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Everything posted by gbear

  1. I am currently reading Sickening which about all the shady practices of the pharmaceutical industry in the U.S. While I was aware of some of the practices through my investments, my job and following the companies working on meds I may need to treat my MS, I was not aware of some of the bigger examples the author mentions. I didn't realize on just how many levels the game is rigged. It is a fascinating read, and it reinforces my feelings of not wanting to invest in our pharmaceutical industry ever again. I decided a decade ago I didn't want to make money on other peoples' illnesses. Reading this book, I see how the pharmaceutical companies have actually contributed to our society's poor health outcomes. Before that, I read Gideon the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir which was a sci-fi book with a really cool twist. All the main characters were Necromancers or their guardians from various planets. I am waiting on book 2 from this series to come into the library. .
  2. I swear the wrier for Ghostbusters must have been a man with frequent split streaming. Crossing the streams has to be something every guy I know thinks of at some point wondering if that would get us back to one aimable stream. The answer is still the simpler option of just sitting to pee, but that doesn't feel very "manly."
  3. Malone : [Stone draws back his weapon and Malone says to him] You just joined the treasury department, son. George Stone : [both smile and shake hands] Yeah, okay. Malone : Isn't that just like a wop. Malone : Brings a knife to a gun fight.
  4. On the list of things I can't unthink... Our costco size All detergent fell off the shelf and spilled all over the floor. As I clean it up, I keep thinking it looks like a giant spooged all over. Now I can't stop thinking we clean our clothes in giant's jizz...
  5. Might be just what she is wishing for... or as Paul Simon wrote years ago about that most human condition of loneliness "But I get no offers Just a come-on from the whores on 7th Avenue I do declare, there were times when I was so lonesome I took some comfort there, la-la-la-la-la-la-la"
  6. ...and now for the things said which are obviously wrong, "I am literally speachless."
  7. Thing is, I remember when we were the "kings of the off season" and it wasn't a good thing. Alas, I long for the days I also remember when we're riding high as kings of the actual season too.
  8. So I try to mix in a book where I will learn something every third or fourth book that I read. The last one I took up in that quest was How to Know a Person by David Brooks. It made me realize I am not a good listener, something to which my wife can attest. Still, it gave good advice and some truly great stories. I can't imagine having a first reporting job being told to go interview a mother about why their child committed suicide. Talk about having to learn how to have a tough conversation in a hurry... It is definitely a book that has given me good advice I will try to learn from whether I am interacting with my kids, other family or coworkers. The book I have enjoyed most recently was To Shape a Dragon's Breath. This book has great commentary on race relations with a version of White Man's Burden even if not called that. The book delves into something I have witnessed in my job covering the economies of the U.S. territories where we often assume the people there will be happiest with our version of "better off" even if it means a big change to their culture. It is a great entertaining fantasy book with lots of relevant social commentary. The author has obviously studied true history.
  9. Going is also a good way to meet a good cross section of the local population with whom you might not otherwise interact.
  10. Free food ap? Do you know where your local food banks are that grocers can give food that will expire soon? We have one a half mile from our house at a church every Thursday and Saturday morning. We can usually get a couple meals for the week along with snack foods for our family of 6. The local grocery stores get a tax write-off and locals who want it can get free food. At least near us, there is no requirement to be poor or show poverty, and the people in the lines are mixed income levels. .The requirement is not to be too proud to take, use or freeze food that will otherwise go bad.
  11. Watching that game I was reminded of a quote from Lombardi (paraphrased),"Men this game is going to come down to just 2 or 3 plays. Unfortunately, I can't tell you which plays they will be. So we'll need to play our best for all of them." Our team is good enough to play good enough for many plays, but we are not consistent enough to play well on the majority of those "2 or 3 plays that decide a game." It's why franchises like ours can look good one week but fail to win and then utterly fail the next. We are not consistent. Watching Brady at a shared practice years ago, it was night and day between the Patriots practice and ours. Theirs was about be at this spot on the count of 3 or else. Ours has always seemed like, "See if he made it to the spot then work on the timing."
  12. They are just trying to make people worry they got the cheap knock off anxiety disorder, and they would have been so much better off if they had just taken the $45 special.
  13. This seems like it could be one of those "taken out of context" quotes that could be played after or before an x rated movie clip.
  14. So quick question: in the line of succession, who is after the VP right now?
  15. What I have never understood is Trump's contention that nobody was hurt by him over valuing his properties when applying for loans and valuing them less when it came to paying property taxes. On the lender side, they would have charged him a higher rate if his wealth was known to be less. Thus his lies resulted in him not paying what he should have had to pay. By lying, he stole from his creditors. By under valuing the properties to get out of property taxes, he stole from the public at large. What he didn't pay resulted in one of three things. Either less services were provided, more money was collected from other taxes, or public debt was incurred. Whichever set of books represents the "true" value, he stole from somebody by maintaining 2 different sets of books. It is not a victemless crime as he claims.
  16. I look at this and think about surviving a bear attack means not being the slowest friend...then I notice the empty stroller with the couple behind them.
  17. I am reading The Happiest Man on Earth by Eddie Jaku. He is an Auschwitz survivor who swears a key to a long happy life is not holding grudges. Now if anyone should be allowed to be bitter towards people, I would think he would after he and his family were sent to Auschwitz. However, he seems to think most of the people were weak minded and allowed themselves to be led to do horrible things. In any event, it is refreshing to read somebody who seems so grateful for all he was given and all those people who kept him alive. If you need a pick-me up, I would ordinarily not reccomend where the protagonist spends a lot of the book in a concentration camp, but this book has the same sort of relentless positive outlook as my all time favorite movie, Life is Beautiful only without quite as much humor. The book is a refreshing quick read.
  18. However, one is only the "majority party" if enough of them can decide on a spokesperson to set a direction. If not, they are basically just a bunch of separate opposition parties unable to unite behind any platform besides, "not the other guys."
  19. It looks like he let my kids with the clippers a little too close. I guess they now know he doesn't have eyes in the back of his head.
  20. At some point, a parent tires of telling the kid something is a bad idea and lets them touch the flame or eat the lemon peel program the cactus... The point is at some point, the parent has to let the petulant child taste what victory and getting their way means. As for blaming the dems saying now you will get some one worse, that seems like an abusive husband saying, if you turn me out, the next guy will just do worse to you. Does that make it wrong to turn out the abusive husband? If the next one is worse, don't support him either and turn them out when able. Do what you can when you can for as long as you can...
  21. You mean the guy who bankrupted casinos he owned multiple times might not be as much of a billionaire as he claimed? I'm shocked, shocked I tell ya.
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