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Everything posted by hail2skins

  1. Can't believe those renderings of the moat palace were released in 2016 and here we are, still at FedEx and probably still will be significantly past the 2027 agreement with that company. I'd like the new stadium to be 65k tops, be near public transport, and also have restaurants and bars nearby. I'd prefer open air, but realize that likely isn't going to happen.
  2. Lefty came to MD in 1969 and Thompson to Georgetown in 1972. Couple of college basketball titans.
  3. They don't care. Both guys will be at the top of thr ticket. How long does Biden have to decide if he wants to dump Harris?
  4. The Commanders had an agreement with Ben Johnson, but when he found out Gibbs wasn't widely considered to be top 4 all-time, all bets were off.
  5. So it's been 2.5 months since his wife's passing, and he hangs on. Makes 100 if he lasts until October 1st. Will he? Who knows. But Carter passing sometime during the summer or fall would be his last gift to America, as I could that at least providing a brief respite from what will certainly be a nasty election campaign.
  6. I concede those shows don't, but the links (and others out there which mostly list Gibbs comfortably inside the top 10 all-time) render the first sentence of your statement false.
  7. There are a couple of links I posted on the second page of this thread that shows this statement is false. Technically Norv also won a playoff game in Snyder's first season of ownership.
  8. Wiggles, I can't refute that racism is in play when it comes to perceptions of Harris. But if that's the case, then why are we so surprised that Trump is about to capture the nomination and is ahead in the polls against Biden?
  9. Trump held the office before and, despite his annoying Twitter blathering, was headed toward reelection until the pandemic hit and he was incapable of dealing with it from a public relations standpoint. And then his party refused and still refuses to hold him accountable for the post election BS that happened. Regarding Kamala, again, I don't know why the perception exists that makes people fearful of her holding the highest office. I think that if Biden had stepped down after the midterms (especially if the red wave had materialized) and Harris took over, she may well have been a good steward over the past year plus. And then I think the GOP mightve been in a predicament. But, alas, here we are.
  10. And Kamala being VP is the reason why Bidens age is the issue that it is. Whether it's fair or not, the perception is that she is not up to the job as president.
  11. I think Hasan is misreading here. It's not that his supposed friends on the left don't think mass deportation could happen. It's that they wouldn't mind that much if it did actually happen:
  12. And Biden's age probably wouldn't be as much a factor if it wasn't for the perception, fairly or unfairly, that Kamala Harris is not up for the job if something happened to Joe. Wasn't a factor in 2020, but it seems to be a big one now.
  13. For whatever reason remembered this thread from last year. Thanks to the boss Pat Mahomes, Andy Reid is now the best head coach in the history of the sports universe
  14. I can see Don Jr getting the GOP nom in 28 if he wanted to run. That's how diseased the GOP base is.
  15. Ferg, you're seriously acting like this is news. The average GOP voter has known this for nine years and......they......don't.....care. Why? Because he fights. And Biden's age and having the inflation (thanks in large part to covid stimmy) is going to put Trump's old ass back in the WH in January.
  16. Sure, Mahomes could've lost last night, and his team did get crushed by Tampa in a SB. But the Chiefs reaching at least the semifinals in each of his six years as a starter has not happened without him being one of the best QBs of all time.
  17. Eagles thought they were going to make another run after Vick's great 2010 season and they tried to do a 2000 Redskins and things fell off a cliff. Probably was a good time for Philly and Reid to part ways at that point. Where the Philly fans are obnoxious is that Andy is revered less than Buddy Ryan, who never won anything there. The Skins win over the Eagles in 1990, avenging the Body Bag Game and getting Buddy fired, is up there with any Super Bowl as far as favorite wins.
  18. Maybe the Chargers are more competitive with Jim Harbaugh, who did well with the 49ers. I'm not expecting a whole lot from the Broncos or Raiders. When all is said and done, I can see people using the same argument when judging the Chiefs that they did for the Pats.....they played in a weak division. Not that I ever bought that, as the Pats had a gaudy out of division record as well.
  19. Attendance at the SB yesterday was around 62K. Allegiant, not SoFi or Atlanta, should be the model for the new stadium capacity wise.
  20. Longevity has a lot to do with it too. We'll see if they can keep it up. The 1991 Lions were essentially a one season wonder. Part of the reason the 91 Skins get forgotten about even by Skins fans is because, as opposed to the other SB runs, we played a couple of relative nobodies in the NFC prior to shellacking the Bills.
  21. Again, I think comparing pre salary cap and post salary cap is difficult. I don't even know which era to put the Cowboy run of the 1990s in. In the past 25 years, you obviously have the two decade run of the Pats and now the current Chiefs. Other than that, nobody really stands out.
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