  24. Summer League comp is booty though. Let's see what he's got in October.
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