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Everything posted by gbear

  1. Every time i read Trump said. "and I know nothing" I hear it in Col. Klink's voice.
  2. The Hate You Give is an intense provocative movie with an interesting take on how hard it is to escape the cultures in which we grow up. I thought it provided a better case for the Black Lives Matter movement than much of the TV punditry ever did by attaching a narrative to what seems abstract for those of us not living the crisis. It deserves its Rotten Tomatoes score of 97.
  3. I believe those who think his testimony can't change anything, have short memories. What was the impact of the bengazi hearings over and over with nothing new coming out? How many people still clamor for the 30k emails? Did the drip drip drip lead to the public perception Clinton was hiding things and acting illegally? Even if nothing comes of his testimony, it goes towards a narrative, one which has dogged Trump since day one. If that is all that comes of this, it is still damaging to Trump. Personally, I found the lawfare reading linked Monday to be compelling. Anything that raises awareness of what is in the report is powerful. For better or worse, our minds become conditioned to believe that which we hear most often. We find ourselves victims of confirmation bias where everything we experience becomes further proof of what we thought going into the situation. As a country, we need to be very careful about what narratives we allow ourselves to believe. It is the easiest way to lead us around like a man with a fish hook stuck in his groin. The bearer of the pole can lead us where ever they want. Furthermore, the big money we currently allow in politics means there are some expert anglers waiting to cast their lines towards us.
  4. I was just surprised watching the game how few tackles with cleats up werr called on Spain. Yes, the penalty kick was called, but I thought there were a half dozen more that went uncalled which would get cards in a game where the ref had control. I was impressed by the cool of our women and their lack of retaliation penalties. My college and after college teams would probably have let the game get out of control.
  5. Anyone else goibg to listen as famous people read the report? Seems like a possible way to get more people to know what it actually says. Report
  6. I dont know if anyone else has posted this yet.
  7. Always worth the call. For what it is worth, I have been told by a few activists that a call is worth more than 3 times an email because it shows personal commitment. Even if they are unlikely to change, showing voters care can still influence if enough feel that way. Picture this, you are running in a district where 30% are strongly for an action and 50% are indifferent. Do you want to give up 30% of a likely vote for the moderate approval of 50% who will likely base their support on another issue?
  8. Did anyone else notice how little Rosenstein blinked behind Barr? I was impressed with the man's ability to not blink and stare blindly ahead.
  9. You think there is a chance we survive this? Nobody survives. Death comes for all and is undefeated. This true when talking about societies and individuals. It is all about what is accomplished before the dieing of the light.
  10. Well, I called my congressman to weigh in on the need to impeach even if not convicted in the Senate. I always say, take care of what you can control. Don't leave some good undone because your actions or lack of action made it undoable. Put pressure on the Senate to say what he did was good or even not that bad. Give them the chance to do right even if they are saying now they won't. If Congress can not even DO that, they are as bad as the senate SAYS they will be.
  11. People seem to act like impeachment means nothing without a Senate conviction. Ask Clinton what being impeached meant for his political voice afterwards. I remember it as a big deal even without conviction.
  12. Did Trump make this all fail in an effort to take news coverage off of Cohen?
  13. I have been enjoying a guilty pleasure show. I wont claim it is the best ever, but Lucifer is entertaining.
  14. Den bumper sticker- secure ports before walls. Keep it simple. Identify bigger problem, and then ask why they want expensive walls that don't solve the real issues. Follow-up: why did you close government for a sub par solution at best.
  15. Now Trump's economic advisor, hassert, is telling fed furloughed employees to talk to their supervisor for help getting a loan? How am I supposed to help? What's more, while furloughed, I am not supposed to do anything job related. The employees whom I supervise have no supevisor to ask for help during the shutdown. I think the most charitable assessment I can give for this advise is that it is based on real abstract theory with little practical application in the real world due to how the furlough is actually implemented. For now I will just hope my employees dont expect miracles from me.
  16. I do find a little irony that some wait for the economic impact to be so great Trump ad Republicans can no longer ignore the damage they do. Among the casualties of the furlough is the Census which collects many of the monthly indicators for the economy and employment numbers. So we have removed many of our most consistant ways to measure the economy at a time some hope the infrmatio might encourage an end to this madness? Am I crazy to want data driven decisions made by my government?
  17. This year, my workout is running 2.3 miles pushing my 35 lb. son in a running stroller with one hand and holding on to a 50 lb dog's leash with thw other hand. Then, I bribe my son with a life saver and repeat the run with a second dog. Then, I repeat with a third dog before calling the workout done. I have been soing this a couple times a week.
  18. Commerce is furloughed, including Census as they plan for 2020 Census with questions still not set.
  19. Anyone laying odds on subject of Trump's first tweet for 2019? I am getting it involves a crooked investigation. Never mind that many of us strongly suspect the only thing crooked in the investigation is the target.
  20. Because all feds have personal attorney... I mean we are all not upper level SES under Trump who should expect to need a personal lawyer, or so it seems.
  21. I had a second HR tbought... Fed employees get paid for holidays only if they are in a paid status the day before or after the holiday. So if still out on Monday, anyone want to get on whether Congress gives up their Christmas to iron out a bill to keep fed workers from losing the Christmas paid holiday? Here's hoping it is all resolved before it comes to these sad Christmas tidings.
  22. Am I crazy to note if the gov shuts down and it lasts till monday, gov workers wont know whether to show up to sign furlough papers on the day Trump gave us off?
  23. I am confused. Is the seemingly ridiculous wall show down or Syria supposed to distract us? Is it a double barrel blast to distract us from Russia probe?
  24. We're there 2 instances where Trump was accused of committing crimes today, or at least 3: two times directing Cohen in payoff for affairs (illegal campaign finance issues) and money laundering of campaign funds? Totally clears the president indeed...
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